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Help modifying Indo Run please


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I have no MQL4 or programming experience except for HTML :)


What I need is quite simple. I need the EA "Indo Run" which always opens 2 orders at the same time to delay them by 16 sec.

So after opening the first order there must be a delay of 16 seconds until the second order is being opened. The same with trades. If it opens 2 trades at the same time there should be a delay between the opening of 16 seconds.


Can anyone do this for me please? It should not be much work. Just inserting a few lines of codes. I appreciate any help!


Indo Run can be found here in the forum: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/9951-Indo-Run-%28First-post-will-be-updated-with-new-versions-setfiles-etc.%29


Version 1.5: http://www.multiupload.com/SMEBG30U5T

Edited by fabfive
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Hey stovedude


Thank you for your help. I have inserted the command before the second OrderSend command but it seems like I am doing something wrong. There is no delay of 16 sec. Could you please kindly doublecheck for me?



if (SingleOrderSL == 0) SL = 0;

if (SingleOrderTP == 0) TP = 0;

while (!IsTradeAllowed()) Sleep(100);


int ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), Mode, MarketLot, price, SlippageOrder, SL, TP, EAName, Magic, 0, ColorSet);

Print("MarketLot: "+MarketLot);

if (ticket == -1)


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