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The best winning combo $$$ broker, ea, rebates, pairs

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I know for me, I have had some short term success with various ea's then usually the performance drops off or the brokerage starts to filter trades. I would like to know if anyone has found a good winning LONG TERM combination of broker, pairs, rebates, and of course EA or trading system.
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I know for me, I have had some short term success with various ea's then usually the performance drops off or the brokerage starts to filter trades. I would like to know if anyone has found a good winning LONG TERM combination of broker, pairs, rebates, and of course EA or trading system.


What do you mean by "the brokerage starts to filter trades" ?


I'm running EAKAIN on FIG and for me it looks like they are delaying the order excecution because the EA is performing quite good

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Yeah I have problems running Kain and Dragonpips on Tadawul now after having some success they seem to "filter" the trading so not as many trades get through. When i began trading a small account under 5K at Tadawul my demo and live stats were almost identical. Now, I have an account over 5K and after making some profits the demo and live are not even close. I enjoy a nice average of $500 a month in rebates which is nice....but don't like the feeling I'm getting of them messing with the way my EA's trade.
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i've been considering iamfx or fxcbs. i can still get rebates and they have a low albeit variable spread. All scalping ea's seem to do well with the lower spread and they say at iamfx that it is a "raw data feed". Who knows what to believe these days. I want to be able to run kain and dragonpips on several pairs.
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I am as well in a permanent struggle with brokers (Spreads/Commissions...) and infrastructures (Interfaces/VPS).


I have been using FXCM for some time now. Stable results so but spreads in a medium range. Lately, technical/processing issues seems to be on the rise again... or does it come from Metaquotes?


I am live next week with Alpari UK... see how that goes.


I have been trying IamFX for 4 weeks live now. Well, mixed emotions so... Lower spreads on one side which might drive more trades, but you have to add the commission and then its not that sparkeling anymore. Scalper TPs/Breakevens might be required to adjust and consider the commissions (1pip+). Mh and Metaquotes interface again...

As well, it was refered here in this forum, that IamFX is a postbox company. I dont know how true that is... The threads of IamFX seems to have disappeared over night? Was it deleted or is it caused by the recent tech issue... Hello Admin?


I cant use GoMarkets while beeing resident in Indonesia... They even dont live chat with me when they recognize an Indonesien IP... lol... Maybe I should move to Thailand or Phillipines if I can apply then ;)


Exness? Based in Russia and mixed Feedbacks across the Net... Not on my list so...


FXCBS? Might be an option. Need to evaluate...


Others... JadeFX? MBTrading? FXPro?


VPS wise, SWVPS and CNS did ok for me. Check the Latency times to you broker...



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I was trading fapturbo with mb trading live and it had good trading conditions except for commissions and rollover is ridiculous there. Also, asian scalpers do well until 20 min before and after rollover period platform is down. Has anybody been live with mb trading lately? Maybe they've made adjustments. I know this is more of a discussion thread but thought some might have ea suggestions along with broker recommendations.....they go hand and hand of course
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yep i'm off tadawul completely now. they've screwed around too much. I was waayyyy up and now slowly losing it. I just don't understand why brokers can't play it honestly and keep customers while making money on the spread and still make money on the crappy 95% of traders that are losing anyway. i was comparing demo and live side by side and the live account price is filtered and doesn't move into a positive while the demo goes ahead and moves with the market. I also looked at my gallant live account and it matched up with tadawul demo. i contacted support at tadawul and someone came on there and started chatting with me and i asked them that question about the live and demo price difference and they responded that nobody is here to answer your questions at this time. b#@#sh$# if you ask me
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Most brokers with fixed spreads usually start screwing around and especially with EAs after some wins. I like MB Trading (did not try them live yet), as execution is best compared to others and even though spreads and commissions are not smallest when added up usually you can come out on top due to execution, although yes their roll overs sux. If I go live with MB trading I'll let you guys know how it is.
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Im live with MB right now and the only problem i have is random outages. Sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes an hour or more. These are epic outages too. Real server, demo server, and their entire website go down. Other than outages, The trading seems to go just as well as the demo. Im running a demo with the same settings and its very similar.


I have been considering ATC brokers. Anyone use them?

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Im live with MB right now and the only problem i have is random outages. Sometimes 15 minutes, sometimes an hour or more. These are epic outages too. Real server, demo server, and their entire website go down. Other than outages, The trading seems to go just as well as the demo. Im running a demo with the same settings and its very similar.


I have been considering ATC brokers. Anyone use them?


I was thinking about joining MB. Is the lost connection a problem on your end or their end? Because, on the website they claim to have several backup servers.


Execution speed is vital to me. How has your execution speed been with MB?


Also, can I ask you what kind of trading you do on MB, scalping, intraday, swing, etc?





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Do you have a reliable trading strategy or indicator that you use which you could recommend? it will be highly appreciated. Thanks


It might be not the right thread to discuss...


Basically, I am trading specific/characteristic times (e.g. openings/reversals) and focusing on news, thus plain fundamentals. You might check the Strategy Section in this forum, which have some pretty good threads on news trading and market essentials. E.g. http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/818-FUNDAMENTAL-NEWS-TRADING?p=5062&viewfull=1#post5062


I am not using any advanced indicator for my main trading. I have just a Market Time, News, Resistance/Support and Currency Strength Indicator installed.


For a general overview, I am using a dashboard (http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/4428-dashboard-just-released) indicating currency, commodities and stock market strengths. That allows me to focus on the pair(s) with potential for trading.


I have Pallada running in the background. I might follow its main/big signals if it matches my trading times. But mostly it triggers too late...



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