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Taking all together...


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yesterday i lay in bad an thought about making some profits.

So i get an idea.

I thought about the best an stable EA out there.

The only one that comes in my mind is Robo Minor.

Sooo, Robominer needs an min. account balance f 2000$ to work fine.

So noboy has 2000$ i think^^ so what if we put all together.

Search some people here in the Forum that would put together.

The profits of everyone we could make in percentage of the balance.

So everybody is profiting.That´s easier as buying an loosing EA for 100++.

So about the set up and so on we could talk.

Make such as an investment group.

Make a hompage with actual results and so on got a lot of ideas tonight...

What do you think about this?

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Re: Taking all together...


Hi Spike

Without disrespect on your idea, I'm just suggesting you that there are no perfect system nor indi nor EA which work flawlessly on any market conditions, so it would take very high risk collecting on other people money.

What if the system fail ? Could all the participants take their loses and not blame you why chose Robominer, and why not chose different system ?


Don't.. I repeat: Don't ever trade with other people money. Learn by yourself and trade with your own money. You will be rewarded if you do your homework, and you will take your own loss without feeling more pain.


It's all your money if you win, and it's also your own money if you loose. Respect your own system, respect your own discipline, and respect your own losses.




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