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Jellie Full Webinar Package


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Session #1 - Laying the Foundation

· Setting the Jxxxxe Environment

· Don’s Core Trading & Training Beliefs

· The Concept of Wholesale Opportunities & Market Inefficiencies

· Trading Variations & Don’s Style

· Screen, Setups

· Preferred High Probability Technical Pattern Setups

· Key ES Tendencies

· Uncertainty & Probability

· Betting Size, Income Distribution, & “Outliers”

· Q&A

Session #2 - Trader Business Planning & Week #1 Reinforcement

· Business Concepts & Expense Management

· Don’s Core Trading & Training Beliefs

· Don’s Workstation Setup

· Trader Cost Components

· Business Entity & Trader Tax References

· CME Membership Cost & Benefits

· Trader Financial Reporting

· Week #1 Jxxxe Reinforcement

o The Power of the M.A.T.D.

o Divergences in a Range Environment

o Extreme Trend Capitulation

o 1-Minute Coil Triggers

o Exiting Into the Retail Trade

o Nasdaq vs. S&P Relative Strength

· Q&A

Session #3 - Trade Management & Week #2 Reinforcement

· Scalp vs. Swing Trading

· Single vs. Multiple Entries/Exits

· Trade Sequence Risk Management

· Risk Management via Stops

· Risk Management via Sizing

· Pressing the Trade

· Week #2 Jxxxxe Reinforcement

o Late Day Closing Runs

o Noon Extensions

o Balancing Multiple Indicators

o Seasonal Tendencies

o FOMC Day Strategies

o Stops as Pauses

o Focus

· Q&A


Session #4 - Trade Psychology & Week #3 Reinforcement

· Don’s Convictions

· Trading as a Competitive Mental Sport

· Expecting and Managing Imperfection

· Reducing Pressure

· The Fictitious Equity Drawdown

· The Scorecard

· The Great Poker Game

· Week #3 Jxxxxe Reinforcement

o History vs. Future

o “Cutesy” Trades

o Where Does News Fit In?

o Opening TICK vs. Price Clues

o 3LB as a Stay Out of Trouble (SOOT) Indicator

o TICK Triangles as Forecasters

o Simple vs. Exponential Moving Averages

o Post Breakout Strategies

o The Four Stages in Reversing Backward Mindsets

· Q&A

Session #5 - Week #4 Reinforcement & Extended Q&A

· Week #4 Jxxxxe Reinforcement

o The Need for Laser Focus

o The Power of Multiple Signals

o What the Market Tells Us When Trends Don’t Extend

o DAX 2nd Hour Breakout

o Adjusting Plans to New Conditions

o NIKKEI 225 vs. ES

o 1 Minute Coil Strategies

o Is it Really Divergence?

· Extended Q&A

o “Feeling” the Market & Pace

o Time in Market

o TICK Buy Signals

o Trading in the Final Hour

o Buying on the Bid vs. Ask

o Current Blog Plans

o Managing Executions

o General Support/Resistance

o Don’s Style vs. Typical Jxxxxe Style

o Self-Talk & Motivation

o When to Increase Size


Session #6 - Week #5 Reinforcement & Don’s Trading Journey

· Week #5 Jxxxxe Reinforcement

o Averaging Up

o False Breaks

o TICK Triangles … Again!

o Putting 3LB & TICK Together

o Fighting Through Poor Play

o Constantly Reassessing

o Dull Markets

o DAX Breakouts … Again!

o U.S. Holidays … The World Continues

o Multiple Support & Resistance Tests

o Proposed Trader Transaction Tax Update

· Don’s Trading Journey

o Initial Transition from Executive to Trader

o Into the Abyss

o Out of the Abyss

o 2001-2009 Chronology

o Critical Learnings & Beliefs

· Q&A

Session #7 - Favorite Analogies & Week #6 Reinforcement

· Golf & Trading

o Perfectionism Kills

o Not Being a Hero

o Training vs. Playing

o Staying in the Present

o “Putting” Consistently

o When You’re Not on Your Game

o “Match” Play vs. Cumulative Scoring

· Poker & Trading (Continued)

o Impact on My Results

o Betting Strong

o Guarding Against Tilt

o The Danger of Overcorrecting

o “Yesterday’s Game”

o Controlling Oneself

o Mid-Hand Reassessment

o Folding

o Focus

o Probability

· Week #6 Jxxxxe Reinforcement

o Repeating Rhythms as Forecasters

o The Importance of the Re-Entry

o The Concept of “Air”

o Unforced Errors

o Managing Poor Entries

o MATD … Again!

o Three Line Break … Again!

o Reading the Tea Leaves

o Two “What Would You Do” Scenarios

· Q&A


Session #8 - Week #7 Reinforcement & Full Jxxxxe Program Lessons Learned

· Week #7 Jxxxxe Reinforcement

o Dealing With Imperfect Play

o What Not Getting a Fill Can Tell You

o DAX Futures Contract Rollover

o Overnight Opportunity

o Price Probe vs. Three Line Break

o “Swimming” in the Stream

o Third Push into Noon Timeframe (Europe)

o Opening Bull tail & Mini-Bear Trap

o Why I Always Take Something Off a Profitable Trade

o Effectively Managing Probe Trades

· Individual Jxxxxe Top 3 Program Lessons Learned

o Provided By Each Jxxxe

· Common Lesson Theme Summary

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