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Forex Mentor: Forex Master Blueprint

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F*o*r*e*x*m*e*n*t*o*r * - "Forex Master Blueprint"







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PS: Let me know if some files are corrupted I’ll fix them.



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Sure, here it is ;-)



Here the table of content, and below the complete description:




In a Nutshell (Executive Summary)........................................................... 5

Foreword........................................................................................................ 6


1 – Defining a Sound Trading Approach................................................... 9

2 – Creating Your Forex Strategic Blueprint ...........................................15

3 – The Core Principles of High Probability Trading............................ 23



4 – Monitoring High Level Trend with COT Metrics.............................. 33

5 – Identifying Price Reversals with Swing Points............................... 41

6 – Using Old Highs & Lows as Primary Support/Resistance.......... 51

7 – Plotting Secondary Support/Resistance with Pivots..................... 57

8 – Confirming Swing Points with Oscillators .......................................67

9 – Measuring Retracements and Extensions with Fibonacci.......... 77

10 – Riding Market Moves with the Wave Principle ..............................95

11 – Following the Trend with Moving Averages ................................113



12 – The Trading Process Explained ..................................................125

13 – Case Study #1 – EUR/USD ..........................................................157

14 – Case Study #2 – GBP/USD ..........................................................169

15 – Case Study #3 – GBP/JPY ............................................................181


Appendix A – Extended Range Pivot Calculator Layout ...................193

Appendix B – Glossary of Terms Used ...............................................195



A Career Trader's Step-by-Step Approach to Profiting from the Currency Markets


by Frank Paul & the Forexmentor Team

Dear Forex Trader,

If you’re like me, your journey to a state of trade-readiness – being able to risk real dollars in a real trading account with confidence – proved to be a learning curve and a half.

Tons of different ideas, concepts, theories, and tools, any one of which can be arduous to learn, all of which put together can be downright confusing at times.

In my early years as an aspiring trader I managed to make every single mistake imaginable (some of which I’d be downright embarrassed by today!) – trying to figure out how to put it all together.

The turning point for me was when I realized that price action has a kind of DNA – or ‘blueprint’, – a form and structure that repeats itself across all timeframes from high to low encompassing trend, structure and even indicator readings. The erroneous observation of ‘conflicting signals’ I struggled with early on evaporated like a cloud.

Learning to recognize the patterns within the aggregate picture of price action, which alerted me when to take action (or not) was the skill which progressed my trading style from something best described as ‘struggling scalper’ to ‘capable professional’. And the one which helped me overcome the occasional feeling of dread when one chart supposedly told me to think bullish, while another told me the exact opposite (or so I thought).

You may be happy with whatever trading style you’ve cobbled together for yourself, making 20 or 50 pips here or there. But have you ever wondered whether there’s an analytical approach that really helps you see what’s going on more clearly across multiple timeframes, in a way that can help you qualify the character of a setup and target not just some arbitrary scalping target but much more of what the market is leaving on the table?

If so, you might be interested in our brand new, multimedia training program called: Forex Master Blueprint, available exclusively at Forexmentor. Regardless of your level of experience in the markets – from ‘newbie’ to advanced – you will find a wealth of trading ideas in this comprehensive resource that will literally catapult your own trading approach to the next level.

My name is Frank Paul, creator of Forex Master Blueprint. I’ve been a learning facilitator at Forexmentor since 2007 having authored several other resources during that time, including Fast Track to Forex, Forex Profits with MACD and Forex Profits with COT, all of which have been extremely well received by many hundreds of aspiring traders like yourself. Perhaps more importantly, I’m a career trader, and to earn and keep that particular job title – for both myself and my family – I have to maximize profit and minimize risks intelligently. Every single time I sit down to trade.

In this richly illustrated resource you’ll learn how to…


  • Manage risks in a manner that makes you money – even with a low win rate!
  • Define a trading approach that makes sense for your personal situation
  • Apply the core principles of buying the dips and selling the rallies effectively
  • Instantly spot the difference between trending and corrective markets
  • Interpret Commitments of Traders (COT) metrics in a simple, effective manner
  • Unleash the power of the most effective price pattern in existence – Swing Points!
  • Identify Old Highs & Lows as important support/resistance markers
  • Use the extended pivot set – Monthly, Weekly and Daily – to identify reversal points
  • Apply momentum oscillators in the most effective manner
  • Apply Fibonacci concepts to more precisely time your entry and exits
  • Manage positions effectively with Elliott Wave patterns
  • Use a simple but powerful Moving Average pairing to confirm tradable trend
  • Think about the trading process in a systematic, logical fashion

And much more!

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Dear gringoh


Thank for sharing another forexmentor training course.

From all those course from forexmentor, which one do you like

best that you are using some of the strategy with your trading



Any of the forexmentor course suitable for immediate fx trader ?


Thank you

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I would say that I have not any favorite one.


I found some usefull information in each of the courses.


What I found interesting in this course might be not usefull for you and the contrary is also true.


The point is to put evrything together in your head in order to increase your skills.


For newbee I would say that Big Dogs - Homestudy Forex Course is a good start.


Then you have some good ideas in FX Scalping Online Course & Reversal Patterns Course.


For the long term strategy you have Daily 3 Stochastic Position Trading System.


And you also have some courses on specific subject which are quite interesting.


The point is that those courses can expand your mind, help you to develop new ideas..



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I would add that I am still working on my trading (business plan, trading plan, strategy…).


During the last 6 month I have watched a lot of material, rode a lot of ebook… and currently I am putting everything together and I am back on the market after this break.

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It does look good but at 36 minutes per download x 22 files this looks as though it would take 13 hours unless I am mistaken?


Hello Acerinvest,


It's a global .rar archive. Total size is 2 gb.


Some videos are not that useful but some are quite interesting.


It cannot choose for you what is the more usefull, that is why I have posted the complete course.



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Roger88 just told me that some files are corrupted when you extract them.


You can find the fixed files in the same download link. (Upload should finished in 2 hours)


Concerning the manual book the file is this one "blueprint-guide.swf" as a swf file and not pdf. Maybe sombebody know how to convert it as a pdf.


The corrupted files are listed bellow.



The following files from ForexMentor - Blueprint are corrupted.


\Downloads\Blueprint.part02.rar: Packed data CRC failed in Blueprint\4 - Chart of the Week Trading Examples\1 - 04292010\04292010-2.swf. The volume is corrupt

! CRC failed in Blueprint\4 - Chart of the Week Trading Examples\1 - 04292010\04292010-2.swf. The file is corrupt

\Downloads\Blueprint.part03.rar: CRC failed in Blueprint\4 - Chart of the Week Trading Examples\2 - 05062010\05062010-0.swf. The file is corrupt

! CRC failed in Blueprint\4 - Chart of the Week Trading Examples\2 - 05062010\05062010-1.swf. The file is corrupt

\Downloads\Blueprint.part22.rar: CRC failed in Blueprint\5 - New Bonus Course Buy the Dips, Sell the Rallies\buydipsellrallies-7.swf. The file is corrupt

\Downloads\Blueprint.part22.rar: CRC failed in Blueprint\5 - New Bonus Course Buy the Dips, Sell the Rallies\buydipsellrallies-8.swf. The file is corrupt

\Downloads\Blueprint.part22.rar: CRC failed in Blueprint\5 - New Bonus Course Buy the Dips, Sell the Rallies\buydipsellrallies-9.swf. The file is corrupt



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To fix the corrupted files repair the Blueprint.part02.rar and Blueprint.part22.rar files.


1. Open Blueprint.part02.rar with winrar

2. select tools and repair archive

3. delete the Blueprint.part02.rar file

4. rename the new repaired file fixed.Blueprint.part02.rar to Blueprint.part02.rar


do the same for the Blueprint.part22.rar file

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Here's the manual as a PDF if anybody requires.


And the flash files for the two courses - just put the files in the relevant folders and use the 'blueprint.htm' and 'bonuscourse.htm' as start files



Edited by keifer
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Here's the manual as a PDF if anybody requires.




And the flash files for the two courses - just put the files in the relevant folders and use the 'blueprint.htm' and 'bonuscourse.htm' as start files






Can you please reload


This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times



http://rapidshare.com/files/385456775/5_-_New_Bonus_Course_Buy_the_Dips__Sell_the_Rallies.r ar.html

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I would add that I am still working on my trading (business plan, trading plan, strategy…).


During the last 6 month I have watched a lot of material, rode a lot of ebook… and currently I am putting everything together and I am back on the market after this break.


Good luck and success in trading live fx markets gringoh !!! Hope you are going to be as good at it as you are with sharing all the ForexMentor stuff :)

Edited by Ajata
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