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Market Matrix


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Re: Market Matrix


  Kunal said:
Great share, Dino!!

Have you been able to use it with any success? I found MM too confusing, gave up on it.


I would be surprised if it was so. He got the copy of this book from the guy with whom I exchanged somewhat else just a few weeks ago (I recognise the scan). Don't get me wrong. I don't criticise this sharing (I will not say you what I think about the way it has been shared). But the MM, as any other advance method, cannot be grasped in a few weeks without hard work. That's the main problem I see with many traders. They don't not commit enough on 1 specific approach, and so, they jump from one system to an other, than an other one, endlessly.


MM is the only trading method I use for now. I took me several years to fully grasp it on stocks, futures and Forex. When applied correctly, the results (and my results) are simply astounding.


And, by the way, the most interesting part of MM is missing in the book. Will you guess what part ?

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Re: Market Matrix


  et_phonehome_2 said:
Does anyone actually trade with this? If so, is actually inline as predicted?


Yes, I do as I explained in my previous post. But don't hope to be able to successfully apply MM just with a quick read of the book. You will have to practice. Each cycle is specific, each kind of tradeable instruments class is specific : Forex has not the same M points as the futures. Each future may have its own M Points. Themselves are different from stocks M points and so on ...


It will take you a lot of time to own it. Will you be able to commit enough time to study MM ? That will be the question you will have to answer. Otherwise you will really waste your time.

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Re: Market Matrix


  et_phonehome_2 said:


You said that each tradeable instrument is different, would you categorize all futures/options financial instruments as one class or do you you treat each as a separate entity? Have you tried it on Forex?


Yes, it's much more complex you may think after reading the book. Stocks may be divided by sector or industry. Each sector or industry has its own cycles and matrix points. The futures may be divided in several categories : indices, oil, metals, ... Each category has its own cycles and matrix points. For Forex, I'm still resolving some cycles.


It's a huge amount of work to solve all the cycles for each category. Good luck and good work.

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Re: Market Matrix


new link 3CD video training + ebook



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Re: Market Matrix



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Re: Market Matrix


From this discussion going to 7 pages it is not clear , whether we have

a working link for the above cds and market matrix book

whether we have link to book of nexus ,


if you guys need the NEXUS book I can post it for you , just ask !


the link for the Market Matrix cds are working they are :











the link for the Market Matrix book are working and they are



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Market Matrix Manual and Video Training - Steve Copan


Retail Value US$2999.00


The Market Matrix is an all-in-one training course on 3 CD's with more than 6 hours of video footage explaining and showing in-depth all the concepts that Steve Copan uses to trade the markets. The beauty of the course being on CD is that you can watch them over and over again and learn at your own pace unlike attending a training day and forgetting what you learned.


The course contains 3 CDs. The first CD takes you through the groundwork and the main foundations of what the Matrix is built upon. This first CD is also available separately as a course on its own as the Official Delta Training Course. The CD takes you intricately through every step on how to solve the future direction of any market from a few days to multiple years in advance. The CD explains and shows you how to solve and apply the Delta timeframes and explains new timeframes previously not known, as well as new rules to make Delta even more precise. Everything you ever needed to know about Delta is explained and shown. This is an invaluable course for anyone who has purchased the Delta book, including existing Delta members and directors.


CD 2 builds upon Delta showing you how to use the Elliott wave in a simple format and how to use it correctly. One of the biggest challenges with Elliott waves is to understand where the market is in the wave pattern at any given point. This problem is solved with the Market Matrix by showing you exactly how to use Elliott waves and implement them into Delta. Then CD 2 goes into Fibonacci again as it relates to both Elliott wave and Delta, showing you different Fibonacci sequences and special numbers to give you some amazingly profitable trades. These are all combined to produce time and price squares giving you precise entry and exit time and price levels into the future. All of this is shown on real charts and everything is explained, piece-by-piece before your eyes, for you be able to view time and time again.


CD 3 takes everything from CD1 and CD2 combining it demonstrate simple methods of predicting price levels and dates to the exact price and day of turn, as well as showing you how to easily pick month tops and bottoms. One of the greatest features of this CD is the last chapter which is over one hour long and takes you step-by-step through applying the Matrix to a chart of the S&P 500 index over a whole year, showing you how to predict future dates, and then revealing what actually happened to assess accuracy.


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Re: Market Matrix Manual and Video Training - Steve Copan


  vrdrive said:

The Market Matrix is an all-in-one training course on 3 CD's with more than 6 hours of video footage explaining and showing in-depth all the concepts that Steve Copan uses to trade the markets. The beauty of the course being on CD is that you can watch them over and over again and learn at your own pace unlike attending a training day and forgetting what you learned..............


Book Link



Video Links












I got CRC error at part2, part4, part5, part7 from links above.

anyone here have the same problem?

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