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We purchased this EA yesterday through recommendation by Stevie G, who develop and distribute Cha-Ching free of charge. We decided to buy through his hop, sort of repaying his work on Cha-Ching EA which is consistently profitable.


We were monitoring the CalibreFXPro 2010 and noticed it open another trade immediately after hitting Stop Loss. We stopped the EA and highlighted the problem to the developers. We were glad to receive their reply this morning and more surprising, they attached the source code of V3_3, mq4 files to us!!!


You can download the original V3_3 from the link below. We did not modify any part of the codes. Enjoy!


If these EAs has helped you to generate profit twice the cost of the EA, please consider paying the developers. The cost is USD 97.




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  RVB said:
Could not open your link for version 3, could you possibly post to another mirror, JasonKWok? Thanks!


Think there was some problem with 2share.com. I have uploaded to 4share.com and here is the link.




Also uploaded to RapidShare


Edited by JasonKwok
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  Mav said:
Thank you, JasonKwok. So about Cha-Ching, how long have you been running it, live/demo and how do you like it?


I have traded Live on Alpari account for about a month. So far, it's profitable though fewer trades opened compared to the rest of the EAs. I will continue use and monitoring its performance.

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Here's the complete package if you along with Caliber Plus (AUS/USD and USD/CHF):


Caliber FX Pro


Value: $97





My take on CaliberFX is that it is a decent EA. What I mean by that is that it works like an EA should work. Now as to the effectiveness of its trading strategy . . . it could use some improvement. It is not the best EA - (in other words, you will lose from time to time to the point that it will set your account back on some days), but you should be able to grow an account with it over time with low risk settings.

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  halcyonn said:
2010.06.10 10:01:41 '183459620': order #29433022 buy 0.18 NZDUSD at 0.6797 was modified -> sl: 0.6826 tp: 0.0000



version 3.3 is not placing t/p for opened positions...is this proper?kindly guide!!


Just curious, why are you using the Caliber EA on NZDUSD? It should be on either EURUSD, GBPUSD and USDJPY and the Pro version on AUDUSD and USDCHF. Guess you might be running multiple EA on the same account and mistaken the above mentioned trade as from Caliber.


Caliber entered every trade with SL and TP.


Edit 1 : Just confirmed with my partner that he has hard coded the TP for us on our VPS account. heeee. Will feed back to the developers and see what they will come up with.


Edit 2: Here is the code that we modified. If you want to know where the changes are, just do a search for "Dan" in the source code. Hope this help. The TP is specified in the TP1 parameter.

Edited by JasonKwok
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yes caliber entres every trade with sl and t/p .this is observation from my use of first version,


this nzdusd trade is from caliber too.i have earlier also traded all kinds of pairs successfully with caliber.


the thing is i am usingh ver 3.3 which is posted on previous pages by our respected friend JasonKwok,this version is not placing t/p.


it is requested that either Jason or some kind mentor have a look at the code and see what's wrong with ver 3.3.


2nd request is that 2nd ver for caliber be posted in full with eas for gbpusd and usdjpy too.


Jason's post is number 30.

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We only trading EURUSD and here is the modified with TP. The TP is specified in TP1 parameters.


The part of the codes that are changed is signed by Daniel. Do a Find for Dan in the source code and you will know where the changes are and you could do the same for other pairs.


Hope this help.


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I just started to learn how to code too. I was motivated by Storming Norman who spotted for us that ProForex robot is cheating during the back test. My conclusion is that it will benefit us if we could learn a bit on coding.


My guess is that this version of Caliber hides the TPs. There are two TP levels specified by TP1 and TP2 parameters. The EA will monitor the price and take partial profit when hit TP1 and closed the remaining position when price hit TP2. In the source code, do a find on TP1 and TP2. But my partner does not like these features because in the case of Internet connection outages or any misfortune causing the EA not able to close the trade in time, the market may turn and hit our SL instead, so he modified the code to include a TP when a trade is opened. ;-)

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  JasonKwok said:
here is the system manual and the developers told me to follow the settings on page 14. please let us know if you found the optimal settings. thanks.


Sory i dont know how do i perform a optimisation. Actually i know a little i am not zero knowledge but i think there must be some points to be care. For example start points and steps target what must they be ? There is a big choice a lot of calculation if we select a big range it may take several weeks. Can you pls help ? Thanks..

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Jason,very kind of you to reply.


hidden sl feature is there and it is set to false when i used it.t/p 1 of 80 was already past in nzdusd position with 100 pip plus in profit that i posted in earlier post but no partial t/p was done.


i just chcked your posted ea in post 41 and it opened t/p and sl both quite fine.


salutes to you,your help truly appreciated.


i have an unreplied question post in the forum section below asking about Old Tick error,can you kindly guide me on this too?


MetaTrader Expert Advisors Chat


EA question, ask, chat all here

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Halcyonn, you are most welcome and I'm glad to know that the code is of help to you.


We used to have this "Old Tick" error on FXCM account. First thing you have to confirm is that your Internet connection is stable. They asked me to close MT4 and deleted the History files, HST, but the problem still persist. Then they asked me to input their server IP address into the server field, located under Tools, Options and Server tab. It works well for the next couple of days. Then they recommended using their VPS which claimed to solve any possible network latency. But we have to increase our deposit to USD 5,000. Finally we switched to Alpari UK, another MT4 broker, and we do not encounter any "Old Tick" error.


For "old Tick" error, you really need to work with the broker's tech support team.

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  Msdogan said:
Sory i dont know how do i perform a optimisation. Actually i know a little i am not zero knowledge but i think there must be some points to be care. For example start points and steps target what must they be ? There is a big choice a lot of calculation if we select a big range it may take several weeks. Can you pls help ? Thanks..


Me too, I have no idea how to find the optimal settings and just rely on the settings given by the developers. Guess we need to know the characteristics of ZigZag and OSMA indicators used in their strategy which I have zero knowledge. :-(


Can someone guide us on finding the optimal settings?

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optimisation is not required that much with caliber.the main eurusd ea is good for usdchf audusd nzdusd usdcad as well.the ea is clever enough to detect direction.


i use 720 minute for sleep period and 50 pip s/l in eurusd ea,which i use for 4 others pairs mentioned, rather than the default 20 pips,and i have been able to get 8.80 profit factor using the mentioned inputs.


i regularly use gbpusd ea for all jpy crosses with same t.p and sl inputs with 720 minute trading break period.


Jason thanx for all your help,greatly appreciate your kind gesture!



one additional note,i find trailing feature's use essential to the profitability.


just to make my outrageous claim of 8.80 profit factor more credible here is detailed statement from last day.risk input is 1 percent.



multiupload.com/ BURSHTI6PF

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