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REQ: Trend Line - Pip Move Alert

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iam sure that there exits some kind of Indicator, but my searches end in no succsess.


I'am looking for an Indicator (MT4) that Alerts me when an Move of an Certain Pip Range onccour.


So basicly a Trend line which marks me the high or low. if the Price move from that point an specific amount of Pips, it Alerts me by sound or email.


does anyone know such kind of Indicator?


Thank You

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Re: REQ: Trend Line - Pip Move Alert



iam sure that there exits some kind of Indicator, but my searches end in no succsess.


I'am looking for an Indicator (MT4) that Alerts me when an Move of an Certain Pip Range onccour.


So basicly a Trend line which marks me the high or low. if the Price move from that point an specific amount of Pips, it Alerts me by sound or email.


does anyone know such kind of Indicator?


Thank You




you find an Alert indicator which pops a message or makes some noice when price passes trendlines, which you can drag and drop and any place of the chart. Have a great evening! :)

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Re: REQ: Trend Line - Pip Move Alert


You could use manually the Hline indicator with alert (below). Just place it as s/r as specify by you.



#property copyright "[email protected]"

#property link ""


#property indicator_chart_window


extern string LineName = "MyLine1";

extern color LineColor = AliceBlue;

extern int LineStyle = 0;

extern int AlertPipRange = 5;

extern string AlertWav = "alert.wav";


int init() {

return (0);



int deinit() {

return (0);



int start() {

int l_ind_counted_0 = IndicatorCounted();

ObjectCreate(LineName, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, Bid);

ObjectSet(LineName, OBJPROP_STYLE, LineStyle);

ObjectSet(LineName, OBJPROP_COLOR, LineColor);

double ld_4 = ObjectGet(LineName, OBJPROP_PRICE1);

if (Bid - AlertPipRange * Point <= ld_4 && Bid + AlertPipRange * Point >= ld_4) PlaySound(AlertWav);

return (0);


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