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The End of Retail Forex in USA?

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Here is an article I just saw at Forex Peace Army that is VERY disturbing! EVERY Forex Trader should read this!!! I posted the most important part and a link to the whole article.





If the CFTC does this, Say goodbye to retail forex in the USA


Important Paragraph:

Hidden away amongst some wonderful regulations to help protect people against many of the more common scams is a little surprise that could spell the end of much retail forex trading at US brokerages.


The plan is to set the maximum leverage for US retail forex to 10:1. Just so that we are clear that this is not me slipping a digit, that's Ten to One.


I love risk management. I can take make the worst trading decisions in the world and only lose money at an incredibly slow pace. Risk management is a good thing, but this is ridiculous.


Just like NFA's anti-hedging and FIFO rules that interfere with stops, this is stripping away the right to make one's own informed (or uninformed) decisions. Some brokers who know that their customers will take all their money out of the USA have found limited ways around the Hedging and FIFO restrictions, but there won't be a way around this. Once again, in order to protect us, the government is taking away all the sharp tools in the shop so that children can play safely around the power equipment.


This will provide some limited protection foolish newbies who have been known to instantly wipe out their life savings with a mouseclick, but the world can't be designed to protect every person from every possible mistake. The government's regulatory role in the forex market should be to protect us from fiscal fraud, not from being able to click buy or sell with some leverage.


Let's do some math. Suppose you have just over $10,000 in your account. Let's ignore spread for a moment to simplify the math. Under 10:1, you can open only 1 lot. That's $100,000 of an xxxUSD pair. If it goes a few pips against you, then there's not enough money in your account and your broker could give you a margin call. If it goes 50 pips in your favor and you move your SL to breakeven (thus, your current risk is only your profit and nothing else assuming your broker is good at honoring stops) or even to +10 pips (thus locking in $100 profit and having your only risk be $400 of your profit), you won't have enough money to open a second lot (or even a single minilot) if you want to scale into a good position.


Using tight risk management as I've described elsewhere (1% of account balance) and a 20 pip stop, you should be able to place a single trade for 5 minilots in a $10,000 account. Under 10:1, you would be able to open (at most) a second position. Even if you have profit locked in, you wouldn't be able to open a third position for this amount.


In my opinion, this restriction is both stupid and insane. I wonder what those big brokers that will have less local competition due to the capital requirements will think when even more forex traders move their money offshore. How many US jobs will this cost if it is implemented?


What's next? 10:1 leverage on all other commodities?



What to do


It's not a law yet. There's still time to complaint and try to stop this.


Before I tell you where to complain, be aware: All comments sent to the CFTC on this topic will be very public. Ranting about government conspiracies won't help. Typing profanity IN ALL CAPS is very tempting in this case, but it won't help. Ten well worded individual letters will carry more weight than 100 copied and pasted letters or even a single petition with hundreds of signatures. I would be honored if you do quote some of this article and/or include a link to it in your complaint, but please also express your feelings in your own words too.


According to the rather lengthy (193 pages) document detailing these proposed rules, this is how to complain:



You may submit comments, identified by RIN 3038-AC61, by any of the following methods:

• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www*regulations*gov/search/index.jsp. Follow the instructions for submitting comments.

• E-mail: secretary@cftc*gov. Include “Regulation of Retail Forex” in the subject line of the message.

• Fax: (202) 418-5521.

• Mail: Send to David Stawick, Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1155 21st Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20581.

• Courier: Same as Mail above.

All comments received will be posted without change to U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, including any personal information provided.


Please, write something and submit it. Even a few sentences. Focus on what that 10:1 rule will do to your trading. Tell them how much money you may move to an offshore broker. Tell them they are costing jobs. Tell them the really good rules closing registration loopholes won't matter so much if there aren't any US forex businesses left to register.


If you come up with any additional arguments against this rule, please share them in this thread.


Don't wait. Get started writing now.

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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA???


I read that article over there too. I live in the US but am trading with a Gain Capital UK account. Looks like I will certainly stay where I am. I hear great things about Dukascopy, and will probably open an account with them for the lower spreads once my capital is larger. Good information to share here on this forum...

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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


Somebody send this to me on friday. The lobbiests won't let it happen. Some of the biggest currency traders and brokerages reside in the USA, im sure they won't let it happen. I could be wrong but chances are this bill will get modified and turn into shreads and once passed there will be enough loop holes in it to bypass it.

[spoiler:26ukmy10]Never trust, never fear, never beg[/spoiler:26ukmy10]
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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?




I have Dukascopy as a broker. Glad I'm retiring before any of this mess would take effect, if it does.


Yarman, when you say you're retiring - do you mean retiring from FX trading? If so, why?


Also, do you envision a time when FX minimum requirements will be like those of stock futures?

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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?



I wouldn't move it now. It will be a while before this would be approved and enacted. Just have a backup plan handy just in case.


Already looking, but it's hard to find a company that's not an ECN that is as good as Oanda. Hopefully there is a compromise and the leverage is at 50:1.

Just another pippin master :):)
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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


ALL the FX forum even a broker like IBFX encourage their reader, client etc to Stand force to pulling these rules down ... LOL ... dude those NFA-PLON just PLON the game off ... LOL

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


Dear MB Trading FX Client,

On January 13, 2010, the CFTC announced proposed new regulations concerning retail foreign currency transactions. Many of the proposed changes would implement important consumer protection regulations, which MB Trading firmly favors. However, one of the proposed changes would radically lower Forex leverage from 100:1 to 10:1 for all NFA and CFTC regulated Forex firms.

Under the proposed rule, here are some examples based on trading 10,000 USD:

Currency Pair Current Margin Requirements* Proposed Margin Requirements

EUR/USD $142 $1,420

GBP/USD $163 $1,630

USD/JPY $100 $1,000

*Current margin requirements based on rates as of January 19th, 2010

The impact of these new requirements for a FOREX trader could be significant. Under existing rules and based on present day exchange rates, a $10,000 account could buy or short just over 700,000 EURUSD. With the new proposed rule, the same account would only be able to buy or short 70,000 EURUSD, significantly impacting the results of the trade.

MB Trading recognizes the importance of regulation that strengthens industry oversight. We agree with policing and regulating the industry, as was Congress' intent when empowering the CFTC to create additional rules. However, we don't agree with policies that might clearly disadvantage firms in the United States which in turn disadvantage you, the client. We encourage you to voice your individual opinion directly to the CFTC. The Public Comment Period is open for 60 days from the date of publication, which was January 13, 2010. You may find the entire draft proposal here: CFTC.Gov


and you may contact the CFTC directly by sending an email to [email protected] with "Regulation of Retail Forex" in the subject line.

Thank you for your support.

Ross Ditlove


MB Trading

=)) =)) =)) ...woooo ... DUDE ... PAL!! .. EVERYBODY ... !!! lets send these NFA-PLON WITH some AUTOPLON EA ... =))

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


It WORSE PART !... there is no such thing like a GOOD NEWS or GREAT NEWS in leverage 1:10,... soon the NFA should change their "BROKER" means by ... "BEING SO BROKE"




look at the comment that they SCANNED and UPLOAD =)) :) only Retarded person that purpose the 1:10 leverage


dough ... if somebody gave u a comment and you print it out ..you stamp it with "COMMENT" ... scanned the paper that u print .... and then you upload it again at your site ... ( uh ... i forgot to convert the image to a PDF) is SO RETARDED JOB TO.... =))

[spoiler=stttttt... hey You .. YES you ... let tell me you A SECRET ... click here ... yeah ... click on this button ] II Vocabulary that you should know:

PLON=it mean someting that really bad ... REEEELY BAD like a BLOOD sucker stuff ...


---- make sure Oxford or Cambridge knows it ...--- K =D>


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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


I am not agree with this new rules. Usually on forex you cannot loose more than what you have in your account. The brokers will just margin call and close all your open positions. i think this is just a joke from peaple that never traded in there live and just dont know what they are doing.

several brokers will go oversea (maybe bahamas etc) as forex is not regulated world wide and every country has his own "forex laws"

This rules will just give more jobless peaple in the USA.

Just my 2 cents.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


This is the most ridiculous rule ever conceived by CFTC. Showing their extreme utter lack of creativity. By this rule they are not reducing my risk, but rather increasing it. Earlier I could trade a standard lot with 1000$ now with this rule I have to have 10000$ with the Broker for the same standard lot, thus making me risk more of my REAL MONEY. The worse part is I cannot take calculated risk anymore, as every additional standard lot will cost another 10000$ of my REAL MONEY.

Even a pre-school kid can tell that the real way to protect retail traders is to restrict the % of money per trade as against the margin (say traders cannot stake more than 5% of their margin for a single trade). Thus it becomes my pejorative to increase the margin if want to take more risk and not the government's.


Dear All please send a response to CFTC against this foolish rule. One voice may not make enough noise, but 100 will.


You may submit comments, identified by RIN 3038-AC61, by any of the following methods:

• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www*regulations*gov/search/index.jsp. Follow the instructions for submitting comments.

• E-mail: secretary@cftc*gov. Include “Regulation of Retail Forex” in the subject line of the message.

• Fax: (202) 418-5521.

• Mail: Send to David Stawick, Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1155 21st Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20581.

• Courier: Same as Mail above.

All comments received will be posted without change to U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, including any personal information provided.

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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


I do hope sending emails and calling works this time around. I am sure we all remember what happened with the hedging bans and the FIFO rules...Ridiculous! Why don't they stick their nose where its really needed instead of parading all over the retail market.

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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


If they really want to protect the clients, how about forcing every broker to have segregated account for every account. So the REFCO fiasco will less likely to happen. And make sure every account is insured, again so REFCO will likely to happen again.

Just another pippin master :):)
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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


Whats up with people send them letters, this war cannot be won with letters, or protests. Its about who dishes out the most money to their lobbying parties and those who give the most bribes and as much as it saddens me to say this, it looks like brokerage firms are going to lose this war. I don't mind this but our american traders will be forced into commodities like gold and oil, hey its going to take some adjusting to but its best to expect and having it not happen they putting up "fight" by sending letters and rambling on lol. It didn't work in the 60's won't work now, only thing that will lose this dispute is a big contribution to several senators and other political figures.

[spoiler:26ukmy10]Never trust, never fear, never beg[/spoiler:26ukmy10]
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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


I do not believe that 10:1 leverage will be the end to retail forex in the USA. It does make it more difficult for those who don't have the funds to trade larger position sizes. It does benefit the broker more than the trader as one must have more money in the brokerage account to trade a given size. It is actually safer for the trader to keep minimal funds in the brokerage account but never leverage more than 10:1 on his/her total available capital. Now the brokerage gets to sit on the larger deposit. If the brokerage goes bankrupt (and some have) the trader stands to lose 10x more money than he would have otherwise lost. If scalping has been the mainstay for a trader, they will have to do it overseas. I must admit some of the better brokers are not in the US. I live in the US and I am concerned that I need a lot of capital in my brokerage account to continue trading but I have also learned through my own mistakes that overleveraging is a recipe for disaster.


Just my 2 pips.

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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


If required to have $10,000 per 1 Full Lot traded, this would not affect your win/loss ratio. The only bad affect is the overall % return on your capital would be decreased. Your risk would not be increased or decreased assuming that you continue to use the same SL and same TP.

The simple way to avoid this as stated above is to deal with a very large and reputable Foreign FX Broker such as FXCM.co.UK or any other one that you might determine is a good non-USA Broker.

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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


well this may present issues on a higher level than we may imagine. the problem is that, WHEN not if, this regulation is implemented most people will scurry off to foreign institutions...problem solved, right? wrong! imho, what will happen is that other countries that abide by the "reciprocity" rule may follow suit of the u.s. and do just that: implement the same regulations overseas. im sure many wont but some certainly will.


it would be advisable to find a broker in a country that is not so heavily dependent on u.s. aide. btw, this opinion is not substantiated. these are deductions, albeit questionable, that seem to be consistent with past history regulations in the banking institution.

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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


actually, i forgot one thing. in my opinion, dukascopy--in a country (switzerland) that doesn't even participate in the eu and has it's own currency. this would be, imho, a solid broker that will be shielded from influence of the new leverage regulation. incidentally, if you agree with my opinion or dont, i can offer 50% of your commission with dukascopy which would be deposited back into your trading account. you may pm if you wish.

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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


Here is an article I just saw at Forex Peace Army that is VERY disturbing! EVERY Forex Trader should read this!!! I posted the most important part and a link to the whole article.





If the CFTC does this, Say goodbye to retail forex in the USA


Important Paragraph:

Hidden away amongst some wonderful regulations to help protect people against many of the more common scams is a little surprise that could spell the end of much retail forex trading at US brokerages.


The plan is to set the maximum leverage for US retail forex to 10:1. Just so that we are clear that this is not me slipping a digit, that's Ten to One.


I love risk management. I can take make the worst trading decisions in the world and only lose money at an incredibly slow pace. Risk management is a good thing, but this is ridiculous.


Just like NFA's anti-hedging and FIFO rules that interfere with stops, this is stripping away the right to make one's own informed (or uninformed) decisions. Some brokers who know that their customers will take all their money out of the USA have found limited ways around the Hedging and FIFO restrictions, but there won't be a way around this. Once again, in order to protect us, the government is taking away all the sharp tools in the shop so that children can play safely around the power equipment.


This will provide some limited protection foolish newbies who have been known to instantly wipe out their life savings with a mouseclick, but the world can't be designed to protect every person from every possible mistake. The government's regulatory role in the forex market should be to protect us from fiscal fraud, not from being able to click buy or sell with some leverage.


Let's do some math. Suppose you have just over $10,000 in your account. Let's ignore spread for a moment to simplify the math. Under 10:1, you can open only 1 lot. That's $100,000 of an xxxUSD pair. If it goes a few pips against you, then there's not enough money in your account and your broker could give you a margin call. If it goes 50 pips in your favor and you move your SL to breakeven (thus, your current risk is only your profit and nothing else assuming your broker is good at honoring stops) or even to +10 pips (thus locking in $100 profit and having your only risk be $400 of your profit), you won't have enough money to open a second lot (or even a single minilot) if you want to scale into a good position.


Using tight risk management as I've described elsewhere (1% of account balance) and a 20 pip stop, you should be able to place a single trade for 5 minilots in a $10,000 account. Under 10:1, you would be able to open (at most) a second position. Even if you have profit locked in, you wouldn't be able to open a third position for this amount.


In my opinion, this restriction is both stupid and insane. I wonder what those big brokers that will have less local competition due to the capital requirements will think when even more forex traders move their money offshore. How many US jobs will this cost if it is implemented?


What's next? 10:1 leverage on all other commodities?



What to do


It's not a law yet. There's still time to complaint and try to stop this.


Before I tell you where to complain, be aware: All comments sent to the CFTC on this topic will be very public. Ranting about government conspiracies won't help. Typing profanity IN ALL CAPS is very tempting in this case, but it won't help. Ten well worded individual letters will carry more weight than 100 copied and pasted letters or even a single petition with hundreds of signatures. I would be honored if you do quote some of this article and/or include a link to it in your complaint, but please also express your feelings in your own words too.


According to the rather lengthy (193 pages) document detailing these proposed rules, this is how to complain:



You may submit comments, identified by RIN 3038-AC61, by any of the following methods:

• Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www*regulations*gov/search/index.jsp. Follow the instructions for submitting comments.

• E-mail: secretary@cftc*gov. Include “Regulation of Retail Forex” in the subject line of the message.

• Fax: (202) 418-5521.

• Mail: Send to David Stawick, Secretary, Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1155 21st Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20581.

• Courier: Same as Mail above.

All comments received will be posted without change to U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, including any personal information provided.


Please, write something and submit it. Even a few sentences. Focus on what that 10:1 rule will do to your trading. Tell them how much money you may move to an offshore broker. Tell them they are costing jobs. Tell them the really good rules closing registration loopholes won't matter so much if there aren't any US forex businesses left to register.


If you come up with any additional arguments against this rule, please share them in this thread.


Don't wait. Get started writing now.

I dont see where leverage is a problem if you know how to trade, its overlevereged accounts that get blown out. You will never see a professional trader with the 200...300 and 500:1 leverage they offer the retail market, there is a reason they offer that high a leverage and its not to our benifit as a trader.

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Re: The End of Retail Forex in USA?


actually, i forgot one thing. in my opinion, dukascopy--in a country (switzerland) that doesn't even participate in the eu and has it's own currency. this would be, imho, a solid broker that will be shielded from influence of the new leverage regulation. incidentally, if you agree with my opinion or dont, i can offer 50% of your commission with dukascopy which would be deposited back into your trading account. you may pm if you wish.

nice little spam thrown in here among the masses..LOL

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