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RV Markets Review


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  micutzu said:
same questtion


anybody know this :



seems they only have one server for demo and real! Not bad for testing your ea's. My ea's did a good job since testing there. Only withdraw/deposit i do not trust yet. If someone did experience....let us know! I will go real with them!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  raw said:
seems they only have one server for demo and real! Not bad for testing your ea's. My ea's did a good job since testing there. Only withdraw/deposit i do not trust yet. If someone did experience....let us know! I will go real with them!


Slow broker. I have a lot of problems making any pips there. Close order goes in_ dealing desk - wait - pips drop - etc and winner becomes a loser.

My opinion

Forget them.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

RV Markets Review


Tertarik dengan iklan yang di pampangkan di forum tercinta ini, saya mencoba mempelajari website nya dulu:




Setelah baca2 peraturannya agar gak kena banned kayak di FIGFX, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk membuka acc di sana, peraturan yang saya tekan kan di sini adalah boleh scalping, bla bla bla. . . . .. .




Coba2 deh intip kantornya seperti apa, berdasarkan page contact nya, alamatnya berada di sini "Address: Success Comm. Bldg., 6B, 251 Hennessy Road, Hong Kong"

ane dapat nih di Maps.google.com. Lumayanlah ada kantornya jelas alamatnya......




Setelah beberapa pergulatan trading ane dan sempat profit yang luar biasa, bisa di lihat di http://4051fx.mt4stats.com (akan saya hapus hari senin depan). akhirnya saya menerima peringatan keras dari mereka:




ya dengan berat hati ini sudah ke 5 kalinya ane diberi peringatan oleh broker dan terpaksa pindah lagi nih, nasib2 kenapa susah banget profit di forex ini. Udah profit pasti gak boleh ini lah itulah, capek juga pindah2 mulu: Akhirnya saya WD aja semuanya. Tak pake lama dalam satu jam uang saya udah masuk.


By the way, thanks udah ngasi peringatan dan memberika wd saya, gak seperti FIGFX yang sampai sekarang tidak mengembalikan uang saya.

Edited by 4051fx
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  4051fx said:
Tertarik dengan iklan yang di pampangkan di forum tercinta ini,


Ini laporan apa MINTAK di tendang beneran ??? :-?

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

RV markets


After a capital increase from 50 USD to 1000 blocked an account 7014464 groundlessly, a client agreement did not violate, not what difficult charts did not use, the set aside warrant simply put at the right time. My to letter does not reply, forces and time are spent, and all in empty. Execution and terms super, but to show out an income will not turn out. I simply in Choquet HELP!

P.s I am sorry for my English...

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  • 3 months later...

RVMarkets Scam


Scammers! Stay away!! They used to execute trades at the ordered price. As of about 7/11/2011 they are manipulating trades and reporting higher buy & lower sell prices by at least 2~7 pips. They are also delaying transaction reports by up to 30 seconds in some cases. Also problems getting funds withdrawn after closing your account.

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