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New signal service TOM Strignano and VLADIMIR Ribakov

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  • 3 months later...

Seems signals service with trade copier are the rage now (LeoTrader, Vlad's Signals Service, etc). Has this to do with them having learned from Rob Casey?




While you're there download the two reports to read for yourself.


The 2 simple steps he outlined was:

1. Optimize your Forex Robots

2. "Rent" out your trades to other people ----> ie Signals Service!!


Maybe we can start a signals service too after undergoing his course.......

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I'm sorry I do not know what that means. Can you please explain what is TRSL? What do those letters mean? I looked up at go daddy and website owner of theforexsignals appears to be in New Zealand?????? Can anyone verify? I went to www.traderoutlook.com and sent email message to ask if Bob Iaccino is really with www.theforexsignals.com and will report when I get response.
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Finally, here is response I got from traderoutlook.com "Bob Iaccino is one of two signal callers for The Forex Signals, as well as founder and educator of Trader Outlook and Trader Swiper. He dedicates the majority of his time and efforts in the webinars and chatroom of Trader Outlook/Trader Swiper, but does give his signals out in duplicate to members of The Forex Signals."




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