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(Req) Path Too Long

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Does anyone have this tool lying around on their computer?


They offer a free trial, but its very limited and doesn't allow you to delete.


I downloaded a program and something went wrong. It created an infinite amount of folders.




The problem is, it won't let me delete the folders because the path is too long.




It is preventing spyware scans from functioning correctly because they they get stuck in the loop of infinite folders.


If no one has the program, does anyone know another solution?



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Open a Command Prompt, navigate to the root of the offending folder tree and type rd /s nameOfDirectory then that should sort it.



Just in case you don't trust me - if you type rd /? you can see the help details for the RD (remove directory) command. rd /s simply means remove directory and all sub folders. ;)

Edited by JimJamBonks
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