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(Req) NeuroXL Predictor & Clusterizer

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Happy New Year Indo-Investasi Traders! May all your trading goals be realized in 2011!


I am requesting this software if anyone has it to share.


website: http://www.neuroxl.com/


Training videos:



Info: "The Value of Neural Network Forecasting and Estimation

Estimating and forecasting future conditions govern many critical business activities, such as inventory control, procurement of supplies, labor cost estimation, and prediction of product demand. Inaccurate or misleading estimates can result in aggravation or total company chaos. Lost sales, inefficient allocation of resources, and bloated inventories are often a direct result of forecasts that failed to predict future conditions. In the financial industry, inaccurate forecasts for stocks and other investments can result in poor trades and lost opportunities for gain. Inaccurate predictions of sporting outcomes can result in poor wagering and resulting losses.


Microsoft Excel provides a built-in tool for predictions, but the accuracy of its results is significantly reduced when non-linear relationships or missing data are present, which is often the case when analyzing historical business, investment, or sports data. Neural networks are a proven, widely used technology for such complex prediction problems. Loosely modeled after the human brain, neural networks are interconnected networks of independent processors that by changing their connections (known as training) learn the solution to a problem.


One of the main reasons analysts have been slow to use advanced methods such as neural networks to improve forecasts is that such methods can be difficult to master. NeuroXL Predictor removes the psychological and practical barriers by hiding the complexity of its advanced neural network-based methods while taking advantage of analysts' existing knowledge of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. Since users make predictions through the familiar Excel interface, learning time is minimal, greatly reducing the interval between loading the software and performing useful predictions. The application is extremely intuitive and easy-to-use for beginners yet powerful enough for the most demanding professionals. Also, using NeuroXL Predictor requires no prior knowledge of neural networks.


In summary, these are the key advantages of NeuroXL Predictor:


>Easy to learn and use

>No prior knowledge of neural networks required

>Integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Excel

>Provides proven neural network technology for highly accurate forecasts

>Lowest cost neural network product on the market


Prime applications for NeuroXL Predictor include


Forecasting Stocks and other Investments: The ability of NeuroXL Predictor to discover non-linear relationships in input data makes it ideally suited for forecasting dynamic systems like the stock market. The price of stocks and other investment vehicles such as bonds, derivatives and options are also influenced by many different factors that are often interrelated. Traditional forecasting methods, such as regression and data reduction models, are limited in their effectiveness as they make assumptions about the distribution of the underlying data, and often fail to recognize the interrelatedness of variables. NeuroXL Predictor, drawing on the latest in artificial intelligence research, recognizes even subtle relationships between variables.


In addition to stock market prediction, NeuroXL Predictor is also ideally suited to making predictions in other financial areas, such as:


>Foreign exchange trading

>Financial planning

>Commodity trading

>Economic forecasting

>Currency trading

>Corporate bond ratings

>Oil and gas trading




The value of neural networks for cluster analysis


In finance, science, and business, analysts are often faced with the task of cluster analysis based on historical or measured data. Stock market analysts may wish to categorize a group of stocks as buy, sell, or hold; a cancer researcher may wish to categorize a list of tumors as benign or malignant; a mortgage analyst may wish to categorize loans as good or bad. A major difficulty faced by such analysts is that the data to be categorized can often be quite complex, with numerous interrelated variables. The time and effort required to develop a model to solve accurately such clusterization problems can be significant.


Neural networks are a proven, widely used technology to solve such complex classification problems. Loosely modeled after the human brain, neural networks are interconnected networks of independent processors that, by changing their connections (known as training), learn the solution to a problem. NeuroXL Clusterizer software by AnalyzerXL implements self-organizing neural networks, which perform categorization by learning the trends and relationships within your data.


Despite their effectiveness, neural networks are often not used for cluster analysis due to their complexity. NeuroXL Clusterizer removes these barriers by hiding the complexity of its advanced neural network-based methods while taking advantage of analysts' existing knowledge of Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. You simply supply the data, and NeuroXL Clusterizer implements a neural network that segments your data according to your preferences. Since users supply data through the familiar Excel interface, learning time is minimal, greatly reducing the interval between installing the software and performing cluster analysis. The application is extremely intuitive and easy-to-use for beginners, not requiring any previous knowledge of neural networks, yet powerful enough for the most demanding professionals.


In summary, these are the key advantages of NeuroXL Clusterizer:


>Easy to learn and use

>No advanced knowledge of neural networks required

>Integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Excel

>Provides proven neural network technology for highly accurate data clustering

>Detects relationships and trends in data that traditional methods overlook

>Maximum effectiveness for affordable price.


Thanks in advance to anyone that has these two neuro excel add-ons to share..as for 2011 i think its time to to trade smarter..this is after all the 21st Century!

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