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NaviTrader for NT 6.5


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Rightnow, I am using trial version of Ninja Trader from AMP Futures. I try to download NaviTrader indicators. And I got an error message to contact Navi traders.


Following are the steps I did.


I changed machineID (which I got from Help menu in Ninja Trader Control Centre) in the file name as well as in the four (4) XML files. I saved this file under C/inetpub/wwwroot/Vendorlicense folder.


Then I run the exe files.


When I go to chart and right click and select the indicators - I can see following indicators.


Big MO

Navi bars

Navi Trend

Navi Trend HiLo

Navi Trend Pivots

Velocity Channel


When I tries to upload any of the indicators, I am getting an error message to contact Navi traders.


Kindly let me know where did I make a mistake?





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  • 3 months later...
Can someone help me out. I have NaviTrader crack for NT 6.5 but i dont have the instructions for it. I have 4 XML documents and the exe files for NaviTrader and NaviTraderMA. The XML docs are NaviTrader-R-MACHINEID, NaviTrader-T-MACHINEID, NaviTrader-R-Scanner-MACHINEID and Navitrader-T-Scanner-MACHINEID. I dont know what to do with them to make the indicators work. Can someone give me simple instructions to do so. Tks
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. Install Indicator


2. Start Ninjatrader and apply the indicator to a chart

3. Ninjatrader will complain that you do not have a valid license. Write down or copy the machine code that it gives.

4. Close Ninjatrader

5. Install Internet Information Server (IIS) if you haven't done so before. If you are running a cracked

version of Ninjatrader you should not have to do this.


Instructions on how to install IIS can be found here:


XP Pro






Vista Home or XP Home

Home editions do not have IIS. It is still possible to use the crack with a third party

web server. You can download one here:


After installing it, set web page directory to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ in settings. You have to

have it running in the background everytime you run Ninjatrader.


6. Create the folder C:\inetpub\wwwroot\vendorlicense if it does not exist already.


7. Copy The XML docs: NaviTrader-R-MACHINEID, NaviTrader-T-MACHINEID, NaviTrader-R-Scanner-MACHINEID and Navitrader-T-Scanner-MACHINEID there


8. Rename the files so 123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0 is replaced by your machine code


9. Edit the files one by one with notepad. Replace 123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0 with your machine code. and SAVE


The indicator will now work in Ninjatrader if you did everything correctly.

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Thanks for the response. Just to be clear per your initial instruction can i download the IIS if i have a real version of NT or are you saying that wont work now and i need the cracked version to use Navitrader crack. I prefer to keep the version of NT i have now cause it has all my indicators and stuff and its not cracked. Tks again.
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  • 2 months later...

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