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Add a invert option to this indicator dollar index


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Could someone please add a Invert option to this dollar index indicator

so when you use it against the eurusd or usdchf you have a better view

on the index verse the pair


Thank you for any help




//| usdx histo |

//| usdx histo.mq4 |

//| |


#property copyright "copyleft mladen"

#property link "[email protected]"


#property indicator_separate_window

#property indicator_buffers 3

#property indicator_color1 Red

#property indicator_color2 Green

#property indicator_color3 DimGray

#property indicator_width3 2








extern int SmoothPeriod = 4;

extern bool ShowHisto = true;








double gbuffer[];

double rbuffer[];

double mbuffer[];

double wbuffer[];

string symbols[] = {"EURUSD","USDJPY","GBPUSD","USDCAD","USDSEK","USDCHF"};

double weights[] = {-0.576,-0.136,-0.119,-0.091,-0.042,-0.036};

bool divide[] = {false,true,false,true,true,true};




//| |








int init()



SetIndexBuffer(0,rbuffer); SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_HISTOGRAM);

SetIndexBuffer(1,gbuffer); SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_HISTOGRAM);



IndicatorShortName("USDX ");










int start()


int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();

int i,limit;


if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);

if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;










for(i=limit; i>=0; i--)


double product = 0.00;

bool error = false;








mbuffer = EMPTY_VALUE;

wbuffer = EMPTY_VALUE;

for (int k=0; k<6; k++)


double rateWeight = rateWeight(i,k,error);

if ( error ) break;

if ( product == 0.00)

product = rateWeight;

else product *= rateWeight;


if ( error ) continue;








wbuffer = product*50.14348112;

mbuffer = smooth(i,SmoothPeriod);

if (ShowHisto)


rbuffer = rbuffer[i+1];

gbuffer = gbuffer[i+1];

if (mbuffer > mbuffer[i+1]) { gbuffer = mbuffer; rbuffer = EMPTY_VALUE; }

if (mbuffer < mbuffer[i+1]) { rbuffer = mbuffer; gbuffer = EMPTY_VALUE; }







//| |







double rateWeight(int i, int k, bool& error)


double price = iClose(symbols[k],0,i);

double weight = 0.00;


if (price == 0) { error = true; return(0); }

if (divide[k])

weight = 1/price;

else weight = price;










#define Pi 3.141592653589793238462643


double smoothCoeffs[];

double smoothDivisor;

bool smoothInitialized = false;

int smoothLength = 0;








double smooth(int i, int length)







if (!smoothInitialized || length != smoothLength)


smoothInitialized = true;

smoothLength = MathMax(length,1);








ArrayResize(smoothCoeffs, smoothLength);

smoothCoeffs[0] = 1;

smoothDivisor = 1;

for (int k = 1; k < smoothLength; k++)


double temp = 1 << k / Pi;

smoothCoeffs[k] = MathSin(temp) / temp;

smoothDivisor += smoothCoeffs[k];










double sum = 0;

for (int l = 0; l < smoothLength; l++) sum += wbuffer[l+i]*smoothCoeffs[l];



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