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FXZapper EA

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this is why you should subscribe to funyoo's forum -- that copy EA sells for $250.


his forum subscripion costs $99 for a whole year of unlimited EAs (well as many as are produced, which are MANY).

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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Sorry to say this .rar file requires a password, cannot be extracted, at least I'm unable to.


this is why you should subscribe to funyoo's forum -- that copy EA sells for $250.


his forum subscripion costs $99 for a whole year of unlimited EAs (well as many as are produced, which are MANY).



As noted in first threads password is " birt"

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this is why you should subscribe to funyoo's forum -- that copy EA sells for $250.


Thank you so much for your kind assistance. Sometimes the shorthand used among the folks here goes over my head, one day I learn it good. Best wishes. I appreciate you all.

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This is Funyoo's EA. Its retarded that he spends hours coding it, only to have it pirated. THIS EA WAS MEANT FOR TSF FORUMS!


Admin, please remove previous link. On top of the fact that FXZapper is a pirated version, I myself have spent a few hours helping code the version that everyone now is using (of XBars); including FXZapper.


If you want this EA, PAY FUNYOO FOR IT! Its $99 for a year to access all of his EAs (over 150 at the moment).

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Is zapper compatible with 5 digit brokers please? For me it does not trade at all on 5-digit broker demo account, and lately after trying it on 4-digit, also it doesn't trade. Alongside it though, XBars is happily trading on 4-digit broker. One of those weird things I guess. Edited by witzcowitz
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This is Funyoo's EA. Its retarded that he spends hours coding it, only to have it pirated. THIS EA WAS MEANT FOR TSF FORUMS!


Admin, please remove previous link. On top of the fact that FXZapper is a pirated version, I myself have spent a few hours helping code the version that everyone now is using (of XBars); including FXZapper.


If you want this EA, PAY FUNYOO FOR IT! Its $99 for a year to access all of his EAs (over 150 at the moment).


I hope you pay for everything that you download from this site and you are not been a hypocrite

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This is Funyoo's EA. Its retarded that he spends hours coding it, only to have it pirated. THIS EA WAS MEANT FOR TSF FORUMS!


Admin, please remove previous link. On top of the fact that FXZapper is a pirated version, I myself have spent a few hours helping code the version that everyone now is using (of XBars); including FXZapper.


If you want this EA, PAY FUNYOO FOR IT! Its $99 for a year to access all of his EAs (over 150 at the moment).


unless youre the author of the EA you cant request the link is deleted. only admins (not mods) can add things to the blacklist. so funyoo needs to contact one of the admins (kardel for eg) and its up to them if it gets added.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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thanks to a bad guy who pirated a copy of xbars ea and sells for an ill-gotten profit, his so called fxzapper ea is now available here for caring & sharing, couldn't thank birt much more for cracking it.

i've backtested this ea and all i can say is WOW! it's called "Kill 2 birds with a stone"

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There seems to be some hype about funyoo´s forum, especially the "elite section".

When someone says, that there are 150 EAs for download available, then it must be clearly said, that 99% of them are rubbish, and the old formula applies, that quantity does not necessarily mean quality.

In the forum and especially the XBar Scalper-thread discussion is already focusing on that and the fact, that everyone there is loosing oversight. Funyoo himself is ignoring requests by users to solidify this.

XBar Scalper is one of the few 3-4 EAs which deserve attention, but improvement as well.

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Sharing is one thing but stealing from a good man like Funyoo who works hard, get paid little for his efforts is a crime in my book.


I have contacted Funyoo on this and hope he does not get discouraged as he has helped many over the past years.




Let me remind you that your Sir Lancelot is something similar: http://eareview.net/archives/378

So the thief says: catch the thief!

Edited by forexmacc
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I am not here to argue with anyone on this.


The indicators were posted here for anyone to use. I used them and then re-did the entire program after it was discovered that one shuold buy the commercial indicators. Not that anyone else here ever downloaded the indicators and used them. Also the site, at the time for the sniper indicator was no longer up and running at that time. Again Lancelot does not use the commercial indicators given away freely on this forum..


I also talked with funyoo and he knows full well that I used some of his coding. No big deal. I am a paid member of his forum and contribute there as well.


Furthuer version 1.0 of Lancelot was , I confess built on commmercial indicators that were sullpied freely here.


From version 2.0 on it is an entirly dirrfrent program and that is why it makes so much profit.


I am simply defending Funyoo and could have easily taken any program he has and sold it but have not and will not.


Like any programmer , there is a difference between using code and stealing an entire program.


Funyoo's sniper program was abandoned a long time ago as no one could get it to make any profit.


Does this never end. I do not promote my programs here or on any forum and rely on my own members that know full well all about any program I have.


I get tired of defending myself here when I have stopped and helped many here with no thanks at all.


I went through this with the Excalibur program when I stated clearly to over 1500 beta testers on TSD forum from the beginning that it was build around a free indicator and was accused over and over again of stealing. SO I guess if someone has an indicator that is freeware and a programmer comes along and makes it into an EA then if that is stealing then perhaps everyone here should stop requesting that programmers change some indicator into an Ea so that it will trade for them.



As to the post that mentions that Funyoo is ignoring his members. Rubbish. If one took sometime there they would see that he had an accident and is recovering and still trying to maintain his forum alone other than the occassional help from other programmers.


Aas to 90% or more of Funyoos programs being rubbish it is no different than here or anywhere else. People take a program, then rather than spend any serious time trying to get the setttings correct, constantly ask to have this added and this added and this added, same as here and everywhere else until finally the program is no where it started. No wonder when funyoo has finally finashed adding and changing and adding the program stops working.


Then again as to sharing. There are enough posts here where members come in and ask for this and that and then state that they are making tons of pips but when asked to help others and post theri settings they simply disappear and come back for more and never give.


This forum here has many good members and many of the seasoned ones are also probably tired of giving and never receiving. Take the Genius crap for example , I am sure that several members here have it woring but I have yet to see them post there success. SImply take , take, and take.


If on goes through enough of the thread here it is always the same members that give, give and give, and alwsy the same that ask, ask and ask but give nothing.


If I get banned from here for being straigh up so be it, but it gets tiring seeing all the asks and never the gives. Members upload program links after paying for a program in the hopes of not only sharing but having others get involved and finding better setting. Yeh right. I do not see long enough threads here to justify that. All I see is that members give up far too quickly, here and other places, and if enough members would actually concentrate on one program , any program and actually share their true results then we would have less threads here and more success stories.


Sniper is and was a failure until many of my own beta tester committed to months of testing and changes until we got it right. The beta testers also bought he program although I did not ask for that either.


It would simply be nice to see a handfull of members here stop crying and start commiting to any program . You would be surprised at the results.


Yes XBars makes fantastic pips. Ask those that have already spent months testing it and sharing theri settings. As well as many other of Funyoos programs. Even on Funyoos forum everyone, mostly jumps from program to program, except a select few who test until theri eyes fallout and theri comps crash and finally get it right.


There is no program, actually few programs that will not make pips if worked on.


Look at the other post here on the Jap Programs. I have them working and making pips, So does another member who is doing even better than me and has been asked several times to share his findings but I see greed not sharing other than the person who was kind ebough to upload the programs to begin with. If he wants to know how to make the Jap programs work then he can simply PM me since no one else wants to share their findings with him.


I simply get tired of negitive input especially from new members here trying to impress who?, and lack of positive input on most forums these days.


Go Figure.



Edited by Pheniox
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I am using tadwulfx and for some reason when I use the unplugged version from Birt, the MM does not work. In backtesting fix lots works fine but when I switch on the money management, no matter what I set the lot size, risk and balance to I keep getting order send error 131 invalid lot size


Anyone having the same issues? backtests great on EURUSD so would really love to get the MM working

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