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Dam's system/indicators

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Re: (Req) Dam's system/indicators


Hmm... $95 ..???






Based :

Bolinger Band Stop ver.1

Moving Average LWMA with 20 / -20 level bias


This is $ Free...i created 10 minutte... =)) and i give you One Indi confirm -> Magic Indicator :D

I also attach Template...




Please Download.. at




SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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Re: (Req) Dam's system/indicators


the magic indicator is repainting i think it repaints the past bars


Ya .. mungkin anda benar ... indikator magic.mq4 itu dibuat oleh Mladen (teman saya & Senior Programmer di forum lain).

Namun sejauh ini ketika saya gunakan tidak memberikan masalah besar bagi saya...


saya juga melihat bagan program utamanya, dia menggunakan perhitungan dalam enam kasus mathemathic .. namun sejauh itu magic.mq4 dapat memberikan peringatan pertama pada kita akan kondisi pasar ..


yang perlu diketahui oleh seluruh member di forum ini bahwa "Semua indicator yang mendahului pergerakan market maka kemungkinan besar dapat terjadi repaint " akan tetapi sepanjang repaint dapat kita kendalikan dan tahu caranya menggunakannya maka saya fikir itu bukan masalah besar.


Ber ulang kali dalam setiap pembahasan di classroom saya yang lalu, para anggota selalu mempermasalahkan repaint itu. Banyak orang mempermasalahkan repaint.. mengapa..? karena mereka sebenarnya menginginkan sesuatu yang pasti.. oke, jika kita kembali ke market, apakah gerakan dan keinginan market dapat kita tentukan dengan pasti..? tentu tidak..


Oke ada anggota yang mengatakan MACD tidak repaint.. kemudian saya suruh dia untuk memperhatikan gerakan candle terakhir sebelum candle tersebut berakhir


anda pun dapat melihat dengan jelas bahwa MACD juga Repaint sebelum close candle


Karena indicator adalah hasil perhitungan matematis murni dan bukan berjenis Artificial Intelegence (AI) maka hanya ada 2 kemungkinan yang akan terjadi yaitu.. mengikuti perhitungan terakhir (terlambat) atau mendahului perhitungan terakhir dengan menggunakan beberapa asumsi seperti yang terjadi pada magic.mq4 itu


Oleh karenanya indicator repaint jangan sekali-kali digunakan untuk mengambil keputusan entry atau exit dari pasar, tetapi gunakanlah dengan bijak yaitu hanya sebatas informasi tambahan saja..


jika kita ingin sesuatu yang lebih pasti maka indicator fibo, pivot dan envelopes (beserta turunannya) dapat anda gunakan dan saya yakin hal tersebut lebih dapat memberikan kita kepastian


Google translate :


Yes.. maybe you true... the magic indicator created by Mladen (my friend & Senior Programmer in other forum).

But so far when I use does not provide a big problem for me ...


i look the main program, he use mathemathic calculation in six case .. btw the magic.mq4 can give you first warning at market condition..


Need to know by all members of this forum that "All the indicators that preceded the market movements are likely to occur repaint" but all we can control repaint and know how to use it then I think, it was no big deal.


Was repeated once in every discussion in my classroom the past, the members always questioned repaint it. Many people questioned the repaint .. why ..? because they really wanted something that would .. okay, if we return to the market, whether the market will move and we can determine for sure ..? certainly not ..


Okay there are members who say the MACD does not repaint .. then I asked her to consider the last movement before the candle candle ends


you can clearly see that the MACD is also repaint before the candle close


Because the indicator is the result of pure mathematical calculation and not the type Artificial intelligence (AI) then there are only 2 possibilities that would happen .. following the final calculation (late) or precedes the last calculations using several assumptions as happened in the magic.mq4


Indicator repaint therefore should never be used to decide entry or exit from the market, but use it wisely is only limited additional information only ..


if we want something more definite then fibo indicator, pivot and envelopes (and their derivatives) allows you and I believe it can give us more certainty



SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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Re: (Req) Dam's system/indicators


@baba SEFC

The question does it repaint? refers to the closed bars.

Ok for example on Daily chart yesterder close 12:59 pm indicator was RED. now today 4:30 pm u look at yesterday candle indicator is Blue now. There should be a difference between today and yesterday or today and tomorrow but it is not like that when u put repain... indis on ur chart.

We all know that every indicator repaint or redraw on the current bar.

but any indi that repaints backwards is totally useless. no not completely useless because it only beautifies the chart.


Anybody that says he uses indicators that repaint the past and makes profit is a bloody lier.

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Re: (Req) Dam's system/indicators


@baba SEFC

The question does it repaint? refers to the closed bars.

Ok for example on Daily chart yesterder close 12:59 pm indicator was RED. now today 4:30 pm u look at yesterday candle indicator is Blue now. There should be a difference between today and yesterday or today and tomorrow but it is not like that when u put repain... indis on ur chart.

We all know that every indicator repaint or redraw on the current bar.

but any indi that repaints backwards is totally useless. no not completely useless because it only beautifies the chart.


Anybody that says he uses indicators that repaint the past and makes profit is a bloody lier.




Hahahaha.. :))

ini hanya beda pandangan / persepsi saja dan bukan doktrin...


telah kukatakan .. bagaimana anda menyikapi dengan bijak indi repaint itu .. saya sudah banyak bekerja dengan beberapa indi repaint dan yah.. mungkin karena sudah terbiasa sehingga saya tahu dimana titik kritisnya indi repaint tersebut dengan melihat volatility candle.. btw.. mungkin suatu saat anda akan berada pada jalan yang selama ini telah saya jalani..

Dahulu juga saya begitu membenci indi repaint tersebut karena saya tidak melihat sisi baiknya seperti ketika saya menggunakan indi zigzag, namun dengan berjalannya waktu dan riset terus menerus, maka akhirnya saya mendapatkan sebuah kenyataan .. yaitu " Jangan percaya penuh pada Indicator, dan jangan jadikan Indi/system sebagai Holy grail anda, tetapi gunakanlah indi/system hanya sebagai alat konfirmasi dan jembatan komunikasi saja antara anda dengan pasar"


Jika anda memang mau memenangkan pertempuran di dunia forex, maka saran saya gunakan TF Daily dan lihat Price action market yang terjadi.. dan berdagang layaknya sebuah bank yang memperhatikan juga sisi fundamental pasar.

Tentang MM anda dapat memperolehnya di forum ini atau forum lainnya..


Baca buku formasi candle stick Steve Nisson, saya yakin anda dapat menangani dan mengeliminasi indi repaint..


Tetapi jika anda tetap tidak yakin ya itu terserah anda saja... ;)



Google translate :


Hahahaha .. :))

This is only different views / perceptions only and not the doctrine ...


I have said .. how do you respond to repaint it wise indi .. I have a lot of work with some repaint and well indi .. probably because it used so I know where the critical point is indi repaint by seeing volatility candle .. btw .. maybe someday you'll be on the road that I have been living ..

In the past I also hate the indi repaint it because I do not see the bright side as when I use a zigzag individual, but with time and continuous research, so I finally got a reality .. ie "Do not believe fully in the Indicator, and do not make Indi / system as your Holy grail, but use the individual / system only as a means of confirmation and just bridge the communication between you and the market"


If you are going to win the battle in the forex world, then my suggestion to use TF Daily Price action and see what happens .. and traded like a bank with notice also the market fundamentals. About MM you can get it in this forum or another forum ..


Read Steve Nisson Candle stick formation book, i believe you can handle and elimination indi repaint...


But if you are still not sure it's up to you all ... ;)


SEFC Mode= Red light ...(off) ..

"Indonesia Forex Community"

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Re: (Req) Dam's system/indicators


MAs and some other indicators predicts the market movements but the problem with them is they lagg so much.

but repainting indis does not predict any future market movement all they do is to show u what the trend was back in history. it is not necesary to have indicators to tell us the past. You can use ur eyes to see it for yourself by watching the already closed candles.

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Re: (Req) Dam's system/indicators


MAs and some other indicators predicts the market movements but the problem with them is they lagg so much.

but repainting indis does not predict any future market movement all they do is to show u what the trend was back in history. it is not necesary to have indicators to tell us the past. You can use ur eyes to see it for yourself by watching the already closed candles.



Very true.... U could only manage this indicator on large timeframes(like 4hrs and above), any thing lower and you may become toast...

Its also a straight no no to use this indicator alone .... lol

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Re: (Req) Dam's system/indicators


MAs and some other indicators predicts the market movements but the problem with them is they lagg so much.



This statement is contradictory in its declaration; how can be lagging and predicting at the same time.


Well, at least, from the point of view of 5m TF. One of the best indicators out there are Moving Averages. The problems is that some traders want to use them for crossing signals only. However, they are more than that; they are my friend, crossing, slope as well as support and resistance and there is a time for each one. What you call lagging is a very important detail in a trending market because price action have to wait for their alignment 80 or 90% of the time before a change or continuation of the trend. A Time for a cup of tea. One thing they are (MA) is they are not standalone indicators.




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