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ALPARI UK Broker Review


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Hi everyone,


Alpari UK has lauched a FREE chart pattern recognition tool called Autochartist as a stand-alone and integrated on MetaTrader 4.


See here in the following link for details:




Please tell your opinions about this new tool.


Many thanks.

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Re: ALPARI UK AUTOCHARTIST integrated on MetaTrader 4




I looked at this tool in Visual Trader at CMS, where I traded past year.

I think it is crap. Lot of false signals, lot patterns was "recognized" after several days etc.


Its simply...if it is free from broker, its not dangerous for him.....

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  • 3 months later...

Is it true? ( alpari uk)


hi ,

i made a trade i have an micro account in alpari uk ... on the chart i see price hit my take profit point but it didnt quit and suddenly price went other direction X-( , so I send an email to alpari and he tell me that ;



Dear Sir,




Thank you for your email.




I have looked into you trade and it appears that you take profit level was not reached.




You were short on #19954723, so to close this trade you have to Buy. This means you need our offered price, which is not shown on the charts.




The charts only show the Bid, so you have to add the spread to the price to get the Offer price. The floating spread for EUR/USD was 1.6 pips at 15:38 23/02/10.




The lowest the Bid reached was 1.35386 as you saw on your chart, then when you add the spread, the Offer price reaches 1.35402, therefore your take profit of 1.35400 was not reached at this time.




You must consider the spread with your stop losses and take profits.




Should you have any queries, please don't hesitate to contact us.




Kind regards,




I think something wrong about alpari because they already take their spread when I take position ...


what u think?


here is the pic.




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Re: Is it true? ( alpari uk)


Yes, this happens to me also. The charts do not show the spread, so sometimes the chart must go "past" the target price to get the order filled. At other times, they did not fill my order because they needed 2 minutes to fill the order, but the price stayed at the target price for only 1 minute. This seems like plenty of time to me, but sometimes the liquidity is not there because the "liquidity provider" delays filling the order. When I trade manually, I notice this a lot, where an order sometimes takes over 3 minutes to get filled. #:-S

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Re: Is it true? ( alpari uk)


thanks 4xinvestor that help ... may be :D


I can say i dont have any problem with FXCM , I have another micro account with them but I have to use their " trading station " so for use all indicator i need mt4. I make my desition on mt4 and trade on FXCM trading station . and no problem the tp ...

I dont want to say alpari uk is a bad broker , I search alot before open a live account , and alpari is the most serious one . but platform is not cool not for a scalper :) when try to trade scalper style that doesnt work :-/

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  • 1 year later...
  Sneed said:
Yes, this happens to me also. The charts do not show the spread, so sometimes the chart must go "past" the target price to get the order filled. At other times, they did not fill my order because they needed 2 minutes to fill the order, but the price stayed at the target price for only 1 minute. This seems like plenty of time to me, but sometimes the liquidity is not there because the "liquidity provider" delays filling the order. When I trade manually, I notice this a lot, where an order sometimes takes over 3 minutes to get filled. #:-S


yes sometime slippage is among the important factor that broker should be improving. beside that s the limiting factor that we, as a trader, should be considered in placing our SL and TP.


if you need further assistance in complaining with Alpari UK, please don't hesitate to contact me.

This is the detail of the complaint procedure: http://www.alpari.co.uk/en/customer_service/complaint_procedures.html

though it could take a long wait, but it is absolutely worth to try.


also if you are a client from Indonesia and need a helping hand in account opening with Alpari UK, please don't hesitate to contact me.

thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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