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I highly recommend a book/audio book called "bounce" by Mathew Syed, he was a former British table tennis champion and after retirement wrote a book on why some people are very high personal achievers in their chosen professions. After studying and interviewing many people he came to the conclusion it has absolutely nothing to do with talent .... its all about what he calls "purposeful practice". At a world class level the best performers gain an edge by intuition/automatic reflex gained through years of practice which cant really be explanied.


He gives an example of an exhibition match he played with Federer. He says when Federer served all he saw was him tossing the ball up and then some whizzing sound and before he realised what it was the ball had already hit the net behind him at something like 180 mph, he couldnt even see it and didnt know what was happening. He asked Federer to serve again ... and this time it was even faster! Yet Federer is able to return the serve when he plays against his opponents who serve just as fast. So Syed begins to ask himself how is it Federe can see the ball and return the serve when he himself cant even though his eyesight his 6/6. After some research he realises even Federe cant see the ball but the answer lies he is able to guess where the ball will land by observing the serving motion of his opponent, its like an instinct or reflex he developed through yrs of practice and he finds this common in all high personal achievers. Your brain develops extra nurons which attribute to what people call intuition.


The book is just not about sport but he gives exmaples from business as well, he talks about enron and Mckinsey and a lot of other examples its a great read packed with the latest research. i really liked it.


Other good audiobooks are "irrational exuberence" by Robert shiller, "fooled by randomness" and "black Swan" by Nicolas Nassim Taleb which i recommend.

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Backed by cutting-edge scientific research and case studies, Syed shatters long-held myths about meritocracy, talent, performance, and the mind. He explains why some people thrive under pressure and others choke, and weighs the value of innate ability against that of practice, hard work, and will. From sex to math, from the motivation of children to the culture of big business, Bounce shows how competition provides a master key with which to unlock the mysteries of the world.




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Basically he says that to be a master in any field, it doesn't just boil down to ability, it takes the perfect environment, a master trainer/mentor and many hours of practice in that discipline.


It is mentioned somewhere about 10,000 hours of practice was required for him to be the best in his craft.


If you are trading about 2 hours a day, that would equate to about 3 years of trading experience.

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It is mentioned somewhere about 10,000 hours of practice was required for him to be the best in his craft.


If you are trading about 2 hours a day, that would equate to about 3 years of trading experience.


Actually 2hrs per day, 250 days per year would require 20yrs to accrue 10,000hrs of practice.

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