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Meet the BBW Scalper Designer

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I would like to take a moment to thank I/I for making this forum available in a way that allows us all to communicate our interests and concerns for investing with automated systems.

Next I would like to thank everyone for having a good conversation and in some cases a debate over our products and what our goal and intention is.

Before I go any further, I need to make a statement directly to those who are in charge of the I/I forums. I would appreciate it if you would kindly remove Birts illegal hack link of our system off of your site. I refuse to support this forum or go quietly while the forum allows a moderator to create a hack of someone else’s hard work. Un-ethical, immoral, and bad business.

Another attempted hack of our products and I will simply stop making it available. My partners and I will be better off without thieving. We do well on our own investments of the system does well enough, we do not need to sell it. We have a staff of employees handling the design, testing, analysis, marketing, tech support, registration, We could cut our expenses by not making this product available. Personally, this is the second hack we have faced. The last one is being brought under international scale charges and we are working with the FBI to handle that. So, at this point, it is cheaper for us to pull the product and everyone here and elsewhere would be at a loss of a decent trader trying to help other to make money.

For me, it is not so much making money off of you, it is the fun of seeing so many successful people now if it is going to amount to me having to waste my time and company resources chasing down thieves, then would rather take it off the market and only offer it to those I can trust.

Now, with that out of the way, let’s talk about the issues you have brought up.

I would like to open this up for anyone to ask any questions you want, I will try and do my best to answer them to the best of my ability.

Please note, I am not here to make a sales pitch, I am here to address concerns and issues with our products. It is impossible to improve a product without decent feedback, so I am interested in addressing the needs of the customers, potential customers or even those who do not approve of our technique of addressing the market. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I have read a considerable amount of it. I thank you whether it was in favor or not of my work.

When I designed the system I did, it was for me and a group of friends that enjoyed trading in the Forex. Of course someone comes along and suggests, hey this is decent, why don’t you sell it? So I gave it some thought. I then went to several MT4 sites and recruited beta testers. Merlin was among them. I have found his resourceful knowledge very helpful in considering all the issues that might come into play with the forex market. In doing so, he forced me through several iterations of the code. I had to retain a staff of developers and testers, I begged and borrowed every machine I could access to start testing. Now this product became a thought back in January of last year. By November of last year, Merlin and his team of hedge fund testers, along with mine were finally happy with the final product. I took the next step and obtained partners to help me build the business. We put the product out in December as a demo with option to buy. In January of this year, we found that some people were accessing demo products for illegal use, we had to pull the demo to prevent this. I had to pay people to help build this system, it wasn’t right to have someone steal it and sell it for more than $700 less than our retail price, because of this, you miss out on being able to test drive it for free. For this I am sorry, however, I cannot pay my employees if I cannot put a price on the value of our products.

As you can see, just as we are getting started, people are hacking us forcing us to take drastic measures to protect everyone’s investment, ours and yours.

In my opinion, you have paid much more than $150 USD for rip off products, what is wrong with paying a measly $150 for one that is devoted to being successful for you. There is nothing more insane that to listen to people who are loaded with cash and wanting someone else to do their work for them, but they complain when it comes time to pay for that service. Bottom line, it costs me money to chase down the hackers, pay expensive cryptologists to stop the hackers, and still provide you with a team of support engineers who are professionals in the software industry, which runs approximately $100k annual. That is what I have put into this for you. Now what is wrong with coming to the table on a trial basis to test the system? Only you know that answer.

Sorry, I felt the need to ventilate.

Now, I really enjoyed the banter with Stic, he was pretty persistant in showing how back testing showed our system as a failure. Now for Stic’s benefit, I would like to address his back testing results.

Yes, Stic we have had the same kind of results in back testing. However, back testing does about 3 to 6 months, depending upon how much back test data you have applied. So, the performance of the automation looks good until you have a drawdown and run out of back testing data. Is it the fault of the automation or lack of data? Due to the results and testing we have performed, we have been able to narrow down the belief that due to lack of back testing data to prove out what happens to the open drawdown is not conclusive. This is to say that until you run out of data, the back testing works.

You can determine bad back tests by running it on a pair where the closure of the test is long before the line reaches the end of the chart. Another way is to observe when a drawdown kills the balance long before the back test completes.

We know this because there are many pairs where this is the case, thus we did not recommend them, instead we chose to use the ones with optimal earnings on the back testing that also performed extremely well on the front test.

Stic I do appreciate and understand your issue with trading without a stop loss or some method of eliminating open drawdown trades. We are striving very hard to come up with a solution for this. We are not comfortable with this either. Now Merlin on his own came up with the concept of closing the basket of open trades at the end of the week. Yes we do have a feature called Trimmer that can assist you with doing this. Simple, how many 5M candles are there in a week? Now add that number to the candle count value for the Trimmer. Now you have solved the problem in a Merlin fashion.

What other methods have we come up with in the released version to assist you? Well, you could use the stop loss feature itself. Just because our testers and analysts have not come up with a profitable value for it, does not mean that you cannot. How about the break even spread, you could cut down on risk of losers with this feature, but you will also cut some of your potential earnings as you set a force that the trade must be absolutely right the first time out or you’re out of luck. It helps, but still there are drawdowns. Then there is Cash Collector, which allows you to wrap negative open trades with profitable winning trades.

We control the number of trades per pair, we control the number of pairs, we control how much drawdown you are willing to take, we control how much of your margin we will allow the broker to risk, before the broker makes a margin call. These settings are 100% controllable by you in the pro package. We created a standard package to prevent beginners from taking additional risks of over leveraging their account by changing these critical settings, which would in turn generate a potential margin call.

You can control the drawdown simply by setting the DrawdownProtection, let’s say you don’t want a drawdown worse than 50 pips negative, then just apply that value to this feature and you will notice that the account stops opening new trades at this level and returns to trading when the value is below your setting.

Because we could not set a stop loss that would not harm your account, we decided to control the flow of the trades based on the condition of your account. There are several techniques for this and I noticed that Merlin mentioned many of them. Or web site mentions even more.

The problem with a stop loss is that as a scalper the trades are too small to be profitable enough to go against a single stop loss trade. If there is anyone out there willing to assist with helping me to devise a stop loss system that works, I will work with you on it. Until then, we are choosing to go with a current system that works.

This product is totally customizable, you may come up with a method to deal with it that we have not considered, feel free to let us know what works for you.

All else fails, there is always your ability to use your head. We protected your account so that you can sleep through the night without worrying about a margin call, or overleveraging, can you evaluate a trade on a pair and make a sensible decision to close an obvious loser that isn’t coming back anytime soon? In other words, sleep when you need to, kill bad trades when you see a chance to do it and not risk your earnings. This system is not designed to take big money, big trades, but it was designed to protect your account from being wiped out. This buys you the time to make good decisions.

Just out of curiosity, when you see a bad trade on a 1M or 5M, does it still look bad on a !D or 4H? Think about this when you are thinking about whether or not to cut a trade, the larger scale may prove that this is a temporary issue before the longer trend on the larger timeframe shows it going your way.

There are more than 16 features in this system that allow you to control the scenario that works for you. In addition, I am working night and day, don’t believe me, ask my wife, my company employees that put up with me, or even partners like our beta testers, I have been up around the clock grabbing catnaps at market lows to determine better solutions to our problems. I won’t say we are the perfect product, but I can say that we are doing everything in our power to improve your performance while trying to eliminate the drawdown’s. It just may be a flaw in our product that you may choose to manage. Our current testing is trying to close the open trades based on equity and balance conditions, and we are testing a channel tool. If the price breaks out of the channel in a direction that results in a negative trade, we close the negative trade as the price exits the channel. Again, we are trying very hard and welcome your support to assist with solving this problem.


With that, I open the conversation for questions. I will do my best to answer them.


Thank you


Larry Hayes

CEO – Investors Haven

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


welcome to the forum.


i hope you can gain something from people evaluations and comments of your EA in the thread.


the share link in the thread has been removed as per your request.


it would be impossible to evaluate the qualities of different EAs without this forum. as you are aware 95%+ are utter rubbish and risk losing people not only their purchase price but their funds additionally.


purchasing all the EAs available to find out that most are dishonestly represented would be a very expensive task. as it is i have purchased a number of EAs after being able to evaluate them via this site.


reviewing the claims of these EAs and finding most are false allows people to concentrate on those EAs which are well programmed and safe to use.


the support your company offers, and effort it goes to in developing the EA further should see any serious user be happy to pay the price for your system; especially as EAs which have been altered to allow review cannot be trusted to operate exactly how the original author intended, and may itself risk your account's balance.


thank you for your well worded post. the sharelink has been removed and i hope you can gain some knowledge from people's posts and are pleased your system has generated such interest.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


My question is if you know there can be losses to the degree you mention why would you sell

the ea at this time? If I was developing an ea I would use betatesters but not sell it until I knew

100% that it would not create major DD in backtests. I give you credit for

being devoted in developing the ea but the ea should not be sold until there is a sure

fire way to protect against the DD that you are aware of. That is like telling a kid

it is ok to play with one match but not two matches. Either way the kid can get burned. This is my suggestion so do not take it personal but

you should pull the plug on any future sales until the major DD is resolved.



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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


I take kindly to developers come down to explain themselves (even thou i think they already have an account registered on this forum where they have no problem taking other peoples hardwork for educational purposes) I don't understand why bring any ea to this forum if you know its going to get educated and protection will be removed so we can really see whats inside and try before buy. Why not bring it to TSD or such? I spend alot of money of various ea's and systems that don't work as developers want to sugar coat it to be. No matter what anyone says, everybody is here because they want to make money and improve that ability through knowledge aquired in this trully miraclous forum. People will help you, but making them pay money for the unfished product is hardly fair. Any serious trader on this forum (and anywhere else) sleeps little and works alot such is our craft and I for one understand it to be normal. I wish you luck with your development and hope that your custumers remain happy and profitable, you should add indicators into your ea to improve the backtesting speed. If you don't know how read this article


it will make it easier for you and for your testers to come with decent results faster. Good luck.

[spoiler:26ukmy10]Never trust, never fear, never beg[/spoiler:26ukmy10]
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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


Hey Larry Hayes, looks like you guys created an EA with pretty much potential. Congrats for that. I just have one question: Will there be another possibility to register for a demo version? I would love to test your scalper, but after so many crap sold these days, I don't buys anything untested anymore, even if a thousand people tell my how great it works.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


Although I agree that you should be paid for your product, I disagree with you calling people thieves.

What would you call a developer that misrepresents their product and sells it to unsuspecting customers.

I'd call them thieves. So people wanting to try something before they put out money for it, is not unrealistic.

Especially after they have been ripped off several times already.

I have bought products because of being able to test them for a period of time.

I guess the real problem is there is so many scams out there trying to rip people off, it is hard to seperate the good ones.

Yours might be good who knows, but the odds are against it.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


I agree with the above, bought autopilot and pipminer back in the day, not the fap version the crappy 1m thing, biggest waste of money ever, through this great form however, i test every robot basically and the 2 i have found worthy of my live account i have went out and purchased. this forum is invaluable and i would hate to see it change in any way. best forum on the internet. heck, go through most of the robots on here/the internet and you will find that the "designer" just copied and pasted/renamed a previous robot, and are selling it to us, that is theivery and we are merely trying to get around such SCAMS


To the developer team kudos to you for coming here and showing your product is not intended to rip people off, I realize its not fair to have your work ripped off as well as you do and i apologize for people resorting to that, but most of the people on here will buy your product, myself included once it can be proven to accually work long term, and the fact that you are here talkin to people shows that you are not a scammer at least so kudos to you and your team again! keep workin on that drawdown issue though, and my biggest problem as stated in the other posts is that its not an accual basket where all the profits from every currency are connected to other currencies as well as all the losses from all the currencies. anyways, just my two cents, your solution might be better

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


I agree with most of the retorts above, so I won't repeat what's already been said. I thought it would be worth mentioning however that BBW is being sold on ebay. The seller claims it is a legit copy however this seller has been on ebay for a long time and everything else that he sells/has sold is pirated. His seller ID on ebay is noordeen84. He most likely frequents this forum. So Mr Larry Hayes you either have a very dubious affiliate selling your EA on ebay or he is selling a pirated copy. You might want to check it out.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


welcome to the forum.


i hope you can gain something from people evaluations and comments of your EA in the thread.


the share link in the thread has been removed as per your request.


it would be impossible to evaluate the qualities of different EAs without this forum. as you are aware 95%+ are utter rubbish and risk losing people not only their purchase price but their funds additionally.


purchasing all the EAs available to find out that most are dishonestly represented would be a very expensive task. as it is i have purchased a number of EAs after being able to evaluate them via this site.


reviewing the claims of these EAs and finding most are false allows people to concentrate on those EAs which are well programmed and safe to use.


the support your company offers, and effort it goes to in developing the EA further should see any serious user be happy to pay the price for your system; especially as EAs which have been altered to allow review cannot be trusted to operate exactly how the original author intended, and may itself risk your account's balance.


thank you for your well worded post. the sharelink has been removed and i hope you can gain some knowledge from people's posts and are pleased your system has generated such interest.


Thank you Norman, I appreciate and understand your position. Thank you also for removing the link.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


My question is if you know there can be losses to the degree you mention why would you sell

the ea at this time? If I was developing an ea I would use betatesters but not sell it until I knew

100% that it would not create major DD in backtests. I give you credit for

being devoted in developing the ea but the ea should not be sold until there is a sure

fire way to protect against the DD that you are aware of. That is like telling a kid

it is ok to play with one match but not two matches. Either way the kid can get burned. This is my suggestion so do not take it personal but

you should pull the plug on any future sales until the major DD is resolved.




You assume that all drawdown is an evil thing. However, we are dealing with an altering sin wave. In a constant loop if you will upon a singularity. Repeatedly a currency pair will return to any point of origin that you designate. The key is to find the highest frequency in this behavior If for some reason the singularity moves from that point, in means of a market shift based on the news, eventually it will return to that location. We know this by the behaviors generated from a Bollinger set, a Fibonacci sequence, and strength of support and resistance. To assume that drawdown is bad totally is foolish investing when you consider these factors. Not meaning to degrade you. This is a Bollinger strategy. Because of this, we know that what goes up, eventually goes down. The exception to the rule on the Bollinger is a position shift. 2/3rds of the time, when a shift occurs it will return to it’s previous position. To see an illustration of this, select a 1 hour candle chart in the back testing system. Pick a point on the one hour candle and count how many times the price crosses the same point within the candle, before moving o to the new candle.

I do not willingly submit my clients or even my own money to a careless toss to the wind simply because it feels good to do so. I would not be able to invest for long in the market if that were the case. Nor would anyone else who uses this strategy. The difficulty here is to root out the actual bad trade gone negative against the negative trade in the pattern waiting to return to point of earnings. This is not simple, channels are not perfectly straight, sometimes a trade is opened just above or below a channel border and is not hit until the shift to the next channel or in worse case, shift moves in the opposing direction thus creating the ugly drawdown bad trade that we really do not want.

So now that we further understand the logic behind the trading style of using no stop loss style trading, the question of why has been partially answered. The remaining answer is, we have a 90% accuracy of this event happening, can we the investors not handle the 10% that requires human evaluation? I believe that as a good investor you do have the common sense to look at a chart with an unusual drawdown and evaluate for closure. Meanwhile, you have a system that handles 90% of all trades in a favorable profit.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


I take kindly to developers come down to explain themselves (even thou i think they already have an account registered on this forum where they have no problem taking other peoples hardwork for educational purposes) I don't understand why bring any ea to this forum if you know its going to get educated and protection will be removed so we can really see whats inside and try before buy. Why not bring it to TSD or such? I spend alot of money of various ea's and systems that don't work as developers want to sugar coat it to be. No matter what anyone says, everybody is here because they want to make money and improve that ability through knowledge aquired in this trully miraclous forum. People will help you, but making them pay money for the unfished product is hardly fair. Any serious trader on this forum (and anywhere else) sleeps little and works alot such is our craft and I for one understand it to be normal. I wish you luck with your development and hope that your custumers remain happy and profitable, you should add indicators into your ea to improve the backtesting speed. If you don't know how read this article

it will make it easier for you and for your testers to come with decent results faster. Good luck.



For one, I never brought this EA to you, I did and do depend upon viral marketing as it is my only true source of marketing. It works and I believe in it. However, I have only posted about my product on the MT4 community site and that was done the day I called for volunteers to be in the beta test team. Those who left that team and went out on their own to provide the viral marketing, well I thank them, however, there is no ties between them and myself. I came to this site for one reason today and that was because Merlin told me that people were concerned about the removal of the Demo and are finding means of being able to do it without my authority. Well, I signed in today, first as a anonymous person, then after I confirmed the situation, I logged in as myself. My intent is not to be deceptive, but to not interfere with the activities of this forum. I identified myself only to eliminate the wrong doings. Now you want to ask me questions, I will tell you what is in the code. See, anyone can steal the code and make it theirs, but like a work of art, they will not fully understand my intents and because of this, they will likely overwrite the most valuable aspect of the code.

So you want to know what is in the dll? It is simple, it is my trigger on when to open a buy or sell based on the signals I have coded. What are those? It is stated right on my web site for all to see. When a candle touches the top Bollinger, it assumes a reverse, the trade is then opened after a confirmation candle and the trade is opened in the opposing direction. This has to align with the cross over confirmation of the stochastic. The linear regression assists me to determine actual cross over point or point of connection with the bands. It will turn sharply upon itself as a confirmation of the reverse. The final piece is the confirmation on the P SARS. That is it. The only other thing in the dll is our process of registering your EA’s with our database on our authentication server.

A s for the commented sections I noticed someone analyzing, I am not sure. I handle the primary coding of the behavior of the EA, my senior dev handles the authentication and VMP wrapping of the code. That code is probably remarked out because I need it when I modify the code or run without the authentication, he does not need it or has moved it to the dll, so he comments it for my later use.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


Hey Larry Hayes, looks like you guys created an EA with pretty much potential. Congrats for that. I just have one question: Will there be another possibility to register for a demo version? I would love to test your scalper, but after so many crap sold these days, I don't buys anything untested anymore, even if a thousand people tell my how great it works.


As a trader looking for a decent product, there is no doubt in my mind that I support the idea of using a demo. I was proud to offer that to the world because there is no better sales pitch than giving a true product a spin. However, we are under a heavy series of hack attacks, local community included. This is primarily because we let the product out as a demo. So some not so nice folks out there were getting the product as a demo, reverse engineering the code that handles the registration process, or trying to “fake” the authentication process. When this happened, it threatened my ability to pay my employees. I am willing to provide access to my products for the sake of others to achieve financial success, I feel good when I know that someone took some small account and grew it to a large balance and my skills contributed to their success, but, I cannot sacrifice my employees and their hard work to make it happen. So, I am currently investigating with other companies to find a solution that will allow me to offer either a demo or live version to you without risking the very essence that puts food on the table for my employees. I am sparing no expense, I hire the best directly from Microsoft, people I have worked with for several years, that are also active investors. So as you can imagine, their cost of living is not easy to finance. Also, we are not doing this with business investors, the time of the design is coming out of all of our pockets with the hopes that our efforts will be rewarded by you the customer.

Currently, we are investigating a web based access via a VPS system. I am not sure how we can afford to pay for it as a demo and still allow you access to it, but some of my consorts suggested that I provide a membership site. This way, you sign up as a membership on a cheap feel with a small annual, and you can setup up as many demos as you need or want for testing or you can sign up for a live or two. Now there is no limit to the lives, but the demos are going to be expensive to support, I am trying to keep the costs down for us so we can pass savings onto you and you can spend more on your investing success with les son our expenses to provide it to you. This will take some time to iron it out, but my VPS partner just sent me an email stating he has something dynamite in mind for this. I will update the website when I get this ironed out.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


I agree with most of the retorts above, so I won't repeat what's already been said. I thought it would be worth mentioning however that BBW is being sold on ebay. The seller claims it is a legit copy however this seller has been on ebay for a long time and everything else that he sells/has sold is pirated. His seller ID on ebay is noordeen84. He most likely frequents this forum. So Mr Larry Hayes you either have a very dubious affiliate selling your EA on ebay or he is selling a pirated copy. You might want to check it out.


That EBay situation is interesting for you to hear about and I am kind of proud of it. The reason is this, as I go out and put out the fires of abuse, I have found skills in the person that warrants attention. This was a pirate that had hacked my code by paying an engineer $250. He then posted it on EBay and sold 3 of them before I caught him. I did my homework, I tracked down his location, country, city, and place of employment. I also found the sources of where he recruited his hacking developer and tracked down that developer as well. Once I had all my homework done, I gathered all the information to have him shut down on all the sites where he was doing business including his place of employment. All I had to to do was to fax the evidence to these businesses and he would have been shut down. To take it a step further, I had also contact a branch of the FBI that works with companies like Microsoft to bring down pirating companies.

So I had this guy by the balls and decided that after all the work I had done, he had a good marketing system and skill. So I contacted him, gave him 24 hours to come clean with me. I offered him an affiliate position for him to work legally with me instead of working behind my back or behind bars. He chose to work with me. Again, wasted time for me, but I gained a good affiliate with talent. If you would rather take his offer that is fine with me as he is on the level now. However, through Merlin’s work with me, I have offered him a better opportunity for you here.

Merlin is the only person that I am allowing that deep of a discount. Now, he is not accepting any commission on his referrals and that is how you are getting your deep discount. The prices he is giving you, is actually our bottom line wholesale price. This allows us to operate and pay our employees. There is no jacking up in those prices. Anyone who has taken advantage of Merlin’s offer is truly getting a deal that is no offered anywhere else in the world. If you find one, you will find a thief not working with me.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


Hi Larry,


Thanks for your visit and comments.


With interest I have followed your website, especially the results posted on myfxbook.

What triggers me:


1. I see many accounts being closed after 30 days.

2. Are your accounts on myfxbook real money accounts?

3. I see numerous combinations of pairs being used. Have you researched and selected the most profitable pairs, timeframes and settings?

4. Do members/purchasers receive regular updates on results, settings, etc?


The most important thing here is that the EA is not cheap. And we all have gotten burnt with purchasing EAs. Even the demo version is rather expensive IMHO. Should such demo not deliver expected results, than that's hard to recover from in forex.

Moreover, when there's little or no support to help people getting profitable results (pairs, TF, settings), this can lead to frustration and disappointment.


Cheers, San.

Thanks for the kudos...much appreciated!
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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


You did not read my post correctly. I indicated that you know your system has major DD in backtests which you admitted.

You know as well as I do most people buy ea's because they can not manually trade. To sell an ea which has major dd in

backtests is like telling a kid to cross a freeway during rush hour traffic. Sooner or later the kid will get hit by a car.

So again, my recommendation is pull the plug on any further sales untl you and your betatesters solve the major DD

in backtesting your ea. It does not matter if you have 99% winnning in backtesting. If the 1% loss cause major DD

then it is not a good exit strategy.





You assume that all drawdown is an evil thing. However, we are dealing with an altering sin wave. In a constant loop if you will upon a singularity. Repeatedly a currency pair will return to any point of origin that you designate. The key is to find the highest frequency in this behavior If for some reason the singularity moves from that point, in means of a market shift based on the news, eventually it will return to that location. We know this by the behaviors generated from a Bollinger set, a Fibonacci sequence, and strength of support and resistance. To assume that drawdown is bad totally is foolish investing when you consider these factors. Not meaning to degrade you. This is a Bollinger strategy. Because of this, we know that what goes up, eventually goes down. The exception to the rule on the Bollinger is a position shift. 2/3rds of the time, when a shift occurs it will return to it’s previous position. To see an illustration of this, select a 1 hour candle chart in the back testing system. Pick a point on the one hour candle and count how many times the price crosses the same point within the candle, before moving o to the new candle.

I do not willingly submit my clients or even my own money to a careless toss to the wind simply because it feels good to do so. I would not be able to invest for long in the market if that were the case. Nor would anyone else who uses this strategy. The difficulty here is to root out the actual bad trade gone negative against the negative trade in the pattern waiting to return to point of earnings. This is not simple, channels are not perfectly straight, sometimes a trade is opened just above or below a channel border and is not hit until the shift to the next channel or in worse case, shift moves in the opposing direction thus creating the ugly drawdown bad trade that we really do not want.

So now that we further understand the logic behind the trading style of using no stop loss style trading, the question of why has been partially answered. The remaining answer is, we have a 90% accuracy of this event happening, can we the investors not handle the 10% that requires human evaluation? I believe that as a good investor you do have the common sense to look at a chart with an unusual drawdown and evaluate for closure. Meanwhile, you have a system that handles 90% of all trades in a favorable profit.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


Hi Larry,


Thanks for your visit and comments.


With interest I have followed your website, especially the results posted on myfxbook.

What triggers me:


1. I see many accounts being closed after 30 days.

2. Are your accounts on myfxbook real money accounts?

3. I see numerous combinations of pairs being used. Have you researched and selected the most profitable pairs, timeframes and settings?

4. Do members/purchasers receive regular updates on results, settings, etc?


The most important thing here is that the EA is not cheap. And we all have gotten burnt with purchasing EAs. Even the demo version is rather expensive IMHO. Should such demo not deliver expected results, than that's hard to recover from in forex.

Moreover, when there's little or no support to help people getting profitable results (pairs, TF, settings), this can lead to frustration and disappointment.


Cheers, San.



If you look at the data on the summary page of the Test Lab site on MyFxBook, there is a column for Type, it designates whether the account is Demo or Real. We have 1 real live account that we are currently authorized to place up there. In the next 2 weeks we are expecting to have 3 more live accounts up there. If anyone here would like to share their live postings up there, you are welcome to do so. In the title of your report, just use “BBW Scalper” in the title and it will appear in our list as well.

The 3o day retired tag is a situation where the demos we run only last for 30 days, broker situation, not our choice. I would love longer test results. So when the broker retires a demo, we mark is as 30 day retired and create a new demo. I haven’t removed it because people want to know about what it has done over the past tests. As you can tell from the titles we have different versions on them. 3.8.6 is practically the same as 4.4, all did was add the authentication process and wrapup work to it to make it 4.4. The 4.5 is a change in the configurations only that were suggestions from Merlin and his crew helping us to find the optimizations for the products. Which are settings available on the Pro version, not on the Std. This is because some of those settings would require a recompile. Std is expected to be a hands off scenario, while the pro was meant for folks that are hedge fund managers and professional traders to tweak with their testing. Optimization is the name of the game for Pro.

Pairs – We have found 10 pairs that perform optimally with Std, we applied the same pairs to Pro. As for 4.5, we are running with pairs that appear to be more optimized. BarBQu runs on different pair sets as well (not yet released). I am not sure if anyone here has heard of currency rings, but it was a great system that lent itself to hope and pray strategies (strategies with no stop loss). These are 3 pairs that have a primary and secondary relationship to each other and their correlation evaluates to 1:1. This is to say that in a triangle relationship between 3 currency pairs, it becomes a near 1 to 1 relationship in the movement behaviors. If one goes up the other goes down, and the third becomes a counter balance to maintain the relationship of the 3. We are looking into using double currency rings with the latest 4.5 tests.

Timeframe for Scalper is M5, we are testing 4.5 and 5.0 for M1, home timeframe for a true scalper. Yes, we do use specific timeframes and we have tested across several timeframes.

Yes we send out the updates to those it pertains to. It would not make sense to send Professional optimal settings to the Std owners, especially if it utilizes portions of the code that requires recompiling.

I am assuming that the rest of your conversation refers to the way other companies have treated you. I cannot take responsibility for them. As for us, we tried to go the free route, got burnt as well, we are trying to come up with an alternative solution to safely provide demo accounts again, already discussed. As for the Tech support I manage that team as well and sometimes you can actually catch me on the [email protected] alias helping our customers. I like the idea of staying close to the people that can make a difference in how I develop products. If I can understand their situation, I can code it better. For budget purposes we only have 3 people working around the clock in this team, I am the 4th.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


You did not read my post correctly. I indicated that you know your system has major DD in backtests which you admitted.

You know as well as I do most people buy ea's because they can not manually trade. To sell an ea which has major dd in

backtests is like telling a kid to cross a freeway during rush hour traffic. Sooner or later the kid will get hit by a car.

So again, my recommendation is pull the plug on any further sales untl you and your betatesters solve the major DD

in backtesting your ea. It does not matter if you have 99% winnning in backtesting. If the 1% loss cause major DD

then it is not a good exit strategy.




You did not read my post correctly. I indicated that you know your system has major DD in backtests which you admitted.

You know as well as I do most people buy ea's because they can not manually trade. To sell an ea which has major dd in

backtests is like telling a kid to cross a freeway during rush hour traffic. Sooner or later the kid will get hit by a car.

So again, my recommendation is pull the plug on any further sales untl you and your betatesters solve the major DD

in backtesting your ea. It does not matter if you have 99% winnning in backtesting. If the 1% loss cause major DD

then it is not a good exit strategy.

I find it interesting that you relate drawdown to tragic incidence of a child getting hit by a car. Is there some need for some therapy here? A little humor, hope you don’t mind. Our system has been tested time and time again with no margin calls NONE WHAT SO EVER. The have survived the August trading and December trading, the non farm, etc. The system is designed to support even the most uglies drawdown and KEEP THE ACCOUNT ALIVE.

Example: In December, we had a $5k account that was hit by the 900 pip move on EURUSD, Merlin has already told you about it. What he didn’t tell you is that because of the Accelerator feature, there were 4 open trades on that account in that pair. When the market reversed and flew away like that, the account was more than 8800 pips in danger, only $1500 left on the margin. BUT IT LIVED IT DID NOT MARGIN.

Can you name 1 automation out there that can take 8800 pips of drawdown and still remain alive? Not me. This is all the proof I need to know that even if with all of our efforts of protection, that kid may get stupid and cross the road in front of the car, but with the right protection, that kid may survive the car accident.

Even a 1% can survive.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer



there is at least one broker I know of who offers non-expiring demo-accounts:


If I don’t want my Demo Account to expire, what should I do?


Your Demo Account will remain open indefinitely, unless there isn’t any trading activity for a period of 30 days. In that case your demo account will be automatically deleted by our server.


2 questions:


1. What is the minimum balance to start with BBW standard when micro-lots will be traded ?

I cannot find the answer to this question on your website.


2. When purchasing the 3-months trial for $150 and then purchasing the full license ....

are the 150 included = full-license-price minus 150 ?



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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


Your ea should be called a semi-automatic trading strategy as you stated that people

need to monitor the trades. When you come up with better exit strategies that do not show major dd on

a 4 year backtest with 90% model quality then I will buy your ea. Until then people might as well save there

money as if they trade this ea without monitoring it they will suffer major DD which you admitted.




You did not read my post correctly. I indicated that you know your system has major DD in backtests which you admitted.

You know as well as I do most people buy ea's because they can not manually trade. To sell an ea which has major dd in

backtests is like telling a kid to cross a freeway during rush hour traffic. Sooner or later the kid will get hit by a car.

So again, my recommendation is pull the plug on any further sales untl you and your betatesters solve the major DD

in backtesting your ea. It does not matter if you have 99% winnning in backtesting. If the 1% loss cause major DD

then it is not a good exit strategy.


You did not read my post correctly. I indicated that you know your system has major DD in backtests which you admitted.

You know as well as I do most people buy ea's because they can not manually trade. To sell an ea which has major dd in

backtests is like telling a kid to cross a freeway during rush hour traffic. Sooner or later the kid will get hit by a car.

So again, my recommendation is pull the plug on any further sales untl you and your betatesters solve the major DD

in backtesting your ea. It does not matter if you have 99% winnning in backtesting. If the 1% loss cause major DD

then it is not a good exit strategy.

I find it interesting that you relate drawdown to tragic incidence of a child getting hit by a car. Is there some need for some therapy here? A little humor, hope you don’t mind. Our system has been tested time and time again with no margin calls NONE WHAT SO EVER. The have survived the August trading and December trading, the non farm, etc. The system is designed to support even the most uglies drawdown and KEEP THE ACCOUNT ALIVE.

Example: In December, we had a $5k account that was hit by the 900 pip move on EURUSD, Merlin has already told you about it. What he didn’t tell you is that because of the Accelerator feature, there were 4 open trades on that account in that pair. When the market reversed and flew away like that, the account was more than 8800 pips in danger, only $1500 left on the margin. BUT IT LIVED IT DID NOT MARGIN.

Can you name 1 automation out there that can take 8800 pips of drawdown and still remain alive? Not me. This is all the proof I need to know that even if with all of our efforts of protection, that kid may get stupid and cross the road in front of the car, but with the right protection, that kid may survive the car accident.

Even a 1% can survive.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


Your ea should be called a semi-automatic trading strategy as you stated that people

need to monitor the trades. When you come up with better exit strategies that do not show major dd on

a 4 year backtest with 90% model quality then I will buy your ea. Until then people might as well save there

money as if they trade this ea without monitoring it they will suffer major DD which you admitted.




You did not read my post correctly. I indicated that you know your system has major DD in backtests which you admitted.

You know as well as I do most people buy ea's because they can not manually trade. To sell an ea which has major dd in

backtests is like telling a kid to cross a freeway during rush hour traffic. Sooner or later the kid will get hit by a car.

So again, my recommendation is pull the plug on any further sales untl you and your betatesters solve the major DD

in backtesting your ea. It does not matter if you have 99% winnning in backtesting. If the 1% loss cause major DD

then it is not a good exit strategy.


You did not read my post correctly. I indicated that you know your system has major DD in backtests which you admitted.

You know as well as I do most people buy ea's because they can not manually trade. To sell an ea which has major dd in

backtests is like telling a kid to cross a freeway during rush hour traffic. Sooner or later the kid will get hit by a car.

So again, my recommendation is pull the plug on any further sales untl you and your betatesters solve the major DD

in backtesting your ea. It does not matter if you have 99% winnning in backtesting. If the 1% loss cause major DD

then it is not a good exit strategy.

I find it interesting that you relate drawdown to tragic incidence of a child getting hit by a car. Is there some need for some therapy here? A little humor, hope you don’t mind. Our system has been tested time and time again with no margin calls NONE WHAT SO EVER. The have survived the August trading and December trading, the non farm, etc. The system is designed to support even the most uglies drawdown and KEEP THE ACCOUNT ALIVE.

Example: In December, we had a $5k account that was hit by the 900 pip move on EURUSD, Merlin has already told you about it. What he didn’t tell you is that because of the Accelerator feature, there were 4 open trades on that account in that pair. When the market reversed and flew away like that, the account was more than 8800 pips in danger, only $1500 left on the margin. BUT IT LIVED IT DID NOT MARGIN.

Can you name 1 automation out there that can take 8800 pips of drawdown and still remain alive? Not me. This is all the proof I need to know that even if with all of our efforts of protection, that kid may get stupid and cross the road in front of the car, but with the right protection, that kid may survive the car accident.

Even a 1% can survive.



Toemayto or tomato, I personally manage over 50 accounts right now by myself. I touch each one in a matter of 30 seconds and move on. It takes me 2 hours to process them all, now this is my monitoring system. If I have to apply changes for or with my clients, that can be a 10 to 15 minute process. Now this is because I am developing a strong customer base. I teach my copper plan clients how to do the same thing with their accounts. The check it 3 times a day, takes 10 to 15 seconds to do it. If there is a bad trade, they spend a minute or two to determine the condition and decide whether or not to kill the trade. You want to say semi – automatic because you have to touch something in a matter of seconds 3 times a day, fine by me, I call it wise to watch your money.

Anyone fooled into believing in a fully automatic system that is 100% hands off, in my opinion, deserves to lose their account. That is not investing, that is pure lazy and living in a fantasy land.

In fact, if anyone promises to deliver a specific percentage of earnings or specific dollar amounts based on their automatic system, I say run like hell the other way, but only after you slap them for lying. There is no such thing as earning the same amount consistently in a market that is forever moving and changing. People who promise on this basis is mostly likely making above that and anything above that is their percentage for letting you use their system.


-- 03 Feb 2010, 17:27 --


Folks, I hope I have been of some help here. I really need to get back to work on the development of 5.0,


Happy pipping everyone, whether you choose our products or not it is up to you. I don't believe in pressure selling, so you won't get it from me. You know how to investigate and many of you seem like bright, intelligent folks, I am honored that you allowed me the time to talk with you about what we have to offer. If you have any suggestions on how to make our product better, we do listen and are ready for your suggestions. If you got something that helps the stop loss issue, please let me know soon and I will try and get it into 5.0. we have 2 new methods we are working on that may help, just trying to figure out how to get them profitable. Kind of hard when the new scalper only takes 2 - 10 pips at a time and we cannot set stops closer than 5 to 7 pips, but we are trying our best.


Anyway, you know what to do, take care and thank you for your time to talk to me. I hope I have laid some of your concerns to rest.

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Re: Meet the BBW Scalper Designer


a good place to end the discussion.


i will point out that i dont touch any robots i run, their trades run their course, and i wouldnt appreciate being slapped for lying. i would contact the fbi, cia, kgb and csiro.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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