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[SHARE] The Fantastic Four System

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Here's a system that I was offered for free when I tried to leave a sales page of an email marketer.

I was so eager to share it with all the wonderful members here that I rushed right over to post it for all and did not take the time to test it. Please tell me what you think. Since I'm a newbie, I can't elaborate on any system. I just read, listen, learn, and practice. It's the only way that I know to gain experience.


hxxp://[email protected]/file/yRSrdzHk/bonusfantasticfour.html

Edited by newbie111
I corrected the 4shared link
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They claim to have made 28,240 pips in the last 16 months. That's 444 pips a week. Now I may be some dumb, but I'm not plumb dumb. I'd have to see a lot of proof before I believe that one.

They offer to let their students look over their shoulders and trade with them 24 hours a day

for $499 start-up and $179 a month thereafter.

For that kind of money. "IT BETTER BE THE GRAIL". Has anyone ever had any experience with this vendor?


hxxp://[email protected]/blog/

Edited by newbie111
spelling correction
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