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SureFire ea D8d3

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i get from my friend


here the rules.



if you put the EA into M1 Timeframe, it will use H4 to define the trend + M1 to check the entries.

if you put the EA into M5 Timeframe, it will use H4 to define the trend + M5 to check the entries.

and so on..



2nd : I've added the variables :


StopLoss = 100;

TakeProfit = 20;


for us put any value and leave it comletly automated.



PercentRisk = 0 ; // if = 0 , lots value will be Lots variable, if different, the variable "StopLoss"

MUST be different of 0, because the EA will calculate the new Lots Value according PercentRisk and StopLoss that the customer input.



BarsExpiration = 5; // if we receive one signal, but the same wasn't reached in "x" numbers of bars, The EA will to delete this signal and looking for another . if 99999 as default, will not use this function ok



// Some alerts

SendEmail = true;

TurnONAlerts = true;




Hi Friends,

Attached the new version of D8D3 System ( V2)




extern bool UseHiddenSL = false; // if = true= will use internal SL ** the variable "StopLoss" MUST be different of 0

extern bool UseHiddenTP = false; // if = true= will use internal TP ** the variable "TakeProfit" MUST be different of 0


extern double PercentRisk = 0; // if = 0 , lots value will be Lots variable, if different, the variable "StopLoss" MUST be different of 0, because the EA will calculate the new Lots Value according PercentRisk and StopLoss that the customer input.

extern int BarsExpiration = 99999; // if we receive one signal, but the same wasn't reached in "x" numbers of bars, The EA will to delete this signal and looking for another


extern int Slippage = 5; // Max Slippage accepted


extern bool TradeTime = false; // if = false , it will works during all day

extern string StartHour = "13:00";

extern string StopHour = "22:00";



extern bool TradeFriday = true; // if false will not trade on friday

extern bool CloseAllTradesAfterFridayTime = false; // if true, will close all trades After "StopFridayHour"

extern string StopFridayHour = "18:00";


extern int MaxNumberOfTrades = 5; // Max Number Of Trades simultaneously



extern int ADXLevel = 25; // Adjustable Values

extern int ADXPeriod = 14;


extern bool UseRSIOverSold_Bought = false; // if false will ignore this Filter

extern int RsiPeriod = 14;

extern int RsiOverBoughtLine = 70; // if RSI value is between RsiBuyRangeLow and RsiOverBoughtLine will be allowed to entry in a buy trade

extern int RsiOverSoldLine = 30;


extern bool UseMACD = false; // if false will ignore this Filter

extern double MacdLevel = 0; // for buy trader, if Actual MACD Vaue is > MacdLevel , will be allowed put an order. The same for Sell Trader (Actual MACD Vaue is < MacdLevel)

extern int MACD_FastEMA = 12;

extern int MACD_SlowEMA = 26;

extern int MACD_SignalPeriod = 9;


extern bool UseWilliam = false; // if false will ignore this Filter

extern double WillianPeriod = 14;

extern int WilliamOverBoughtLine = -20; // if RSI value is between RsiBuyRangeLow and RsiOverBoughtLine will be allowed to entry in a buy trade

extern int WilliamOverSoldLine = -80;


extern bool UseCloseOrderOppositeBand = false; // if = true= will Close buy order when touch lower band and vice versa


extern bool TrailingStopEnable = false;

extern int TrailingStopPips = 20;// How many pips to do trailing.

extern int TrailingStep = 3; // After Start trailing, how many pips to change the Trailing.The good value would be "3" here but you can change


extern bool LockPipsEnabled = false;//true/false to use this tool

extern int LockPipsThreshold = 50; // how many pips need to be valid to to change one order (In pips, blocks)

extern int LockPips = 1; // how many pips will lock from open price


extern bool TradeInAOppositeDirec = false;// if true, instead of Buy will put a Sell trader




Hi Friends,


Please take a look at this new version attached of D8D3 System


V3 adds:


- external comment EA

- Max Number of the orders valid per day

- Just signal instead of open trades . If ?nlySignal ?variable = true,will not open trades, just put arrows in the chart.

- Buffer Variable to entry point. ( EntryBuffer ) In the V2 version, We were calculate the High+2 points to put a Buy order. Now we are calculating High+ *Buffer* points . The same for sell orders.

- Tested in Gallantfx Broker and running normally




Hi friends,

Attached the Last version of D8D3 TS (V4) with the modifications below:


->SetSLTP_After = true/false -> It will set StopLoss and TakeProfit after trade is open, as there are some brokers that does not allow them to be set on market orders



StartHour2 = "20:00";

StopHour2 = "22:00";


To operate in 2 period of the day


if you had, please post the D8D3 ebook..

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