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[REQ] Options University Mastery

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This maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but I think you'll find it more valuable.


Options University (Trading Home Study Courses)


If you are trading Options or interested in learning Options Trading, this may help you and it did for me. If you want to find out more about this "Options Trading Home Study Courses", you can visit Option Trading Education - Learn Options Trading The Right Way

Options University (Trading Home Study Courses)




"... If you're an advanced options trader, but want to hone your knowledge even further to the options floor trader level, perhaps even becoming a rival to the most savvy, experienced options traders in the world... run your own hedge fund, etc., then you're DEFINITELY ready for our Options Mastery Course! "


Course Contents:

Options University (Trading Home Study Courses)-cd-listing-png




Note: it's rather large files. i put them in order from 1-31 modules in multiple rar files. So, if you download and unpack the file, you should see all modules as listed above. Let me know if you have any problems. Enjoy it!






Options Trading Home Study Courses



1-2 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (58.41 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/0RMAR9MWV2

3-4 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (64.54 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/LD29W4XBMB

5-6-7 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (159.87 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/IBNG6GVJ71

8-9-10 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (113.77 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/3C73VSROUN

11-12-13 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (109.26 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/P7RIAP44FN

14-15-16-17 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (140.37 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/J7JMCGQHKS

18-19-20 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (150.4 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/LTMVEQK4Z5

21-22-23 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (100.78 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/BF984K7FRJ

24-25-26 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (266.56 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/8IWUGLSNW2

27-28-29-30 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (231.56 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/4I7DRFUYKP

31-BonusCD-Reversals&Conversions.rar (69.87 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/EOGRTXPAKQ

misc - OptionsMasterySeries.rar (701.64 KB) http://www.multiupload.com/3I6HSCNR2V

Edited by fx4_ever
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This maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but I think you'll find it more valuable.


Options University (Trading Home Study Courses)


If you are trading Options or interested in learning Options Trading, this may help you and it did for me. If you want to find out more about this "Options Trading Home Study Courses", you can visit Option Trading Education - Learn Options Trading The Right Way

Options University (Trading Home Study Courses)




"... If you're an advanced options trader, but want to hone your knowledge even further to the options floor trader level, perhaps even becoming a rival to the most savvy, experienced options traders in the world... run your own hedge fund, etc., then you're DEFINITELY ready for our Options Mastery Course! "


Course Contents:

Options University (Trading Home Study Courses)-cd-listing-png




Note: it's rather large files. i put them in order from 1-31 modules in multiple rar files. So, if you download and unpack the file, you should see all modules as listed above. Let me know if you have any problems. Enjoy it!






Options Trading Home Study Courses



1-2 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (58.41 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/0RMAR9MWV2

3-4 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (64.54 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/LD29W4XBMB

5-6-7 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (159.87 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/IBNG6GVJ71

8-9-10 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (113.77 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/3C73VSROUN

11-12-13 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (109.26 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/P7RIAP44FN

14-15-16-17 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (140.37 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/J7JMCGQHKS

18-19-20 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (150.4 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/LTMVEQK4Z5

21-22-23 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (100.78 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/BF984K7FRJ

24-25-26 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (266.56 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/8IWUGLSNW2

27-28-29-30 OptionsMasterySeries.rar (231.56 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/4I7DRFUYKP

31-BonusCD-Reversals&Conversions.rar (69.87 MB) http://www.multiupload.com/EOGRTXPAKQ

misc - OptionsMasterySeries.rar (701.64 KB) http://www.multiupload.com/3I6HSCNR2V


Looks good, these package probably basic intro before mastery series by ron ianerri, thanks for your help.

Edited by fxmaniac
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Looks good, these package probably basic intro before mastery series by ron ianerri, thanks for your help.


Actually, this is motherload of all. Most expensive study course that Options University offers. Option 101 is much cheaper, it's $497.00.

What I upload is $1997.00. So, if you are interested, please download while you can. It took so long for me to upload these files and I am not sure how long 4shared will keep the files.

Edited by fx4_ever
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Actually, this is motherload of all. Most expensive study course that Options University offers. Option 101 is much cheaper, it's $497.00.

What I upload is $1997.00. So, if you are interested, please download while you can. It took so long for me to upload these files and I am not sure how long 4shared will keep the files.


Yes, you are right this is indeed the hard looking from RI Options Mastery. You are the man and 2 thumsb up for you too. And sorry I made wrong conclusion as Intro cause you said that this maybe not exactly what you are looking for and alas I didn't browse with images on so I can't see you put the picture of RI mastery course, LOL. Very very much thank you.


P.S.: I suggest you better took down the picture before RI got in here, from the long course I heard, he speaks with very deep breath to explain options in too much detail, LOL

Edited by fxmaniac
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  • 3 months later...
Guest David1713006337

Here it is...enjoy




Fastest Way To Tap Into True Trading Veteran Minds And Extract All Of The Money Making Skills Used For Over A Decade To Dominate The Market! It's so simple once you have a true veteran in your corner. No hype. No B.S. Just true scientific methods used by real world floor traders to generate maximum profit and virtually eliminate risk.



1. Welcome

2. Transcripts Modules 1-4

3. Video Slides Modules 1-4

4. Quick Start

5. Quick Start


6. Module 1 disc 1 - introduction

7. Module 1 disc 2 - The options pricing model

8. Module 1 disc 3 - options pricing model cont

9. Module 1 disc 4 - Pricing model inputs

10. Module 1 disc 5 -The Greeks Delta

11. Module 1 disc 6 - The Greeks Gamma

12. Module 1 Disc 7 -The Greeks Theta

13. Module 1 disc 8 -The Greeks Vega


14. Module 2 disc 1 - Calls

15. Module 2 disc 2 - Puts

16. Module 2 disc 3 - Trading Calls and Puts

17. Module 2 disc 4 - Synthetic Stock

18. Module 2 disc 5 - Synthetic stock cont

19. Module 2 disc 6 - Synthetic calls

20. Module 2 disc 7 - Synthetic Puts

21. Module 2 Disc 9 - Reversals/Conversions


22. Module 3 disc 1 - Covered call/Buy write

23. Module 3 disc 2 - covered put/sell write

24. Module 3 disc 3 -The Protective Put

25. Module 3 disc 4 - The Protective Put cont

26. Module 3 disc 5 - Synthetic put positions

27. Module 3 disc 6 - The Collar


28. Module 4 disc 1 - Vertical Spreads

29. Module 4 disc 2 - Time Spreads

30. Module 4 disc 3 - diagonal spreads

31. Module 4 disc 4 - Straddles

32. Module 5 disc 5 - Strangles

33. Module 5 disc 6 - butterflies

34. Module 5 disc 7 - condors





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If you like my post, please show your appreciation a simple "Thanks" is enough for me..

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