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[REQ] The M0rning C@ll $ystem

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I just came across this system.


Members of my Morning Call trading strategy are making massive profits for just 5 minutes work each morning placing trades at 7.45am BST/GMT on three markets.


JUNE PROFITS +1098 Points

£5490 to just £5 per pip!!


JULY PROFITS +671 Points






A Total of +£9835 TAX FREE Profits to just £5 per point


How does it work?


If you have 5 minute to spare each morning Monday to Friday at 7.45a.m I email out three recommendations on the GBP/USD the EUR/USD and FTSE100 markets. Each trade carries a 20 point stop loss. Winning trades V Losing trades run just over 50% with winning trades of +91+90+89+86+78 etc. You can see why long term HUGE profits can be made.

This is for just 5 minutes work at 7.45am each morning from Monday to Friday.


A typical daily email would read





Sell EUR/USD profit target 1.3178

Sell GBP/USD profit target 1.5580

Sell FTSE100 profit target 5240


Although it is a monthly subscription, you can also buy the system outright.




Just replace the 'xx' with 'tt' and '$' with 's'


Can someone please share this system. :)

Edited by meek13
forgot to add the [req] tag in the title
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Just out of interest here are his results so far for this system:







Tues 1/6 +25 No Trade No Trade

Weds 2/6 +23 +45 +60

Thurs 3/6 -20 +38 +45

Fri 4/6 No Trade No Trade No Trade

Totals +28 +83 +105


Mon 7/6 -20 -20 -20

Tues 8/6 +26 No Trade No Trade

Weds 9/6 No Trade +36 +45

Thurs 10/6 No Trade +25 +28

Fri 11/6 +24 No Trade No Trade

Totals +30 +41 +53


Mon 14/6 +18 No Trade +38

Tues 15/6 +16 No Trade +23

Weds 16/6 +21 +36 +66

Thurs 17/6 No Trade +56 +60

Fri 18/6 +19 No Trade No Trade

Totals +74 +92 +187


Mon 21/6 +61 +86 +90

Tues 22/6 +26 +78 No Trade

Weds 23/6 +23 No Trade No Trade

Thurs 24/6 No Trade -20 +29

Fri 25/6 -20 No Trade No Trade

Totals +90 +144 +119


Mon 28/6 No Trade No Trade -20

Tues 29/6 No Trade No Trade No Trade

Weds 30/6 +25 +24 +23

Totals +25 +24 +3

Monthly Totals +247 +384 +467

TOTAL 1098


Thurs 1/7 +35 +91 +30

Fri 2/7 No Trade No Trade No Trade

Totals +35 +91 +30


Mon 5/7 No Trade No Trade No Trade

Tues 6/7 -20 -20 -20

Weds 7/7 +18 -20 No Trade

Thurs 8/7 -20 +60 -20

Fri 9/7 +22 No Trade +41

Totals Level +20 +1


Mon 12/7 No Trade -20 -20

Tues 13/7 No Trade +36 No Trade

Weds 14/7 +38 -20 -20

Thurs 15/5 +24 -20 +10

Fri 16/7 +10 +33 -20

Totals +72 +9 -50


Mon 19/7 -20 +63 +42

Tues 20/7 +22 +40 +75 2

Weds 21/7 -20 +39 No Trade

Thurs 22/7 +14 +52 +49

Fri 23/7 -20 -20 -20

Totals -24 +174 +146


Mon 26/7 +32 -20 -20

Tues 27/7 -20 +30 -20

Weds 28/7 +18 +29 +67

Thurs 29/7 +14 -20 -20

Fri 30/7 +22 +37 +38

Totals +66 +56 +45


Monthly Totals +159 +350 +172




Mon 2/8 -20 No Trade -20

Tues 3/8 +28 -20 -20

Weds 4/8 No Trade +24 +40

Thurs 5/8 -20 -20 -20

Fri 6/8 +13 +26 +20

Totals +1 +10 Level


Mon 9/8 -20 +40 +35

Tues 10/8 +19 -20 -20

Weds 11/8 -20 -20 -20

Thurs 12/8 +33 No Trade -20

Fri 13/8 +43 No Trade +29

Totals +49 Level +4


Mon 16/8 No Trade +25 No Trade

Tues 17/8 +22 +24 -20

Weds 18/8 No Trade +89 +27

Thurs 19/8 No Trade -20 -20

Fri 20/8 -20 -20 No Trade

Totals +2 +98 -13


Mon 23/8 +18 +80 -20

Tues 24/8 -20 +32 -20

Weds 25/8 +10 -20 No Trade

Thurs 26/8 +20 -20 -20

Fri 27/8 +12 -20 +19

Totals +40 +52 -41


Monthly Totals +92 +160 -54

TOTAL +198



Hope someone can share this :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  bluewoof said:
unfortunately, this item is on "Black Book List" for "stuff you can't share.".




Therefore, even if someone have it, they can't share it here.


That is the forex morning trade and not this : forex morning call system , you can check it out

So anyone with this can share.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The morning call system seems to suffer in strongly trending markets - it only earned 38 pips in November. Given that markets are supposed to strongly trend around 30% or less of the time, it could still be a good system over the longer term.


You can see all the results here:



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  • 2 weeks later...

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