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Ermanometry of William Erman


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I made the mistake of ordering the book. Later I discovered through archive.org that the guy has been pulling this scam for more than 10 years.


Paypal has a good refund policy so just complain with them if you made the mistake of ordering. For me, the shithead disputed with paypal so I had to wait a good while to get my money back. He also phoned me threatening to "sue my a**" if I wrote anything about him on the internet.

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  • 2 months later...
If the Moderators don't do something about this SPAM then this whole Forum has got to pot....


is there any way to report this abuse ? most forums have that functionality, but I haven't found it at indo


EDIT: spam is removed, problem solved :-)

Edited by FXX
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  • 4 years later...

Ermanometry is a scam


dear ,

friends follow the link and download all articles , & amazed with the geometry thats precisely follow the market.






This company is a scam and they take your money and promise to deliver a book for $270 and never do. They give you garbage emails after important turn dates that are consistently incorrect. For example, they will say market made a top on 4/26/2010 we believe this major top will hold and not be broken and the market breaks through it every time or they call bottoms with no accuracy. The emails are written poorly and are ambiguous also. It will say we are not sure if the market will make a new high or continue lower but if it should Mr. Market will give us a clue and use market geometry that never gives an accurate turn date. In fact the last three years if you randomly picked a top you would be ten times more accurate than these guys. They also refuse to refund your money and use profanity when you demand your money back. These people need to be in jail and are criminals stay away.

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