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Hmmm yesterday seem a cerrection for Euro, because it is actually from the analysis euro remains under pressure. According to the bank, euro seems oversold and may recover a bit, but this upward correction will be short-lived.


Details : http://www.fbs.com/analytics/news_markets/view/8849


So EU maybe still bearish for a long term. 8-)


I hope so, I am still hold my Sell @ EU. There will be a correction, but I hope the analytic will be correct that correction will be short-lived.

Thanks FBS for the analytics :D

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yes, I hope that so... keep spirit and fight to be a winner.

hopefully the first position was won by Indonesian traders..


yeah, do your best, be careful in analyzing, be patient in trouble, and get your win.

good luck guys !!


Good Luck for both of you :)

Do the best on <<999>> demo contest!

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FBS really give the best for us... A good server, a best service also a great analysis and market news including this key economic


FBS is really awesome,,, for give us analysis, good server and many contest huehue,,,, yeah right, it proof by look for the participant in the 999 contest it more than 1500 contestant huehue

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Update <<999>> Demo Contest, here the following top 10 today (05-10-2011) :




Check other contestants ranking Go to the scoreboard:



Stay connected with FBS because its all about you!


(Best mini Forex Broker of 2010)








Edited by khodamfx
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An Update

With the target to build a community for traders worldwide where every trader of FBS can gather together and get benefit from each other. We are glad to


inform all that our community has grown in the process and we are almost hitting 5,000 members.


In past few months we have seen many new traders have joined FBS and learned a lot from experienced members on FFT. We are overwhelmed with such response


from our members. We would like to thank all our members who made FFT an active community for traders where everyone can learn & gain something.


In the process of building a traders community, we introduced our reward program & many members got rewarded from our reward program. Now the promo has come


to an end & September is the last month for this promo. The FFT promo is going to end but you still have FFT & here you can continue to learn & share your


knowledge to be better traders. FBS & FFT team wants to see your success & wish you best of luck for your trading in coming days.

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Update <<999>> Demo Contest, here the following top 10 today (05-10-2011) :




Check other contestants ranking Go to the scoreboard:



Stay connected with FBS because its all about you!


(Best mini Forex Broker of 2010)









Busyet! Only in two days has reach that growth. He is using manual or automatic? =D>

Earn 6% CASHBACK from FXB Trading


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An Update

With the target to build a community for traders worldwide where every trader of FBS can gather together and get benefit from each other. We are glad to


inform all that our community has grown in the process and we are almost hitting 5,000 members.


In past few months we have seen many new traders have joined FBS and learned a lot from experienced members on FFT. We are overwhelmed with such response


from our members. We would like to thank all our members who made FFT an active community for traders where everyone can learn & gain something.


In the process of building a traders community, we introduced our reward program & many members got rewarded from our reward program. Now the promo has come


to an end & September is the last month for this promo. The FFT promo is going to end but you still have FFT & here you can continue to learn & share your


knowledge to be better traders. FBS & FFT team wants to see your success & wish you best of luck for your trading in coming days.


So the issued for FFT is true about pay per post that stop last september... :(

Earn 6% CASHBACK from FXB Trading


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Hmmm yesterday seem a cerrection for Euro, because it is actually from the analysis euro remains under pressure. According to the bank, euro seems oversold and may recover a bit, but this upward correction will be short-lived.


Details : http://www.fbs.com/analytics/news_markets/view/8849


So EU maybe still bearish for a long term. 8-)


I really hope so... For additional sentiment I read that The specialists say that the pair EUR/USD will trade at $1.3000 in a year from now.


Earn 6% CASHBACK from FXB Trading


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market news from FBS,

good to read... :rolleyes:



Roubini: euro zone needs 2 trillion euro

2011-10-04 17:45 |


Nouriel Roubini, professor of economics at New York University famous for predicting 2008 global crisis, says that the European bailout fund have to be increased to 2 trillion-euro ($2.7 trillion) before it’s too late. According to the specialist, this is the matter of not months, but weeks.


Roubini underlines that the main risks come from Italy and Spain as these nations are “too big to fail but also too big to save” – these nations have already lost the market’s confidence.


The economist says that the ECB has to ease its policy and cut rates depreciating euro. In his view, it’s also necessary to recapitalize European banks and set an orderly process to allow Greece quit the euro area. Fiscal stimulus at the core members of the currency union is also needed to avoid a recession for all European countries.


Roubini notes that the chance that all these measures will be conducted in a coherent way is low as there are serious political tensions. The specialist warns that the consequences of the European debt crisis will likely be worse than those of the Lehman Brothers collapse.



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Update <<999>> Demo Contest, here the following top 10 today (05-10-2011) :




Check other contestants ranking Go to the scoreboard:



Stay connected with FBS because its all about you!


(Best mini Forex Broker of 2010)









Only one contestant from Indonesia which entered the top ten, hopefully at the end of the contest will rank the top ten traders dominated Indonesia

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Busyet! Only in two days has reach that growth. He is using manual or automatic? =D>


hahahaha.. lol :D but thats awesome.. just a few day.. their balance already blown up :o omg


qqq... very "Busyet" contestant from Russian Federation. All broker will be broke if they really do with their real accounts.

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qqq... very "Busyet" contestant from Russian Federation. All broker will be broke if they really do with their real accounts.





yes I agree with your opinion.

contestants from Russian Federation look fabulous.

he has a very large balance.

but this is just beginning. there was a chance for Indonesia to pursue a leading position.

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I think he is using automatic trading. He has a great EA...


i have remember that last period someone who could reach much balance in the first week and in the middle he was gone. i don't know what he using EA or not. but in this contest we must make a real ability we have. we indonesian traders must patience and struggle don't be surrender with this happen. come on show yours skill all. i am remember mr broery in last period.

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