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req: Triad 2.0 by Jason

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This guy is an all time scammer, doing scan one after the other.

4 last couple of days, my inbox is bombarded with spams under different email IDs, aprox 15-20 mails daily, for his new launch.


old wine, new bottle only.


He's is a jerk, who has blown up his own account many times and need more equity to trade the market. Launching such scams is the only source for him to raise easy money.


Beware, & stay away.

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This is the latest from the official site:




Please educated


Hi conggle,


Install a new MT4 trader platform and run the FXI_Triad2.exe into that newly installed platform. Find out what are the files that installed into indicators, templates, include, libraries..etc. Could u share the installed files.


Many thanks in advance.

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Hi conggle,thanks for the installed files.


Is fxi.dll file to be copied into MT4/experts/libraries folder?


Is triad_upd.dll to be copied into /MT4 folder?


What is the use of delp_updater.exe (from foreximpact.com)? I presume is using delphi to update some system files!


Education surely require, appreciate someone can educate it.

If yes, Please do :)

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Is fxi.dll file to be copied into MT4/experts/libraries folder?

Is triad_upd.dll to be copied into /MT4 folder?

What is the use of delp_updater.exe (from foreximpact.com)? I presume is using delphi to update some system files!


Yes, fxi.dll and triad_upd.dll go into the [broker name]\experts\libraries directory.

delp_updater.exe goes into the [broker name] directory.

The indicators go into [broker name]\experts\indicators and

the templates go into [broker name]\templates (not [broker name]\experts\templates).

Edited by BobR
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Well, there seems to be a missing indicator -- FXI_Trendfinder.ex4. It affects the Trendfinder part of the system and floods the experts log with "Cannot open file" messages. If someone has this, please upload it. Meanwhile, I'll see if I can find a workaround. Probably best not to use the Trendfinder part of the system for now.


(I fixed this in the next post.)

Edited by BobR
Fixed - see next post
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