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[REQ] MTF moving average crossover indi....does it exist?

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Hello all, I've been searching around looking for a MTF moving average crossover indicator.


I require this so i can see if 2 ema's have crossover on multiple TF's at a glance (weekly, daily and 4hr) preferrably in a 'Block Form' at the bottom of the chart....e.g. i can set 2ema's and see if they've crossed on all desired TF's...fast MA over slow MA, blue block....fast MA under Slow MA, red block..


Thanks for your help.

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Got to be a little delicate here!! There is a coder of indies who has been banned all over the place AND SHALL BE NAMELESS.


He produces 'dashboards' and makes these so that you can use the code to make your own.


So he says on his site. 'spect you know who I mean otherwise PM

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Thanks freddie, I have load'ssss of MA's indi's for arrows and various things, but not for what i'm after



i'm after something like this 'multi moving average' indi (8th one down in link)......but i want it for 2 EMA's crossing over multiple time frames




(the above link has a few nice free indi's)

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Maybe this indi is what you are looking for...I've coded it the other day but never really used it

It's showing 2 things:

- FastMA above/below SlowMA on all TFs (blue/red dots...grey if mixed)

- Price above/below FastMA on all TFs (blue/red dots...grey if mixed)

You can select up to 9 timeframes (if you're on M1 chart) by setting the UseXX parameter

For TFs higher than M1 the selection of all lower timeframes is automatically internally disabled (regardless of the setting)


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Massive thanks iwjw


if possible could you alter your indi to show seperate TFs (seperate dotted lines) and only the FastMA above/below SlowMA.


Many thanks


I could modify one of my 4TF indies

You are getting 4 timeframes then but depending on the TF of your chart

So if you're on M5, you will see M5,M15,M30 and H1

If that's ok for you, I think I can help you

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thanks for the help iwjw.........the indi would sit on a 30min chart (mainly) and i was after 30min, 4hr, daily, weekly, TF's if possible??.........but if i understand, your 4TF indi would give me 30m, 1hr, 4hr, daily??? That should be ok, thanks Edited by kraven
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thanks for the help iwjw.........the indi would sit on a 30min chart (mainly) and i was after 30min, 4hr, daily, weekly, TF's if possible??.........but if i understand, your 4TF indi would give me 30m, 1hr, 4hr, daily??? That should be ok, thanks


Hi kraven,

have a look at this one


if you are using chart shift you can see the timeframes that are displayed (white colored text)

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iwjw that looks fine, i've also installed the first indi you posted but just set that to weekly....so i have all the TF's i required.....Thanks again


you're welcome

if you don't want to see the line with pricelevel in the other indicator, simply set the three colors to NONE

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