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trend's flower - ferrera


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  • 3 weeks later...
Does anyone have Daniel T. Ferrera - trend's flower private edition ?


I know it is available on russian forums, but I cant make heads or tails of russian language !


Can someone please share ?


Kind Regards


I have been looking for this book also, can you tell me which Russian forum has it? Thanks

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  • 5 months later...

are you sure that ferrera wrote such book .Accodring to some people he has not written such book , his most expensive book is spiral of growth .. 10 000$.

pathfinder , i asked the guy from www.italkcash.com, , my question was : you have the most expensive books , have experience , why do not you make money , he said , these books contain the greatest wizdom in the world , , but I do have feeling how to apply the principles to the market

I do not trust this guy , yes he is a scammer .In one forum , one guy wanted me to sell for 80 $ keys to successful speculation , it is ridiculous

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I want to say to every honest and great guy in this nice forum who are serching for trend's flower that ferrera has never written book called trend's flower so far .I know this information from a person who knows privately daniel fererra .So , my advice - do not make any dealings with guys who pretend to have this book , like the guy from this forum -http://www.italkcash.com/forum/news-feeds/145413-greatest-deal-ever-great-contribution.html

they are just scammers


take care of yourself

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Dont waste your time with the writings from this guy.


For the "Spirals of Growth and Decay":


First he took the ideal of circle analysis from J.M Hurst, then wave analysis from Eliotte and claimed that he created a so called 5/9 counting before approaching Eliotte waves. He also have price and time vector which first presented by Bradley. any way, all his writing just from others and impossible for trading application.

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Spirals of Growth and Decay is a nonsense


Dont waste your time with the writings from this guy.


For the "Spirals of Growth and Decay":


First he took the ideal of circle analysis from J.M Hurst, then wave analysis from Eliotte and claimed that he created a so called 5/9 counting before approaching Eliotte waves. He also have price and time vector which first presented by Bradley. any way, all his writing just from others and impossible for trading application.

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Dont waste your time with the writings from this guy.


For the "Spirals of Growth and Decay":


First he took the ideal of circle analysis from J.M Hurst, then wave analysis from Eliotte and claimed that he created a so called 5/9 counting before approaching Eliotte waves. He also have price and time vector which first presented by Bradley. any way, all his writing just from others and impossible for trading application.


yes, doan, I do not undertand ferrera to ask high prices for his books .He makes a sort fo compilation ..For example, in his book keys to successful speculation , he talks about things that you can find in cheap books ,.Ferrera creates nothing , only extact ideas, methods form other authors.. I am not familiar with spirals of gwroth . I made this imprresion for him , from the book' keys to..."

About risk managment - he says things that you can find almost everywhere .

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Ivich, With carbon dating nowadays we're finding humans existed on earth for >25,000 years or more. It is my belief in general that there are no more original ideas.

So principally, what I've learned is: Everything I learned, I learned from someone else, who learned it from someone else!!! All trading processes beg, borrow or steal from one another.

Personally, I like what Michael S. Jenkins writes, through not easy to understand without truly getting into it, he writes trading wisdom.

At this point I don't think that Trend's Flower exists, unless someone can prove me wrong, as we all know rumors can grow wings and fly especially in this forum.

Eventually with enough searching you'll find some lowlife SOB who now wants to sell you the stolen document, EA, Indicator, or widget at a discount price, but you'll never be certain your getting ripped off until you send the money? Hum? .... What would life be without risks?





Edited by maddman
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Ivich, With carbon dating nowadays we're finding humans existed on earth for >25,000 years or more. It is my belief in general that there are no more original ideas. So principally, what I've learned is: Everything I learned, I learned from someone else, who learned it from someone else!!! All trading processes beg, borrow or steal from one another. Personally, I like what Michael S. Jenkins writes, through not easy to understand without truly getting into it, he writes trading wisdom.


I completely agree with you

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