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Multi time frame indicator


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Re: Multi time frame indicator requested


I was recommended this-

maybe good?


//|                                         #MTF Supertrend line.mq4 |
//|                                      Copyright © 2006, Eli hayun |
//|                                          [url]http://www.elihayun.com[/url] |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2006, Eli hayun"
#property link      "http://www.elihayun.com"

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 8
#property indicator_color1 Red
#property indicator_color2 Blue
#property indicator_color3 Red
#property indicator_color4 Blue
#property indicator_color5 Red
#property indicator_color6 Blue
#property indicator_color7 Red
#property indicator_color8 Blue
//---- buffers
double buf_up1D[];
double buf_down1D[];

double buf_up4H[];
double buf_down4H[];

double buf_up1H[];
double buf_down1H[];

double buf_up30M[];
double buf_down30M[];

extern int Period_1 = PERIOD_M15;
extern int Period_2 = PERIOD_M30;
extern int Period_3 = PERIOD_H1;
extern int Period_4 = PERIOD_H4;

extern bool AutoDisplay      = true;

extern bool display_Period_1 = true;
extern bool display_Period_2 = true;
extern bool display_Period_3 = true;
extern bool display_Period_4 = true;

extern bool Play_Sound = true;

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//---- indicators

  if (AutoDisplay)
     display_Period_1 = false; display_Period_2 = false; display_Period_3 = false; display_Period_4 = false;
     switch (Period())
        case PERIOD_M1  :  SetValues(PERIOD_M1,  PERIOD_M5, PERIOD_M15,PERIOD_M30, true,  true,  false, false); break;
        case PERIOD_M5  :  SetValues(PERIOD_M5,  PERIOD_M15,PERIOD_M30,PERIOD_H1,  true,  true,  false, false); break;
        case PERIOD_M15 :  SetValues(PERIOD_M5,  PERIOD_M15,PERIOD_M30,PERIOD_H1,  true,  true,  true,  false); break;
        case PERIOD_M30 :  SetValues(PERIOD_M5,  PERIOD_M15,PERIOD_M30,PERIOD_H1,  false, true,  true,  false); break;
        case PERIOD_H1  :  SetValues(PERIOD_M15, PERIOD_M30,PERIOD_H1, PERIOD_H4,  false, false, true,  true);  break;
        case PERIOD_H4  :  SetValues(PERIOD_M30, PERIOD_H1, PERIOD_H4, PERIOD_D1,  false, true,  true,  true);  break;
        case PERIOD_D1  :  SetValues(PERIOD_H1,  PERIOD_H4, PERIOD_D1, PERIOD_W1,  true,  true,  true,  false); break;
        case PERIOD_W1  :  SetValues(PERIOD_H4,  PERIOD_D1, PERIOD_W1, PERIOD_MN1, false, true,  true,  false); break;
        case PERIOD_MN1 :  SetValues(PERIOD_H4,  PERIOD_D1, PERIOD_W1, PERIOD_MN1, false, false, true,  true);  break;
  int draw = DRAW_LINE; if (!display_Period_4) draw = DRAW_NONE;
  SetIndexStyle(0,draw, STYLE_SOLID, 4);
  SetIndexStyle(1,draw, STYLE_SOLID, 4);
  SetIndexLabel(0, tf2txt(Period_4)); SetIndexLabel(1, tf2txt(Period_4));
  draw = DRAW_LINE; if (!display_Period_3) draw = DRAW_NONE;
  SetIndexStyle(2,draw, STYLE_SOLID, 3);
  SetIndexStyle(3,draw, STYLE_SOLID, 3);
  SetIndexLabel(2, tf2txt(Period_3)); SetIndexLabel(3, tf2txt(Period_3));

  draw = DRAW_LINE; if (!display_Period_2) draw = DRAW_NONE;
  SetIndexStyle(4,draw, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
  SetIndexStyle(5,draw, STYLE_SOLID, 2);
  SetIndexLabel(4, tf2txt(Period_2)); SetIndexLabel(5, tf2txt(Period_2));

  draw = DRAW_LINE; if (!display_Period_1) draw = DRAW_NONE;
  SetIndexStyle(6,draw, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
  SetIndexStyle(7,draw, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
  SetIndexLabel(6, tf2txt(Period_1)); SetIndexLabel(7, tf2txt(Period_1));
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
int deinit()
//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int start()
  int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
  int i=0, y1d=0, y4h=0, y1h=0, y30m=0;
  int limit=Bars-counted_bars;

  datetime TimeArray_1D[] ,TimeArray_4H[], TimeArray_1H[], TimeArray_30M[];
  for(i=0, y1d=0,  y4h=0,  y1h=0,  y30m=0;i<limit;i++)
     if (Time[i]<TimeArray_1D[y1d]) y1d++;
     if (Time[i]<TimeArray_4H[y4h]) y4h++;
     if (Time[i]<TimeArray_1H[y1h]) y1h++;
     if (Time[i]<TimeArray_30M[y30m]) y30m++;
     buf_up1D[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_4, "SuperTrend", false, 1, y1d);
     buf_down1D[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_4, "SuperTrend", false, 0, y1d);
     if (i < 2)
        SoundAlarm(buf_up1D[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_4, "SuperTrend", false, 1, y1d+1), 4, "Down");
        SoundAlarm(buf_down1D[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_4, "SuperTrend", false, 0, y1d+1), 4, "Up");
     buf_up4H[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_3, "SuperTrend", false, 1, y4h);
     buf_down4H[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_3, "SuperTrend", false, 0, y4h);

     if (i < 2)
        SoundAlarm(buf_up4H[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_3, "SuperTrend", false, 1, y4h+1), 3, "Down");
        SoundAlarm(buf_down4H[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_3, "SuperTrend", false, 0, y4h+1), 3, "Up");
     buf_up1H[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_2, "SuperTrend", false, 1, y1h);
     buf_down1H[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_2, "SuperTrend", false, 0, y1h);
     if (i < 2)
        SoundAlarm(buf_up1H[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_2, "SuperTrend", false, 1, y1h+1), 2, "Down");
        SoundAlarm(buf_down1H[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_2, "SuperTrend", false, 0, y1h+1), 2, "Up");
     buf_up30M[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_1, "SuperTrend", false, 1, y30m);
     buf_down30M[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_1, "SuperTrend", false, 0, y30m);

     if (i < 2)
        SoundAlarm(buf_up30M[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_1, "SuperTrend", false, 1, y30m+1), 1, "Down");
        SoundAlarm(buf_down30M[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_1, "SuperTrend", false, 0, y30m+1), 1, "Up");


void SoundAlarm(double v1, double v2, int prd, string sDir)
  bool bDisplay = true;
  string sPrd = "";
  static bool bAlreadyAlarm = true;
  if (NewBar())
     bAlreadyAlarm = false;
  switch ( prd )
     case 4  : bDisplay = display_Period_4;  sPrd = tf2txt(Period_3); break;
     case 3  : bDisplay = display_Period_3;  sPrd = tf2txt(Period_3); break;
     case 2  : bDisplay = display_Period_2;  sPrd = tf2txt(Period_2); break;
     case 1  : bDisplay = display_Period_1;  sPrd = tf2txt(Period_1); break;
  if ((!Play_Sound) || (!bDisplay) || bAlreadyAlarm)

  if ((v1 != EMPTY_VALUE) && (v2 == EMPTY_VALUE))   
     Print("SuperTrend changed direction to " ,sDir, " at ", sPrd); // , " ",v1," ",v2," ",prd);
     bAlreadyAlarm = true;

bool NewBar()
  static datetime dt = 0;
  if (Time[0] != dt)
     dt = Time[0];

string tf2txt(int tf)
  if (tf == PERIOD_M1)    return("M1");
  if (tf == PERIOD_M5)    return("M5");
  if (tf == PERIOD_M15)    return("M15");
  if (tf == PERIOD_M30)    return("M30");
  if (tf == PERIOD_H1)    return("H1");
  if (tf == PERIOD_H4)    return("H4");
  if (tf == PERIOD_D1)    return("D1");
  if (tf == PERIOD_W1)    return("W1");
  if (tf == PERIOD_MN1)    return("MN1");

void SetValues(int p1, int p2, int p3, int p4, bool d1, bool d2, bool d3, bool d4)
  display_Period_1 = d1; display_Period_2 = d2; display_Period_3 = d3; display_Period_4 = d4;
  Period_1 = p1;   Period_2 = p2; Period_3 = p3; Period_4 = p4; 

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Re: Multi time frame indicator requested


I am mt4 novice bamik.

Can you please show me in code above where it calls SuperTrend.ex4


My friend when you making an MTF indicator from an indicator you need to have that base indicator in your folder indicator of MT4.

However,look at here that MTF indicator call base indicator:

buf_up1D[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_4, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 1, y1d);
     buf_down1D[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_4, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 0, y1d);
     if (i < 2)
        SoundAlarm(buf_up1D[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_4, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 1, y1d+1), 4, "Down");
        SoundAlarm(buf_down1D[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_4, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 0, y1d+1), 4, "Up");
     buf_up4H[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_3, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 1, y4h);
     buf_down4H[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_3, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 0, y4h);

     if (i < 2)
        SoundAlarm(buf_up4H[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_3, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 1, y4h+1), 3, "Down");
        SoundAlarm(buf_down4H[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_3, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 0, y4h+1), 3, "Up");
     buf_up1H[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_2, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 1, y1h);
     buf_down1H[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_2, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 0, y1h);
     if (i < 2)
        SoundAlarm(buf_up1H[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_2, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 1, y1h+1), 2, "Down");
        SoundAlarm(buf_down1H[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_2, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 0, y1h+1), 2, "Up");
     buf_up30M[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_1, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 1, y30m);
     buf_down30M[i] = iCustom(NULL, Period_1, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 0, y30m);

     if (i < 2)
        SoundAlarm(buf_up30M[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_1, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 1, y30m+1), 1, "Down");
        SoundAlarm(buf_down30M[i] , iCustom(NULL, Period_1, "[size=150]SuperTrend[/size]", false, 0, y30m+1), 1, "Up");

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  • 3 years later...



Somebody can code value of supertrend of all time frame in single window of metatrader if in 5min its Price above supertrend than green colour and 15 min price is below supertrend than value in Red colour.


All TIMEFRAME Value in single window dont have to scroll to everytime frame to see the value


Hope somebody have the code.




Edited by kkrishna79
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Krishna, have a look and test this This is the work of xaphod If you have specific questions about the indicators or if you want mq4 indicators to make an EA, you have to ask him on his website.www.xaphod.com.


Now regarding so called "repainting".

MTF indicators will update/redraw all bars on the lower time-frame that represent the open higher time-frame bar until the higher time-frame bar closes. This is normal and expected behavior for an MTF indicator.

You can use the 'xSuperTrend Alert' Indicator to give alerts for any timeframe you wish. You will have to add it to your chart in addition to the xSuperTrend indicator you are using.

All bars on the chart associated with a higher time-frame bar that is open will continue to update with the current status of the higher time-frame supertrend until that bar closes. Krishna, I think it would be easier for you to understand the nature of MTF indicators and the repainting which it is often accused of, is to just remember "that MTF indicators update/redraw all bars on the lower time-frame that represent the open higher time-frame bar until the higher time-frame barcloses. This is normal and expected behavior for an MTF indicator." That's a quote from Xaphod himself.





XSupertrend Pack.zip (40.95KB)


Includes (all ex4 files)







TF Slicer

xSuperTrend.tpl (template)

Edited by CashManic
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  • 3 years later...
Krishna, have a look and test this This is the work of xaphod If you have specific questions about the indicators or if you want mq4 indicators to make an EA, you have to ask him on his website.www.xaphod.com.


Now regarding so called "repainting".

MTF indicators will update/redraw all bars on the lower time-frame that represent the open higher time-frame bar until the higher time-frame bar closes. This is normal and expected behavior for an MTF indicator.

You can use the 'xSuperTrend Alert' Indicator to give alerts for any timeframe you wish. You will have to add it to your chart in addition to the xSuperTrend indicator you are using.

All bars on the chart associated with a higher time-frame bar that is open will continue to update with the current status of the higher time-frame supertrend until that bar closes. Krishna, I think it would be easier for you to understand the nature of MTF indicators and the repainting which it is often accused of, is to just remember "that MTF indicators update/redraw all bars on the lower time-frame that represent the open higher time-frame bar until the higher time-frame barcloses. This is normal and expected behavior for an MTF indicator." That's a quote from Xaphod himself.





XSupertrend Pack.zip (40.95KB)


Includes (all ex4 files)







TF Slicer

xSuperTrend.tpl (template)


Thank you .

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