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Fusion v1.1a


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Re: Fusion v1.1a


i agree. HiRider is a bomb waiting to explode.


  fxknight said:

Sorry to ruin the party.. all these EAs are pure crap. HiRider who is supposedly the best one is highly optimized with its optimized parameters hidden inside the DLL. Do you guys remember Forex Shocker which when released it had optimization for every month going back to 2006? The same is true with HiRider. It is a marketing genius plot. FXCM are like pigs in heaven from all the people that trade the EA there and the developers are busy counting all the cash generated from the sales of the EAs. They know we are backtesting this EA so they give us what we want.. a good backtest. To truly find out how crappy this EA is run a backtest on EURUSD M5 before 2008 and you will see for yourself. Once you run a forward test you will discover HiRider to take 100 pips stoplosses frequently. Can you afford this on your real account? If you want a truly good EA and enjoy making good profits try MDPro_XE or its clone EAKain. Both of those are money makers unlike those FRWC EAs.


Best of luck

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Re: Fusion v1.1a


  fxknight said:

Sorry to ruin the party.. all these EAs are pure crap. HiRider who is supposedly the best one is highly optimized with its optimized parameters hidden inside the DLL. Do you guys remember Forex Shocker which when released it had optimization for every month going back to 2006? The same is true with HiRider. It is a marketing genius plot. FXCM are like pigs in heaven from all the people that trade the EA there and the developers are busy counting all the cash generated from the sales of the EAs. They know we are backtesting this EA so they give us what we want.. a good backtest. To truly find out how crappy this EA is run a backtest on EURUSD M5 before 2008 and you will see for yourself. Once you run a forward test you will discover HiRider to take 100 pips stoplosses frequently. Can you afford this on your real account? If you want a truly good EA and enjoy making good profits try MDPro_XE or its clone EAKain. Both of those are money makers unlike those FRWC EAs.


Best of luck


You're right. I ran back test for 2004 with 90% modeling quality, 10K account using .1 lots looses $6,000 over the year. Not good.

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Re: Fusion v1.1a


Tutorial setting up web server




once you have setup wamp server

go to install dir webroot directory on wamp server mine was "F:\wamp\www"


create dir "access" like "F:\wamp\www\access\"


open up wordpad


put this inside wordpad


$file = $_GET['file'];

$base = $_GET['base'];

$ret = '1' . substr($base,4-1,1) . '11' . substr($base,6-1,1) . '1' . substr($base,2-1,1) . '1';

echo $ret;



save as frwc.php in wamp webroot access directory like "F:\wamp\www\access\"


put expert advisors libaries in mt4 directory's


restart mt4 load expert advisor put something in plimus ref code like 287433


and everything should be working :)



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Re: Fusion v1.1a


  Stormin_Norman said:
it looks good, but is just optimised for the period. since the end of the competition an account would have been smashed.


people will make money on this. but not the ones who purchase/use it.


I agree 100%. Let's do not forget who's behind FRWC - FT+MD team.

Let's do a bit of thinking now. FapTurbo has been sold in 55k + copies. 55 000X150$ = 8 250 000 - 60% for affiliates = 3 300 000. Then we start counting MegaDroid salesand they earned some 1,5-2 millions f??m MD sales too. Now there's this Fusion magic robot which generates ~400%/month. Wow, why would we need to sell this $ copier machine??? We have some 5 000 000$ capital from FT+MD sales which after a month will be 25 000 000$ using the magic machine Fusion and after an year 3 000 000 should turn into some ~7 000 000 000 000$. Now the reality, the Fusion live account was less than 1k. I judge people by what they're doing and not by what they're saying. I won't waste even a minute of backtesting, not to mention forward test with these crappy robots. It's all about marketing, nothing else. Face the reality. Otherwise Buffet will have to accept the big LOSS, brokers will stop functioning too and the world as we know it will ceise to exist because all the power and wealth will be property of some 5-10-15 k of people who're using the MAGIC.

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Re: Fusion v1.1a


  rusty1975 said:
when i download the rar file , it s empty , can you tell me why or reupload it please


virus scanners delete the contents.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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Re: Fusion v1.1a



thats right.


but any robot have to earn money because nobody would buy it. snowball !!!

...and if they sold some bots they change them where the people loose money!!!

then they buy the new better bot and hope to earn money... they earn money and the same.... they change the bots to loose money!!!

i think that is marketing.


the MAGIC... find that bot and custom settings who really earn money!!!

but nobody knows whos the bot which really earn money.

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Re: Fusion v1.1a


To answer some of the questions:


- The FRWC server is not contacted. For the EAs that are not completely unplugged, the authentication process is bypassed completely.

- I did it by staring hard enough at the asm code, I won't bore you with the details.

- If you see no files, you probably have a packer problem. Use WinRAR, it will ask you for the password. It won't work if you use Total Commander.

- You don't need any webserver or anything of the sort.

- I agree with what some people posted, the EAs are not particularly good.

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