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Precision Type A

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Re: another fine share from deadsoul


For those looking for the password figure out how to use this :)



#import "RapidForexValidation.dll"

int GetFromDLL(int a0, int a1);



int start()


int value;


for (int i=0; i<99999999; i++)


value = GetFromDLL(i, 1);

if (value != -1)

Print("Value:", value, " Password is:", i);






Have fun!

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Re: another fine share from deadsoul


The pw is found, but I am getting

2009.12.19 15:14:57	PTASecure EURUSD,M15: expert stopped
2009.12.19 15:14:57	PTASecure EURUSD,M15: cannot load library 'PrecisionTypeA.dll' (error 126)
2009.12.19 15:14:57	PTASecure EURUSD,M15: Neural Network File PrecisionTypeA5.nnb Is Successfully Loaded


The dll is there, but cannot be loaded.

Is there a solution to this ?

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Re: another fine share from deadsoul


i thuoght precision type A had already been shred on this forum?




i think i got a working version from there. not much chop recently though. i think i found only one or two of the different settings worth anything, but theyve lost their performance over the past few months.

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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Re: another fine share from deadsoul


  fxeasy5 said:
The pw is found, but I am getting

2009.12.19 15:14:57	PTASecure EURUSD,M15: expert stopped
2009.12.19 15:14:57	PTASecure EURUSD,M15: cannot load library 'PrecisionTypeA.dll' (error 126)
2009.12.19 15:14:57	PTASecure EURUSD,M15: Neural Network File PrecisionTypeA5.nnb Is Successfully Loaded


The dll is there, but cannot be loaded.

Is there a solution to this ?


This problem is not solved yet.

Is there somebody who knows how to solve it ?


@Stormin... ,

there is no working version in the thread you posted, only a discussion about the EA.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: another fine share from deadsoul



yes, I found that password more than a week ago, but

the EA does not work and nobody answered my questions.

2009.12.28 14:09:04	PTASecure EURUSD,M15: expert stopped
2009.12.28 14:09:04	PTASecure EURUSD,M15: cannot load library 'PrecisionTypeA.dll' (error 126)
2009.12.28 14:09:04	PTASecure EURUSD,M15: Neural Network File PrecisionTypeA5.nnb Is Successfully Loaded


Why is the dll not loaded ?

I tried everything I know. Deleting it, copying it again from the downloaded files, starting the mt4-platform, testing it on other platforms .... but nothing works.

Why ?


Am I the only one who is getting the error and it works on your platform ?

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Re: Precision Type A


  te-foder said:
yes this ea uses neural networks, so it can adpat the markets and bring consistent profits.


it does? what part of the code is it contained in?

"It is inconceivable that anyone will divulge a truly effective get-rich scheme for the price of a book."

Victor Niederhoffer (1943–), US hedge fund manager and statistician

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  • 2 months later...

Re: Precision Type A


Hi all,

I just take a look inside the PrecisionTypeA.dll what I found is this EA is just modification of megadroid, and the creator don't even remove link to megadroid site X_X


 		db	'http://forex-megadroid.com/timetest.php',0

 		db	'http://forex-megadroid.com/access/mdp.php?file=MegaDroid',0




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  • 7 months later...



Anyone have a working link? This link is no longer good.






  deadsoul said:
well...i know that people are looking for this one since sometime ...here its..

enjoy to the max




I corrected the subject line to show system name. Please post only system/indicator titles in the subject line.



Moderator Team

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