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Sell/Buy scripts issue


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Hello Guys,


I would like to have buyer and seller script that runs with predifined SL and TP.


I researched a little bit and found these two scripts in MQL codebase that are for the same thing.


#include <stdlib.mqh>
#include <WinUser32.mqh>
extern double Lots = 0.01; // change this number to change the lotsize
extern double stoploss = 100;  // change this number to change the stoploss
extern double takeprofit = 50; // change this number to change the takeprofit

int start()
int ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY,1.0,Ask,3,,0,"expert comment",255,0,CLR_NONE);
     int error=GetLastError();



Seller one

#include <stdlib.mqh>
#include <WinUser32.mqh>

extern double Lots = 0.01; // change this number to change the lotsize
extern double stoploss = 100;  // change this number to change the stoploss
extern double takeprofit = 5; // change this number to change the takeprofit

int start()
int ticket=OrderSend(Symbol(),



The issue I have is that both scripts are not working when I try to execute them.


If I replace




it works fine but

SL and TP are not defined!


I would appriciate if somebody with better mql understanding can give me a hand on this issue.


Thanks in advance,


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Re: Sell/Buy scripts issue


Your problem is that those scripts were not designed for an ECN/STP broker.


In order to adapt them, you have to send 0 for SL & TP with OrderSend(), check & record the ticket returned and send an OrderModify() for that ticket number, setting the correct SL & TP. Alternatively, you can include the OrderReliable library (which would probably be safer anyway, google to find it) and use the OrderSendReliable2Step() function.

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