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[REQ] E L M T R A D E R series

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Hi Bottom,


I have been on and off thinking about buying all four daily systems. The thing is, there is NO PROOF whatsoever if this stuff is real or not. Google doesn't show much info about it, forums don't show info about. I can not even find 1 review about it. He has a facebook group with only 1 member... himself, ha!


His website is a complete mess. The result summary for one of his daily systems for example, is showing results for 2007, then 2008/2009 added together, then 2010 again. Then he is showing a winning run, bet per bet for January 2008 with a starting bank of £2000, growing to a nice £3252 in just one month. Then he skips to October 2008 where the balance grows from £32806 to £71327 in this month.


If I had something as good as the claims on the website, I would show EVERY bet/trade, from beginning up to today (with daily updates) for each and every system (daily, weekly, monthly) with starting bank and running bank (both at level stakes and with the staking plan he is talking about)... not just summaries and handpicked winning runs like he is doing today.


To finish this post... I have no idea what to think about it. His price tags are 'high level' to say the least, so one could expect to see at least a minimum of evidence instead of summaries in a table and handpicked winning months.


Okay, maybe one of you boys and girls in here already know (or can find) more info about this mystery case? Please feel free to share as much as you possibly can. Thanks in advance.




PS: I'm the one that shared the only manual system they have, but even if you tortured me, I can't remember how and where I got it from, haha !!

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