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the dollar last night


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that was a big bad mean move for the dollar last night, also big gains in the last 2 days right after it hit the -61.8 fib line in my chart. I'm hoping for a retracement or at least a move wthin tis channel its in right now, what do you guys think?


edit: currently it sits tightly on the daily s1, won't break it lol. Hope it doesnt

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Re: the dollar last night


The reason the dollar has been so strong lately is due to the Chinese selling their U.S treasury bonds left and right; with such action relinquishing the no.1 spot to Japan . So, the demands for dollars has increased to be able to pay them. However, that is a good info to know a why? but not fundamental in trading decisions. As a trader NEVER get involved emotionally, simply trade the entry and exit strategy of your system. Do not get involved emotionally in nothing else; if you do (hoping) it will destroy you. So, again my advice to you is do not get involved emotionally. Just Trade the System. A good system is one that force you to follow the trend if there is one and not the price. There lies the secret. I learned that after my account was wiped out.

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