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New Trade Copier EA

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  greentrader said:
Thanks for your reply. I load the EA onto my account but I get any error that says: Cannot load Global DLL export stopped. I placed the file in the system 32 file. Is there any thing I need to do?




try placing it in the windows system file then.

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Do your slave or master has a prefix or suffix on the Currency? Ex: I use forex.com broker as my master, and the suffix is FXF. So it looks like this EUR/USDFXF. So in the Suffix tab on the export ea, i put FXF.

And my slave broker doesn't have a suffix or prefix, so i leave it blank. Also look closely, b/c i also copy signals from this one broker that has the suffix of a period. As in an actually *.* So when i copyed trades from that master account i had to put a *.* in the suffix tab. Without the quotations of course. EX: EUR/USD.


So pay close attention to the letters in front (prefix) and behind (suffix) the currency

Edited by businessman9821
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i have an issue, its copying multiple trades from the master !, how can i stop this


2. how do i use with 1 master and n numbers of slaves do i use same names tru out (master - slave, slave-1 slave, slave 2- slave etc )


3. can anyone post a set file for it to just copy the master and not think on its own, also for it to not open old orders? pls

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  SHOWBABA1 said:
i have an issue, its copying multiple trades from the master !, how can i stop this

look at logs and try to figure out what happens


2. how do i use with 1 master and n numbers of slaves do i use same names tru out (master - slave, slave-1 slave, slave 2- slave etc )

it is about architecture of that type of EA. usually (in order to get fastest possible copy) it DOES NOT possible to do that.


3. can anyone post a set file for it to just copy the master and not think on its own, also for it to not open old orders? pls

just try settings. i do not use that ea neither tried it.

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  businessman9821 said:
SS 293. As my understanding putting the .dll in the system folder of windows speeds up the execution of the copied trades. Not sure by how much though. But ya i agree with Musketeer, usually with .dll you can stick in the the library folder and it should work just fine. Give it a shot.


i must check that Businessman but I do not think - so, I've must check...

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  musketeer said:
look at logs and try to figure out what happens


it is about architecture of that type of EA. usually (in order to get fastest possible copy) it DOES NOT possible to do that.


just try settings. i do not use that ea neither tried it.


for the number 2 question, i really dont understand are u saying i cant use more than one slave?

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  SHOWBABA1 said:
hmm, i am sorry to disappoint you am testing with 2 slaves right now and so far so good


firstly, i am not disappointed :) you may be sure about


secondly, if you (you do) get two slaves with one master, it is *for sure* not fastest copier...


and thirdly, why i got feelings that you know that and ask *same* thing when you know well? aka

for the number 2 question, i really dont understand are u saying i cant use more than one slave?


i am here only to help... when i am able to do that

so, please, excuse my ignorance

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  SS_293 said:
Thank you for the copier which works well on the home pc. Could you please guide me to the installation on a Windows VPS as I cannot find the 'Windows' or the 'System32' file,


SS, I am not able to find speeding issue when some dll-s are in system32. Instead of that: some dlls must be in FX Metatrader4\ (MT4 installation folder) or in Windows\system32 folder

it depends of the structure of the ea - calling some stuffs not related to MT4

to make long story short, if you must put dlls (advised to do) in system32, put in main MT4 folder

like: "C:\Program Files\MT4broker\"

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Thank you Musketeer and Businessman for your suggestions. I was trying to follow the instructions in the manual attached with the copier in this thread. I have now successed in planting the 'dll file' in the 'system 32' folder. On testing I can open trades in the slave by opening trade in Master; however the slave does not close the trade when the master closes. Am I missing something in the settings?
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  SS_293 said:
Thank you Musketeer and Businessman for your suggestions. I was trying to follow the instructions in the manual attached with the copier in this thread. I have now successed in planting the 'dll file' in the 'system 32' folder. On testing I can open trades in the slave by opening trade in Master; however the slave does not close the trade when the master closes. Am I missing something in the settings?


happened to me too until i changed the "close" setting to true in the import ea.

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