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(req) Magicbreakout

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Re: (req) Magicbreakout


guys the ebook (free one) i already read it before posting, its incomplete they dotn talk about the mm of the trader who achieved the 5400% return in the free ebook.


Indiactors and complete ebook come with the plus package, indicators I believe are locked but hopefully some member can educate them.


So if anyone has the plus package please share.

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Re: (req) Magicbreakout


  butter143 said:
i don't know, is it me or does the site look very much like the 1 minute daily system already posted on this site. i think the the 2 systems are from the same creator.




Their 1 minute daily program seems like an excellent system (I bought it), HOWEVER if you live in the US (like me), it is not tradeable because it often requires you to be long and short an FX pair at the same time (illegal). ;)

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Re: (req) Magicbreakout


  jjames said:
fx easy can you plaese peost it again love to see this system :-ss

Definitely not.

Please look here


Post Black Book List [stuff you can't SHARE] update 3 Feb 10

To avoid unnecessary problems. Things below must not be posted.






-FXNitro EA


-Forex Nuke

-All Dr. Van K. Tharp stuff

-1 Minute Daily

-Forex Retracer

-SRS Trend Rider

-Joury EA

- BBW Scalper

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Re: (req) Magicbreakout


fxeasy5, Thanks for abiding to the II forum rules :shand:


jjames, Thanks for understanding on why these restrictions on sharing certain things are a MUST here.

They are to protect the forum and its members in first place. Safety first. Always. :shand:

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Re: (req) Magicbreakout


  iceage100 said:
backtested 1min daily strategy on gbp/usd with much poorer results than what's included in the package. @-)



Hi iceage,


thx for your feedback. Can you give us a few dates when u found your backtested results to be different from the excel sheet results of the system. Just 2 or 3 days. I just want to see how much descrepency there is.




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Re: (req) Magicbreakout


hi hermanhess,


i didn't manually back-test it. i wrote an ea with 5% true money management and ran a backtest on historical data from jan 2008 to dec 2009.


the result's not as impressive as the one included in the package and the drawdown's quite big. the backtest i did started with $10000 and ended up with about $20000. the max drawdown's about $10000 if i remembered correctly.


i noticed that some buy/sell stop orders were not created successfully because the price prior breakout was too close to the stop order. maybe that's part of the reason why the result's not so impressive.

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