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Azam Meo Audios - real estate

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Azam Meo Audios


The audios are:


1. Model for using schools to distribute fliers (Part 1 & 2)

Here, Azam details his method for partnering with schools to distribute ‘We Buy Houses’ and ‘House For Sale’ fliers. He reviews a recent student who made $50K in just a few days using this method. If you are a real estate investor and you’re worried about the ‘sign police’ citing you for violating a local ordinance, you’ll definitely want to listen closely to these two audios.


2. Hiring Model (Part 1 & 2)

How to Hire People and Get Them To Go Out and Make You Money Immediately. Here, Azam goes into detail about how to hire smartly to build your empire. You’ll want to listen to these two audios to learn how to hire people to build your team to day regardless of your budget and avoid the common hiring mistakes most business owners make. Hire and build your team to subtract yourself from the business.


3. Interview with Tim Mai

In this audio, Azam interviews Tim Mai and rakes him over the coals to uncover the methods Tim uses to run a very successful real estate business.


4. Using interns

Pull money from thin air. Learn how Azam and team strategically use interns to help them build a business–an empire. How to hire them and get them to go out and bring in $10,000-$30,000 a month. If you need fast money, you’ll want to listen to this audio and pay attention.

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