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My adapted EA


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Hi everyone, I am using an EA to trade in a certain way, I have invested over one year forward testing various settings and have found a way to trade profitably, however every few weeks a major move in the market wipes out the account.


I need to set an equity stop loss (which I can do with the equity trail ea listed on this board elswere) however I need to stop all instances of EA's trading once that stop loss has been hit, otherwise the EA's continue opening trades in advers market condiditions.


I would like to automate the function of pressing the enable/disable EA's button but dont beleive this is possible. Can anyone suggest anything either way. I was thinking maybe the other way would be to set a Global variable in the trailing stop EA i.e. ALLOWTRADES and set it to "1" for yes, then re-set the value of ALLOWTRADES to "0" when the trailing stop is triggered) and that global variable is checked in my EA's prior to trading, IE if Global Variable if set to 0 then dont trade?


Can anyone give me an example of how I would code this.


Here are some forward test statements from my EA so far. Notice the great performace, then the great loss! I want to minimise the risk on the loss to about 25% of equity.


Sorry I do not have permission to attach my statements.

Edited by garthy
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Don't know about equity trail, but EquityGuard will stop all EA's working on your account if minimum/maximum equity (or margin) is hit. Does this by deselecting expert advisors button. Maybe you could decompile and figure out the code.


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