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Can anyone help me to remove the limitation of this indi. it's the best indicator that predicts and forecasts price movement, it relies on the Neural Network model forecasting technique .

The life cycle of the indicator is 3 days; each time it expired relogin at the website and renew the

"JoeChalhoub_FxCrusher Indicator for another 3 days". which i found here




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Guest Todayke

Re: JoeChalhoub_Crusher


I checked the code of the attached version. It doesn't work, because it try to get the news from wrong url.


There is a newer version on this page. It contains 3 indicator, and it seems it doesn't use the news.

Unfortunately this new version doesn't work too for me. The cpu is on 100%, and nothing happens.

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Guest Todayke

Re: JoeChalhoub_Crusher


I registered on that page that you wrote in your first message. The download link is the same:


After you login with your username and pw, you can download the newest version.


I uploaded your attached version without timelimit for you, but I think it needs some coding to work properly (wrong news url and different downloaded data-structure).

hxxp://[email protected]/download.php?mz2iumwky4w


I uploaded the newest version too without timelimit, but something is wrong with it (as I wrote before: 100%cpu etc.).

hxxp://[email protected]/download.php?ynjhy2nljdy


The package contains the original and the decompiled files too. The name of the modified file is JoeChalhoub_FxCrusher_mod.

Try it! If you can use it, please, tell me how! ;)

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Re: JoeChalhoub_Crusher


Has anyone been able to get this indicator working??? Somehow I got it working from the link at this website below (scroll down) and it was giving nice signal arrows, but after a day it got funny and started beeping every tick... :o


I did download the indicator directly from his website but it freezes my Metatrader4 platform...


I also downloaded the 3-day version from the link earlier in this thread, but when applying it to a chart, it asks for username and before I can even type it, I get an error message "bad username or password"...



Here is the website I got the updated indicator from. Hopefully one of you computer genius can get it working properly because it seems very good!




it is the post that reads as follows:


rpchost 2009.08.06 14:18

rpchost wrote >>


I released this custom indicator I hope all traders find it profitable.


Dear traders, sorry I forgot to attach another file with the indicator.

Attached files:

JoeChalhoub_FXCrusher_1.zip (92.68 KB)

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  • 1 month later...

Re: JoeChalhoub_Crusher


JoeChalhoub_BreakingZone.indicator, here.






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