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Sub*liminal Wea1th


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Maybe things like this can help your trading by keeping you in a positive expectation mindset. Even if just helps a little it still can mean extra money to us.


Here is a brief description from their web page.




Can You Really Brainwash Yourself?

You bet you can! I did it, and it worked like a charm. You see, I  realized that I had ALREADY been brainwashed by the media, my upbringing  and other factors into accepting failure and a "victim" mentality. Most  of us are, even if we don't realize it.

So why not use the very same principles to convince yourself that  success, big money, great relationships and a successful life are your  God-given birthright? (they are you know)

Subliminal Wealth is a life-changing, paradigm-busting video series to  break free of "the matrix" of poverty, lack and isolation. Using this  technology, I managed to convince myself at the deepest subconscious  level that money, success, happiness, love and abundance were what my  life was all about; and once that happened...these things began to show  up in my reality.

Basically: by mentally accepting that I was already rich and successful,  I became rich and successful (remember the proverb, "as a man  thinketh...").



Edited by a777
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