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Neuroshell sucks


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Damn! How did I miss these posts. Sorry. Am running NS 5.6 Beta 3 on Windows 7 platform, speaking to IB.


1. Make sure the API interface on the IB platform is enabled;

2. Have a trading strategy in an open chart;

3. Under "View' Click on Alerts and trading window in NS;

4. Check the trading strategy you want to enable in the Alerts and Orders Window;

5. A Popup will appear from the IB platform asking permission to access;

6, Another window will appear from NS - this is the 'Interactive Brokers' EXE file from NS that is the monitoring window to log comms from NS to IB. This is where I received the first error, and this app failed to load. I needed to find the Exe - in the 'BrokerageServices' directory in the NS directory. Right click the Exe and check 'Troubleshoot compatability', then run the app in WinXP mode. Then close it, close NS, then open up and try from step 2 again.

7. You should be able to get this app running, and see a few lines which represents correct connection to IB.


Any other issues, let me know.

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nop. I think IB is NS preferred broker, so it's all hardwired into the program. When I was having problems, I tried updating the IB API, which is a big no-no, as NS kindly told me the only one that will work with NS (old) is 9.3, which is installed when you install NS.


Good luck!

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I have been using the Prediction wizard for a couple of weeks now and something is bugging me. All of my predictions result in either a "Sell Long and Sell Short" or "Cover short and Buy Long". I thought there would have been favorable predictions that exit a postion, rather than always reverse.


Has anyone else noticed this? Or is this just the result of the types of inputs I supply?



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Hi All,


I am trying to use the MT4 to NSDT. So far, I am able to import the prices from the MT4 to NSDT. The ticks are appearing in the NSDT. However, the orders are not going to MT4. No buy/sell happens in the MT4. Any body was able to place trades directly from NSDT to MT4.


Here is the screenshot of the picture. Upto this(importing prices from MT4 to NSDT), I can help others. I need others help in placing the trades.


http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/4319/mt4nsdt.png' alt='mt4nsdt.png'>

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Now it works. I have tried all the available mtfeed componesnts, MTFeedPro, NSDT-MT4Feed, etc and in the option, i have used the Integerated Trading from MTFeedPro. Now it works on and off. I am trying to iron out the correct files to use. Once i am confident of the methods, i will try to write up everything for others.
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