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Rebate caculator indicators


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Re: Rebate caculator indicators


l got this from my friend.

1.open mt4

2.choose account history

3.keep this script to account history windows

http://[email protected]/file/206848228/7acd8f30/Lot_Rebate_Calculator.html

Share for you. :-bd


zoom2009, mate you give a nice tool!


However I can see few deficiences. For example, the script only counts those orders which were closed with profit/loss different to zero.

But some rebates companies return part of spread for these orders as well (closed with zero profit zero loss).


So in order to show real rebates, this tool needs to be customized through its short code.


Would also be great to have an option of picking exact dates (like show me my rebates for the last month. or from this date till this date). Maybe this will be in its next rev.


Whilst I was writing this up, I did actually all what I wanted to see in it, so find attached my mod of this script.


Modified source (mq4) is downloadable here:


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