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From 200 to 1000 in 21 days

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i did give myself a goal to raise 200 EUR depostit to 1.000 EUR in 21 business days (1 month).

Goal is reachable if I collect 30 pips daily with 5% risk. Manualy without any EA.

I will try to use different manual systems which will help me.

One of them is Big Dog's 7to9 - thx Yarman.

Can you suggest any other system to help me?

Do you think goal is reachable?

What about 30 pips daily - is this too much for daily gain? Does experienced traders get 30 pips daily?


Thanks for helping me. Will try to update this forum with results.


First day: 30 pips OK

Second day: 30 pips OK

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Re: From 200 to 1000 in 21 days


This looks interesting, best of luck on your trades! Keep us posted, what times are you planning to trade through if we were to suggest you other systems?

[spoiler:26ukmy10]Never trust, never fear, never beg[/spoiler:26ukmy10]
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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: From 200 to 1000 in 21 days


Hi Friends,

Some sites are showing that PIP is not any investor claim.

But its a scam.

One website of big trading company mentioned in their website:

"PIPs PureInvestor claims that investors can make 2% a day on their investment but it's nothing but a classic Ponzi Scheme."

Is it true??

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Re: From 200 to 1000 in 21 days




is it really true tat 7-9am Big Dog system never lose?

anyone have experiences with this system?




My friend,


There is no system in this world that never lose.


"If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is" I'm sure you've heard the expression


cheers :-bd

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: From 200 to 1000 in 21 days


The Big Dog's system is good and very accurate (he make between 10 and 30 pips for day). I test different settings for exit.


I use too the Pallada 2009 SE system with Eurusd and Gbpusd. The system is good and I make already many pips :)

Hi ShakerZ,


Is possible to share the latest Big Dog's and Pallada 2009 SE systems?


Which currency pairs and what time frame do you use for these systems?


Would be much appreciated.


Many thanks in advance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: From 200 to 1000 in 21 days


Its good to have a defined targets to achieve, but it will only add pressure to you. Trade when even a signal happens according to our setup. One week you might get 400-500 and another week you might get only 100-200 pips. So go with the signal rather than having fixed targets.

Trade the signal, don't chase it
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
thank you indo-investasi... now i become a better trader...


Who is this guy.? I never have read a post of his that didn't say the exact same thing.


If you want to see something funny go and read "view all posts" in his profile. LOL....

Edited by wades-world
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Remington I think you are going to definitely find this harder than you anticipated. Realistically I look for about half of what you are looking for each day. I wish you the best of luck.


One suggestion that I have that I think will really help you that has helped me is following the strategies on IntelliTraders.com. You should really look into the IT Cross setup. Here is a link for you, please let me know what you think as I use it everyday. http://www.intellitraders.com/trading-setups

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hello ITtrader,


Can't access the IT Cross setup from the site. It's asking me to subscribe @ $100usd weekly. Did I go to wrong page?


No you didn't go to the wrong page. It is a membership site. Just do a search here on II for what you are looking for. 90% of anything out there is here. Start at the Beginner's discussion thread, ask the vet's in there they love to help anyone who's asking.

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Hello ITtrader,


Could you post the IT cross setup here? Thanks in advance




Remington I think you are going to definitely find this harder than you anticipated. Realistically I look for about half of what you are looking for each day. I wish you the best of luck.


One suggestion that I have that I think will really help you that has helped me is following the strategies on IntelliTraders.com. You should really look into the IT Cross setup. Here is a link for you, please let me know what you think as I use it everyday. http://www.intellitraders.com/trading-setups

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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest FloridaTrader
oh my GOD


guys all this talk about indicators your better using fxpremiere.com forex signals by professionals on your account . i subscribed to them for $199 and received 5 months worth of signals.. a real bargain...


Noob...do not spam this forum...read the rules.

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