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mustafa belkhayate indicator

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Does somebody already has this excellent indicator? It is a gravity indicator. Please, share. This is the only indicator you don't have to be worry about placing stoploss!

That's funny I already placed this add here and it disappeared!





I found these mq4 on my hd, just copy/paste them into notepad, save them and rename .txt to .mq4.


You have the belkhayate barycentre (COG) and belkhayate timing.


Ummo is right, cog repaints, some would say it evolves with price, lol.


Hope this is what you are looking for.


i put it in quotes, i still can't figure out how you put it into Code, i don't see the button!




//| cog b.mq4 |

//| Copyright © 2010, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |

//| http://www.metaquotes.net |



Generated by EX4-TO-MQ4 decompiler V4.0.224.1 []

Website: http://purebeam.biz

E-mail : [email protected]


#property copyright "Copyright © 2008, Extra-FOREX"

#property link "[email protected] & [email protected]"


#property indicator_chart_window

#property indicator_buffers 7

#property indicator_color1 Blue

#property indicator_color2 DimGray

#property indicator_color3 Red

#property indicator_color4 Red

#property indicator_color5 DimGray

#property indicator_color6 LimeGreen

#property indicator_color7 LimeGreen


extern int Nmbr_Bars = 180;

extern int Order = 3;

extern double Ecart = 1.61803399;

double g_ibuf_92[];

double g_ibuf_96[];

double g_ibuf_100[];

double g_ibuf_104[];

double g_ibuf_108[];

double g_ibuf_112[];

double g_ibuf_116[];

double gda_120[20][20];

double gda_124[20];

double gda_128[20];

double gda_132[20];

int gi_136;

int gi_140;

int gi_144;

int gi_148;

int gi_152;

int gi_156;

int gi_160;

double gd_164;

double gd_172;

double gd_180;

double gd_188;

double gd_196;


int init() {


SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);

SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_92);

SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_96);

SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_100);

SetIndexBuffer(3, g_ibuf_104);

SetIndexBuffer(4, g_ibuf_108);

SetIndexBuffer(5, g_ibuf_112);

SetIndexBuffer(6, g_ibuf_116);

return (0);



int deinit() {









return (0);



int start() {

if (Year() >= 2110) return (0);

datetime l_time_0 = 0;

SetIndexDrawBegin(0, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);

SetIndexDrawBegin(1, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);

SetIndexDrawBegin(2, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);

SetIndexDrawBegin(3, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);

SetIndexDrawBegin(4, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);

SetIndexDrawBegin(5, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);

SetIndexDrawBegin(6, Bars - Nmbr_Bars - 1);

if (l_time_0 != Time[0]) {








l_time_0 = Time[0];


gi_152 = Order + 1;

gda_124[1] = Nmbr_Bars + 1;

for (gi_160 = 1; gi_160 <= gi_152 * 2 - 2; gi_160++) {

gd_164 = 0;

for (gi_156 = 0; gi_156 <= Nmbr_Bars; gi_156++) gd_164 += MathPow(gi_156, gi_160);

gda_124[gi_160 + 1] = gd_164;


for (gi_160 = 1; gi_160 <= gi_152; gi_160++) {

gd_164 = 0;

for (gi_156 = 0; gi_156 <= Nmbr_Bars; gi_156++) {

if (gi_160 == 1) gd_164 += (High[gi_156] + Low[gi_156]) / 2.0;

else gd_164 += (High[gi_156] + Low[gi_156]) / 2.0 * MathPow(gi_156, gi_160 - 1);


gda_128[gi_160] = gd_164;


for (gi_140 = 1; gi_140 <= gi_152; gi_140++) {

for (gi_136 = 1; gi_136 <= gi_152; gi_136++) {

gi_144 = gi_136 + gi_140 - 1;

gda_120[gi_136][gi_140] = gda_124[gi_144];



for (gi_144 = 1; gi_144 <= gi_152 - 1; gi_144++) {

gi_148 = 0;

gd_188 = 0;

for (gi_136 = gi_144; gi_136 <= gi_152; gi_136++) {

if (MathAbs(gda_120[gi_136][gi_144]) > gd_188) {

gd_188 = MathAbs(gda_120[gi_136][gi_144]);

gi_148 = gi_136;



if (gi_148 == 0) return (0);

if (gi_148 != gi_144) {

for (gi_140 = 1; gi_140 <= gi_152; gi_140++) {

gd_196 = gda_120[gi_144][gi_140];

gda_120[gi_144][gi_140] = gda_120[gi_148][gi_140];

gda_120[gi_148][gi_140] = gd_196;


gd_196 = gda_128[gi_144];

gda_128[gi_144] = gda_128[gi_148];

gda_128[gi_148] = gd_196;


for (gi_136 = gi_144 + 1; gi_136 <= gi_152; gi_136++) {

gd_180 = gda_120[gi_136][gi_144] / gda_120[gi_144][gi_144];

for (gi_140 = 1; gi_140 <= gi_152; gi_140++) {

if (gi_140 == gi_144) gda_120[gi_136][gi_140] = 0;

else gda_120[gi_136][gi_140] = gda_120[gi_136][gi_140] - gd_180 * gda_120[gi_144][gi_140];


gda_128[gi_136] = gda_128[gi_136] - gd_180 * gda_128[gi_144];



gda_132[gi_152] = gda_128[gi_152] / gda_120[gi_152][gi_152];

for (gi_136 = gi_152 - 1; gi_136 >= 1; gi_136--) {

gd_196 = 0;

for (gi_140 = 1; gi_140 <= gi_152 - gi_136; gi_140++) {

gd_196 += (gda_120[gi_136][gi_136 + gi_140]) * (gda_132[gi_136 + gi_140]);

gda_132[gi_136] = 1 / gda_120[gi_136][gi_136] * (gda_128[gi_136] - gd_196);



for (gi_156 = 0; gi_156 <= Nmbr_Bars; gi_156++) {

gd_164 = 0;

for (gi_144 = 1; gi_144 <= Order; gi_144++) gd_164 += (gda_132[gi_144 + 1]) * MathPow(gi_156, gi_144);

g_ibuf_92[gi_156] = gda_132[1] + gd_164;


gd_172 = iStdDev(NULL, 0, Nmbr_Bars, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_HIGH, 0) * Ecart;

for (gi_156 = 0; gi_156 <= Nmbr_Bars; gi_156++) {

g_ibuf_104[gi_156] = g_ibuf_92[gi_156] + gd_172;

g_ibuf_100[gi_156] = g_ibuf_92[gi_156] + (g_ibuf_104[gi_156] - g_ibuf_92[gi_156]) / 1.382;

g_ibuf_96[gi_156] = g_ibuf_92[gi_156] + (g_ibuf_100[gi_156] - g_ibuf_92[gi_156]) / 1.618;

g_ibuf_116[gi_156] = g_ibuf_92[gi_156] - gd_172;

g_ibuf_112[gi_156] = g_ibuf_92[gi_156] - (g_ibuf_92[gi_156] - g_ibuf_116[gi_156]) / 1.382;

g_ibuf_108[gi_156] = g_ibuf_92[gi_156] - (g_ibuf_92[gi_156] - g_ibuf_112[gi_156]) / 1.618;


ObjectCreate("REG", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], g_ibuf_92[0]);


ObjectSet("REG", OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue);

ObjectCreate("X1", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], g_ibuf_96[0]);


ObjectSet("X1", OBJPROP_COLOR, DimGray);

ObjectCreate("X2", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], g_ibuf_100[0]);


ObjectSet("X2", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);

ObjectCreate("X3", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], g_ibuf_104[0]);


ObjectSet("X3", OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);

ObjectCreate("Z1", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], g_ibuf_108[0]);


ObjectSet("Z1", OBJPROP_COLOR, DimGray);

ObjectCreate("Z2", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], g_ibuf_112[0]);


ObjectSet("Z2", OBJPROP_COLOR, LimeGreen);

ObjectCreate("Z3", OBJ_ARROW, 0, Time[0], g_ibuf_116[0]);


ObjectSet("Z3", OBJPROP_COLOR, LimeGreen);

return (0);


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next one:




//| cog timer b.mq4 |

//| Copyright © 2010, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |

//| http://www.metaquotes.net |



Generated by EX4-TO-MQ4 decompiler V4.0.224.1 []

Website: http://purebeam.biz

E-mail : [email protected]


#property copyright "Copyright © 2008, Extra-FOREX"

#property link "www.Extra-FOREX.ma"


#property indicator_separate_window

#property indicator_minimum -15.0

#property indicator_maximum 15.0

#property indicator_levelcolor Indigo

#property indicator_levelstyle 0

#property indicator_buffers 4

#property indicator_color1 Black

#property indicator_color2 Black

#property indicator_color3 Black

#property indicator_color4 Black

#property indicator_level1 8.0

#property indicator_level2 4.0

#property indicator_level3 -4.0

#property indicator_level4 -8.0


extern int NumBars = 5;

double g_ibuf_80[];

double g_ibuf_84[];

double g_ibuf_88[];

double g_ibuf_92[];


int init() {

SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_NONE);

SetIndexBuffer(0, g_ibuf_80);

SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_NONE);

SetIndexBuffer(1, g_ibuf_92);

SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_NONE);

SetIndexBuffer(2, g_ibuf_84);

SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_NONE);

SetIndexBuffer(3, g_ibuf_88);

IndicatorShortName(" BELKHAYATE TIMING ");

return (0);



int deinit() {


return (0);



int start() {

double ld_12;

double ld_20;

double ld_28;

string l_name_44;

string l_name_52;

if (Year() >= 2110) return (0);

string ls_0 = " BELKHAYATE TIMING ";

int li_8 = WindowFind(ls_0);

for (int l_index_40 = 0; l_index_40 < Bars; l_index_40++) {

ld_12 = 0;

for (int l_index_36 = l_index_40; l_index_36 < NumBars + l_index_40; l_index_36++) ld_12 += (High[l_index_36] + Low[l_index_36]) / 2.0;

ld_20 = ld_12 / NumBars;

ld_12 = 0;

for (l_index_36 = l_index_40; l_index_36 < NumBars + l_index_40; l_index_36++) ld_12 += High[l_index_36] - Low[l_index_36];

ld_28 = 0.2 * (ld_12 / NumBars);

g_ibuf_80[l_index_40] = (High[l_index_40] - ld_20) / ld_28;

g_ibuf_92[l_index_40] = (Low[l_index_40] - ld_20) / ld_28;

g_ibuf_84[l_index_40] = (Open[l_index_40] - ld_20) / ld_28;

g_ibuf_88[l_index_40] = (Close[l_index_40] - ld_20) / ld_28;




for (l_index_36 = 0; l_index_36 <= Bars; l_index_36++) {

l_name_44 = "TimingHL" + l_index_36;

ObjectCreate(l_name_44, OBJ_TREND, li_8, Time[l_index_36], g_ibuf_80[l_index_36], Time[l_index_36], g_ibuf_92[l_index_36]);

ObjectSet(l_name_44, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);

ObjectSet(l_name_44, OBJPROP_RAY, FALSE);

ObjectSet(l_name_44, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);

l_name_52 = "TimingOC" + l_index_36;

ObjectCreate(l_name_52, OBJ_TREND, li_8, Time[l_index_36], g_ibuf_84[l_index_36], Time[l_index_36], g_ibuf_88[l_index_36]);

ObjectSet(l_name_52, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);

ObjectSet(l_name_52, OBJPROP_RAY, FALSE);

ObjectSet(l_name_52, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 3);

if (Open[l_index_36] <= Close[l_index_36]) {

ObjectSet(l_name_44, OBJPROP_COLOR, Green);

ObjectSet(l_name_52, OBJPROP_COLOR, Green);

} else {

ObjectSet(l_name_44, OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);

ObjectSet(l_name_52, OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);



ObjectCreate("actual_VCharte", OBJ_HLINE, li_8, 0, g_ibuf_88[0]);

ObjectSet("actual_Vcharte", OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue);

return (0);


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  • 8 months later...



Please could share MT4 version for this software - belkhayate barycentre (COG) and belkhayate timing. I am not good in coding so I do not understand the above code and how to put them in mt4 platform.


Thank you for your anticipated assistance

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Please could share MT4 version for this software - belkhayate barycentre (COG) and belkhayate timing. I am not good in coding so I do not understand the above code and how to put them in mt4 platform.


Thank you for your anticipated assistance



Hi Ziki,


just copy/paste the code above in notepad, save it with name you want (e.g:cogb.txt) then just change .txt to .mq4 (e.g:cogb.mq4) et voilà! done ;)



Do the same with the second indi (cogtimer) then place the indis in your metatrader indicators folder.



for the how to use them, do a search for "Belkhayate" or "Centre of Gravity" and you should find information, but don't place too much hope in these indis!




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Hi Ziki,


just copy/paste the code above in notepad, save it with name you want (e.g:cogb.txt) then just change .txt to .mq4 (e.g:cogb.mq4) et voilà! done ;)


hi freddy,

i tried the steps in post #8 above,changed the files to *.Mq4 and saved to indicators folder but it doesn't show up in my indicator lists. Did I miss something?



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Open MetaEditor. Open any indicator and SAVE AS #New (or whatever). Once saved delete entire page. Now you can use

this anytime you want to copy and save source code from forum into meta editor. Open #New (blank) indicator and paste source code from above. SAVE AS COG (for example) and click compile button. Note: Important to SAVE AS, then apply name of your choice, after you paste source code.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the complete set and instructions. It does repaint but its a cool indi set. PLay with the settings - I dont have any images or preferred settings but it's definately worth adjusting. Enjoy




p.s. I must say I understand now why people prompt to say Thanks. I see my downloads have reached 450 and yet only got 30 thanks. I like to help where I am able and share and I like the good spirit at this site

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  • 2 months later...
Here is the complete set and instructions. It does repaint but its a cool indi set. PLay with the settings - I dont have any images or preferred settings but it's definately worth adjusting. Enjoy




p.s. I must say I understand now why people prompt to say Thanks. I see my downloads have reached 450 and yet only got 30 thanks. I like to help where I am able and share and I like the good spirit at this site


Unfortunately, the link you have clicked is not available.

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