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Interesting Fib indicator


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:?: No Please! Just play with it and let me know!



#property link      "Modified by cja"

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_color1 Black
#property indicator_color2 Black
#property indicator_color3 Black

extern int TimeFrame = 60;
extern int Fibo_Num = 12345;
extern color Intra_color = RoyalBlue;
extern color Upper_color = Blue;
extern color Lower_color = DodgerBlue;
double g_price_96;
double g_price_104;
double gd_112;
int g_datetime_120;

int init() {
  return (0);

int deinit() {
  ObjectDelete("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "");
  ObjectDelete("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "");
  ObjectDelete("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "");
  ObjectDelete("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "");
  ObjectDelete("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "");
  return (0);

int DrawFibo() {
  string ls_0 = "";
  string ls_8 = "";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M1) return (-1);
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M5) return (-1);
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M15) return (-1);
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M30) return (-1);
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_H1) ls_0 = "H1";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_H4) ls_0 = "H4";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_D1) ls_0 = "Daily";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_W1) ls_0 = "Weekly";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_MN1) ls_0 = "Monthly";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_H1) ls_8 = "1 Hourly";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_H4) ls_8 = "4 Hourly";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_D1) ls_8 = "IntraDay";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_W1) ls_8 = "IntraWeek";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_MN1) ls_8 = "IntraMonth";
  if (ObjectFind("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "") == -1) ObjectCreate("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJ_FIBO, 0, g_datetime_120, g_price_96 + gd_112, g_datetime_120, g_price_96);
  else {
     ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_TIME2, g_datetime_120);
     ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_TIME1, g_datetime_120);
     ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_PRICE1, g_price_96 + gd_112);
     ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_PRICE2, g_price_96);
  ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR, Upper_color);
  ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS, 4);
  ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL, 0.34);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 0, "" + ls_0 + " Long Target 1 -  %$");
  ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 211, 0.55);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 1, "" + ls_0 + " Long Target 2 -  %$");
  ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 212, 0.764);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 2, "" + ls_0 + " Long Target 3 -  %$");
  ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 213, 1.764);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 3, "" + ls_0 + " Long Target 4 -  %$");
  ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_RAY, TRUE);
  ObjectSet("LongFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
  if (ObjectFind("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "") == -1) ObjectCreate("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJ_FIBO, 0, g_datetime_120, g_price_104 - gd_112, g_datetime_120, g_price_104);
  else {
     ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_TIME2, g_datetime_120);
     ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_TIME1, g_datetime_120);
     ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_PRICE1, g_price_104 - gd_112);
     ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_PRICE2, g_price_104);
  ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR, Lower_color);
  ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS, 4);
  ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL, 0.34);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 0, "" + ls_0 + " Short Target 1 -  %$");
  ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 211, 0.55);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 1, "" + ls_0 + " Short Target 2 -  %$");
  ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 212, 0.764);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 2, "" + ls_0 + " Short Target 3 -  %$");
  ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 213, 1.764);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 3, "" + ls_0 + " Short Target 4 -  %$");
  ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_RAY, TRUE);
  ObjectSet("ShortFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
  if (ObjectFind("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "") == -1) ObjectCreate("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJ_FIBO, 0, g_datetime_120, g_price_96, g_datetime_120 + 60 * TimeFrame, g_price_104);
  else {
     ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_TIME2, g_datetime_120);
     ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_TIME1, g_datetime_120 + 60 * TimeFrame);
     ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_PRICE1, g_price_96);
     ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_PRICE2, g_price_104);
  ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR, Intra_color);
  ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS, 7);
  ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL, 0.0);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 0, "" + ls_8 + " Low -  %$");
  ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 211, 0.191);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 1, "" + ls_8 + " S1 -  %$");
  ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 212, 0.382);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 2, "" + ls_8 + " Short -  %$");
  ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 213, 0.5);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 3, "" + ls_8 + " Pivot -  %$");
  ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 214, 0.618);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 4, "" + ls_8 + " Long -  %$");
  ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 215, 0.809);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 5, "" + ls_8 + " R1 -  %$");
  ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 216, 1.0);
  ObjectSetFiboDescription("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", 6, "" + ls_8 + " High -  %$");
  ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_RAY, TRUE);
  ObjectSet("IntradayFibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
  return (0);

int start() {
  int li_0 = iBarShift(NULL, TimeFrame, Time[0]) + 1;
  g_price_96 = iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, li_0);
  g_price_104 = iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, li_0);
  g_datetime_120 = iTime(NULL, TimeFrame, li_0);
  if (TimeDayOfWeek(g_datetime_120) == 0) {
     g_price_96 = MathMax(g_price_96, iHigh(NULL, TimeFrame, li_0 + 1));
     g_price_104 = MathMin(g_price_104, iLow(NULL, TimeFrame, li_0 + 1));
  gd_112 = g_price_96 - g_price_104;
  string l_text_4 = "";
  string l_text_12 = "";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M1) {
     l_text_4 = "ERROR: Incorrect Fibo TimeFrame";
     l_text_12 = "Use only H1/H4/D1/W1/MN1";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M5) {
     l_text_4 = "ERROR: Incorrect Fibo TimeFrame";
     l_text_12 = "Use only H1/H4/D1/W1/MN1";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M15) {
     l_text_4 = "ERROR: Incorrect Fibo TimeFrame";
     l_text_12 = "Use only H1/H4/D1/W1/MN1";
  if (TimeFrame == PERIOD_M30) {
     l_text_4 = "ERROR: Incorrect Fibo TimeFrame";
     l_text_12 = "Use only H1/H4/D1/W1/MN1";
  ObjectDelete("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "");
  ObjectCreate("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
  ObjectSetText("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "", l_text_4, 20, "Verdana", Intra_color);
  ObjectSet("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
  ObjectSet("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 20);
  ObjectSet("Fibo" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 36);
  ObjectDelete("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "");
  ObjectCreate("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
  ObjectSetText("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "", l_text_12, 20, "Verdana", Intra_color);
  ObjectSet("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
  ObjectSet("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 20);
  ObjectSet("Fibo1" + Fibo_Num + "", OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 66);
  return (0);

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Re: Interesting Fib indicator


:(( mirror this indi please someone. 4sh@red is good.

heelp :((


I've tried copy>paste>compile>restart but nothing happenes.


who would this kudos go to :)>-




Have a nice day

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Re: Interesting Fib indicator


Thank you .. 4XMETER ...


I Recomended this Fibo indi.....







Pls could someone share or tell me where to find the magic indicator attached on this chart ????


thanks in advance


Mods : Here.. in one package a Cloning Lindencourt FX

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