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Zulu Trade


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Hi everyone.


Apologise if this topic has been discussed before, but I couldn't find it when I searched.


Has anyone ever trade with Zulutrade ? I tried them a while ago and didn't like it.


But recently I sign up again and I can see they have put more features and more brokers, this is a good sign.


If you use their service, please share it with us.




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I have been using Zulu for about 8 months. I blew my account up several times while trying to understand the bugs in the system. The first thing I found out is that it is loosely regulated when it comes to technology. For example, my signal provider would open and close several trades in a week, with a profit. BUT, when I would check my personal broker account, I would sometimes find 3 or 4 trades STILL OPEN, that were closed by the signal provider earlier in the week. So, while his personal stats showed he had 100% winning trades, I had 4 losing trades because the market had turned after he got out. When I contacted Zulu trade to find out why my trades were left open, they told me to contact the broker. When I contacted the broker, they told me to contact Zulu Trade. I lost over $300, and both Zulu and the Broker took no responsibility. There was another case where the signal provider decided to change VPS providers. He closed his accounts, but did not signal the rest of us. So, he got out with winning trades, and again "I" took a loss. Again both Zulu and the Broker claimed it was the signal provider's fault, but would not give me information how to contact him by email or phone. :(( So, when you lose money, you are on your own, even if it was someone else's negligence.

The bottom line is to monitor your account, and your signal provider's account. When you see him close a trade, and your trade stays open, be sure to close it manually, or you will be "up the creek without a paddle".


Another thing I learned is that some signal providers are able to manipulate their scores by keeping bad trades open for weeks at a time, or by doing only 1 or 2 safe trades a week, but making it look like they did 20 or 30 winning trades. They simply enter the same trade 10 times, and it looks like they predicted 10 different openings or closings. So, their statistics show "200 winning trades this month, with no loses". But, you have to look at all their multiple losing trades, that are never closed, so it shows 100% winning trades. Also, some providers, close their accounts every few weeks, then open the account under a different name, whenever their success levels go down. So, they go all year with "100% winning trades", but they had to change their name several times, and start with a fresh account, so that people will join their signal service.=))

I continue to trade with Zulu, but now I know better than to "trust" that the technology is guaranteed, because it is "not". :( But, other than that, I believe that the idea of Zulu is good, being able to test an EA, on a live account, without paying for it. ;)


Hi everyone.


Apologise if this topic has been discussed before, but I couldn't find it when I searched.


Has anyone ever trade with Zulutrade ? I tried them a while ago and didn't like it.


But recently I sign up again and I can see they have put more features and more brokers, this is a good sign.


If you use their service, please share it with us.




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I noticed some of the signal providers with very high winning ratio have floating loss positions.


At the moment I am still in demo, when we have live account, we can see our signal provider in live mode too (not delayed by 1 hour) ?


I think Zulu has an excellent concept, but not perfect, perhaps one day this would be the forex Holy Grail for us.


I think I am going to stick around with demo mode for a while.


Thanks for the tips Sneed.

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  • 9 months later...
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  • 5 weeks later...

I know this thread has never really got off the ground and is a bit stale but I'm surprised there isn't a LOT more on II about Zulutrade I thought it would have been right up most peoples street on here.


I've been using ZT since August 2010 with AAAFX who basically are Zulutrade they are even located in the same building and have the same functionality in their Iphone apps its just the look is a bit different. They are on '0' pips commission but you will find that even when your providers also use AAAFX you will see about 3 pips slippage.


ZT has its own very easy to use web interface which you can manually trade through but the layout is such that it turns trading into an online game which I totally don't like. Also it is linked to a LOT of brokers more than any other such service so choice and MT4 compatibility is not a problem.


The biggest problem has already been mentioned and that is phantom trades, some open and don't close some don't open at all and some orders that get cancelled by the provider open on your account. You really have to monitor your account a lot and this can lead to frustration over when to leave trades open and when to close them and this is also broker dependent and slippage can be bloody awful on some brokers. You really need to limit your number of providers and watch for overexposure and drawdown, NEVER EVER EVER use a scalper provider as your trades will trigger too late, close too late and any profit you would make will be lost in commission and slippage so don't go lower than at least 5 pips average profit per trade.


I haven't blown an account...yet but I am down about two thirds of my initial investment even though pretty much all of my providers which I have had show big profits in the same period, and bear in mind that I doubled my money in the first month which kind of smells of letting the punter win syndrome.


The sheer amount of choice when it comes to signal providers leads to a want to chop and change which is the exact opposite of successful trading as you are effectively system jumping. The platform is limited and your trades won't match a provider who uses variable lot sizes/martingale.


I would strongly urge anyone to ignore the comments above that relate to 100% winning percentage traders, you will find that they are pretty much all using demo accounts with limitless money therefore can take limitless drawdown and probably have no pip spread to account for either and can take a fraction of a pip as a winning trade if they want, they will also carry floating loss as long as they want to protect their 100% record, as ever if it looks too good to be true IT IS.


Your usually just indirectly paying to use someone elses robot which is dangerous in itself as you have no idea what it is configured for in S/L until it hits one. Lots of people appear to make money from ZT and I have no intention of removing my remaining stake, but I won't be adding to it either.


Last and certainly not least it is free to add money to your account but NOT to do the same process to remove it, the charge is either €25 or $25 so if you are going to get an account do it in USD, and when (not if) you lose money on phantom trades you will receive NO SUPPORT whatsoever even when it is clearly a fault with the platform and nothing else, they still won't pay you back.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
i think its way to lose money


well you loose when you do not know how to manage your accout ...the systems tell you all all you need to do is listen and read carefully, not even be stuck to it 24/7 - fully auto. This way I am making a gain of 19% on my investment monthly, not bad I think.

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Yep, been there, done that. When there is a bug in their system they tell you to contact the broker. When you contact the broker he tells you to contact Zulu. A lot of fun and games if you are looking for a way to raise your blood pressure on an otherwise nice day. =D>


Last and certainly not least it is free to add money to your account but NOT to do the same process to remove it, the charge is either €25 or $25 so if you are going to get an account do it in USD, and when (not if) you lose money on phantom trades you will receive NO SUPPORT whatsoever even when it is clearly a fault with the platform and nothing else, they still won't pay you back.

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I may try them again some day. I try to be open minded, if they have figured out a way to fix their system.


It's never fun when a winning trade is closed on the signal provider's profile, but, on my account, sometimes it stays open, and turns into a losing trade. So, while the signal provider get's a high score, my own account gets overdrawn from multiple losses. Too many other customers of theirs experienced the same thing for it to be a rare event. I had an account with them for 6 months, and the problem continued throughout the 6 month period. One of the biggest problems is that the signal provider broker will sometimes allow an action that "my" broker will not allow. Then the trade "close" does not get executed. This is bothersome, since I even opened a brokerage account with the broker THEY suggested. In another case, the signal provider "decided" to change his broker, without warning the rest of us, and again, the incompatible orders between brokers caused multiple problems.


In a third situation, the signal provider went on "vacation", turned his EA off, and left all of us with "unmonitored" OPEN TRADES, which went "very negative". The signal provider was never punished, but instead, probably had a nice vacation. I lose patience when such "unprofessional" actions are allowed to happen without consequences to the signal provider. If he gets banned, he just changes his name and comes back again.


There may be some good signal providers with Zulu, but, I just would like to see a little more confirmation that their technological "glitches" have been fixed. It's not enough that they may "now" be willing to reimburse people for future losses due to their technology failures. I don't want to have to "apply" for a refund and be at their mercy to respond, I just want the system to "work" as advertised.....


So, maybe if more people express positive "new" experiences with this company, I will try again. As of now, "most" of the comments about Zulu are still negative...


Sorry to hear that you went through that. :-?


Maybe your case was long time ago, so far anytime I have experienced bug or things went wrong I have been compensated. =D>

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I see your points Sneed and this is my response:


open trades are subject to the broker execution. Which one was yours that you had so much problems? I am with aaafx, nordfx and alpari and have not experience this. Though I've read about in other discussions. My strategy is to choose signals that use aaafx or brokers with low slippage b/n themselves.Doublful they recommended any broker, the platform is very neutral in that case and do not express any preferences.


in your 3rd situation,i suppose that was a case long time go for providers to leave open trades, but recently Zulutrade imposed new SP compensantion only on positive PNL (this included open positions) so now we followers are more protcted in that tipe of stuff.


In addition you know that you can modify the acount and put a custom stop/loss to trades, lots, and pair per provider..this way you can do a good combination. I am not trying to convince anybody, seems you are already on the negative site, just sharing some info you might not know of. In mine experience, as humble as that be, I have not experience any serious problems with it.

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OK. Fair enough. I will check them out again maybe in April after I finish some other projects I am working on.


When I said "recommended broker", my main point was that, they had a fixed list of a few brokers. According to "them", not me, if I "refused" to use the brokers on their list, then I could "not" participate. Since I am in US, my choices were few, and I ended up choosing "forex.com" from their list. AAAFX, NORDFX, were not an option to me in US, and Alpari-UK also would not let me open an account with them. I would have to use their US-NFA counterpart (Alpari-US). Forex.com was my only real choice (at the time) if I wanted a broker with the most flexibility for a US resident, and free of NFA restrictions. (Since then, forex.com-UK closed my account due to newer CFTC regulations). So, now my forex.com account is also with the US division.


So, on a "technicality", they did not "recommend" a "specific" broker to me, but rather, recommended several brokers to me, "none" of which I already had an account with. And I already had 10 brokerage accounts, so I wasn't happy about having to open yet another account, in order to participate. But, that was the past. And since we were "splitting hairs" on what I meant when I said "recommended" broker, now you have the longer version of what happened. The bottom line is that I had to use one of "their" brokers, not "mine". So, now we have a "distinction" with little difference to the "main point" I was getting at.


And again, I will look forward to hearing from some "other" members' opinions, who "also" feel that Zulu has resolved their past problems (or not)... There does not seem to be too many volunteers at this point..

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  • 6 months later...

I look forward to hearing "more" positive experiences from "other" members in this large Forum before I go back to Zulu.


I promise to be patient, while the other members get in line to tell their experiences. :)


guys, its been what 16m trading and my results are more than great - 6235 bucks (with losses of course) but overall manages to tripple my innitial investment :)
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I look forward to hearing "more" positive experiences from "other" members in this large Forum before I go back to Zulu.


I promise to be patient, while the other members get in line to tell their experiences. :)


I was with zulutrade some months ago , i've earned around 4000$ and left , in a couple of months i'm thinking about joining zulu again because i saw some new good traders on the performance list.

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well you can always go and visit the orginal zulutrade forum and then you will read from people winning a lot , winning a bit and not winning at all (if you account management sucks). apparently it is only me that writes frequently here and sporadicaly smb else.

if you do not believe keep it like this, afterall doubtfull will anybody/anytthing change your opinion...

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My "opinions" can be changed more easily than the memory of my "experiences". I have no doubt that there are excellent traders with that group. The problems I had was of a "technical" nature. Every time I lost money due to a technical "glitch" ZuluTrade claimed that it was my "broker's" fault and my broker would claim that it was "ZuluTrade's" fault. The signal provider was making good trades, but, too many times my open trades were not closed unless I closed them manually. And by that time a winning trade turned into a losing trade. If you are saying that they have "re-trained" their tech support to be more concerned about "bugs" in their platform, and to be less "dismissive" to their customers, then I will try them again. But, more times than not, their tech support was always "clueless" to resolve any problems I experienced. They would just say "try again, and see if it happens again". And of course it did, and I lost more money, and they couldn't care less in the end. So, I am not just voicing an empty opinion about something I never tried. Rather I have been burned no less than 10 times with that company, so, understandably, I am just being cautious, because no-one seems to be looking out for my financial welfare except me. As the saying goes "...fool me twice, shame on ME" (not shame on you).


well you can always go and visit the orginal zulutrade forum and then you will read from people winning a lot , winning a bit and not winning at all (if you account management sucks). apparently it is only me that writes frequently here and sporadicaly smb else.

if you do not believe keep it like this, afterall doubtfull will anybody/anytthing change your opinion...

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