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Convert FXUltraTrend to a bar histogram


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Hi Guys,


I have added the FXUltraTrend indicator below.


Is anyone able to modify it so rather than draw bars (like candles) that are green or red it draws a histogram. The value range for the histogram is always 0 to 1 the only difference is that it is either red or green for down trend or uptrend.








#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_buffers 6

#property indicator_color1 Blue

#property indicator_color2 Blue

#property indicator_color3 Red

#property indicator_color4 Red

#property indicator_color5 Black

#property indicator_color6 Black


extern string s.1 = "General Settings";

extern string s.2 = "========================";

extern string s.3 = "Alert via sound:";

extern bool Alert.Sound = TRUE;

extern string s.4 = "Alert via Email:";

extern bool Alert.Email = FALSE;

int g_period_116 = 45;

double g_ibuf_120[];

double g_ibuf_124[];

double g_ibuf_128[];

double g_ibuf_132[];

double g_ibuf_136[];

double g_ibuf_140[];

int gi_144 = 0;


int init() {

if (ObjectType("FXUltraLabel") != 23) ObjectDelete("FXUltraLabel");

if (ObjectFind("FXUltraLabel") == -1) ObjectCreate("FXUltraLabel", OBJ_LABEL, 0, Time[5], Close[5]);

ObjectSetText("FXUltraLabel", "FXUltraTrend©, IndicatorForex.com");

ObjectSet("FXUltraLabel", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 20);

ObjectSet("FXUltraLabel", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 20);


SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_120);

SetIndexEmptyValue(0, 0.0);


SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_124);

SetIndexEmptyValue(1, 0.0);


SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_128);

SetIndexEmptyValue(2, 0.0);


SetIndexBuffer(3, g_ibuf_132);

SetIndexEmptyValue(3, 0.0);

SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_NONE, STYLE_SOLID, 2, Blue);

SetIndexBuffer(4, g_ibuf_136);

SetIndexEmptyValue(4, 0.0);

SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_NONE, STYLE_SOLID, 2, Red);

SetIndexBuffer(5, g_ibuf_140);

SetIndexEmptyValue(5, 0.0);


return (0);



int deinit() {


return (0);



int start() {

double l_icci_0;

double l_icci_8;

double l_icci_16;

if (ObjectType("FXUltraLabel") != 23) ObjectDelete("FXUltraLabel");

if (ObjectFind("FXUltraLabel") == -1) ObjectCreate("FXUltraLabel", OBJ_LABEL, 0, Time[5], Close[5]);

ObjectSetText("FXUltraLabel", "FXUltraTrend©, IndicatorForex.com");

ObjectSet("FXUltraLabel", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 20);

ObjectSet("FXUltraLabel", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 20);

int li_24 = Bars - 11;

int li_28 = 0;


for (int li_32 = li_24; li_32 >= 0; li_32--) {

g_ibuf_120[li_32] = 0.0;

g_ibuf_124[li_32] = 0.0;

g_ibuf_128[li_32] = 0.0;

g_ibuf_132[li_32] = 0.0;

g_ibuf_136[li_32] = 0.0;

g_ibuf_140[li_32] = 0.0;


for (li_32 = li_24; li_32 >= 0; li_32--) {

li_28 = 0;

l_icci_0 = iCCI(NULL, 0, g_period_116, PRICE_TYPICAL, li_32);

l_icci_8 = iCCI(NULL, 0, g_period_116, PRICE_TYPICAL, li_32 + 1);

l_icci_16 = iCCI(NULL, 0, g_period_116, PRICE_TYPICAL, li_32 + 2);

if (li_32 == 0 && l_icci_8 >= gi_144 && l_icci_16 < gi_144) li_28 = 1;

if (li_32 == 0 && l_icci_8 <= gi_144 && l_icci_16 > gi_144) li_28 = -1;

if (l_icci_0 >= gi_144 && l_icci_8 < gi_144) {

g_ibuf_120[li_32] = Low[li_32];

g_ibuf_124[li_32] = High[li_32];


if (l_icci_0 <= gi_144 && l_icci_8 > gi_144) {

g_ibuf_128[li_32] = Low[li_32];

g_ibuf_132[li_32] = High[li_32];


if (l_icci_0 >= gi_144) {

g_ibuf_120[li_32] = Low[li_32];

g_ibuf_124[li_32] = High[li_32];

} else {

if (l_icci_0 <= gi_144) {

g_ibuf_128[li_32] = Low[li_32];

g_ibuf_132[li_32] = High[li_32];



if (li_28 == 1) {

if (Open[0] == Close[0] && Open[0] == Low[0] && Open[0] == High[0]) {

if (Alert.Sound) Alert("FXUltraTrend: Long signal on " + Symbol() + "!");

if (Alert.Email) SendMail("FXUltraTrend", "FXUltraTrend: Long signal on " + Symbol() + "!");



if (li_28 == -1) {

if (Open[0] == Close[0] && Open[0] == Low[0] && Open[0] == High[0]) {

if (Alert.Sound) Alert("FXUltraTrend: Short signal on " + Symbol() + "!");

if (Alert.Email) SendMail("FXUltraTrend: Short Signal", "FXUltraTrend: Short signal on " + Symbol() + "!");




return (0);


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Hi Guys,


I have added the FXUltraTrend indicator below.


Is anyone able to modify it so rather than draw bars (like candles) that are green or red it draws a histogram. The value range for the histogram is always 0 to 1 the only difference is that it is either red or green for down trend or uptrend.





Stevie, very quickly done, please see if you are satisfied. I have also added an option to change the indicator's period - currently set to 45 (same as the original indicator).

http://[email protected]/file/-6yKz4Q_/FXUltr@Trend_Hist0.html 

(substitute x with w, @ with a and 0 with o)

Edited by lotterp
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Thanks Lotterp,


That is absolutely fantastic.


It is just what I was after.






Stevie, very quickly done, please see if you are satisfied. I have also added an option to change the indicator's period - currently set to 45 (same as the original indicator).

http://[email protected]/file/-6yKz4Q_/FXUltr@Trend_Hist0.html 

(substitute x with w, @ with a and 0 with o)

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Hi sgsgsg,


Thanks for the reply but I don't understand "Ha Ha Ha"?




Stevie, all that sgsgsg is conveying is that FXUltraTrend is exactly the same as CCI histo - I guess also nothing more than a normal 45 period CCI indicator crossing the 0 line (as is evident from the code excerpt from the FXUltraTrend indicator) - and of course that it sells for 70 euros.

l_icci_0 = [color=red][b]iCCI[/b][/color](NULL, 0, FXUltraTrend_Period, PRICE_TYPICAL, li_32)

Edited by lotterp
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