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Who makes the most profit on live account on this forum?


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How are you everybody?

People learn and emulate from the best in any society. All of as on this forum are able to share all we have but I am not sure whether everybody make good use of the information we get and give on this forum.


I was thinking that it could be better for members to tell the forum whether they think they are making good profits and what exactly are they using (ea and strategy). This will enable those members who may not be making much, to maybe learn something. You might get a lot of strategies and eas but you must be able to know which one is the best.


I stand to be corrected if I am wrong.

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Re: Who makes the most profit on live account on this forum?


I once read somewhere this following quote:


"Some people spend their whole life examining the roots while others pick up the fruits."


This is what happens to most traders. They spend all their valuable time and energy in search and research of strategies, indicators and EA's. While they forget to do what they are supposed to do, namely to trade.


There's no single strategy, or indicator that will work all the time. And regardless of how long one has tested and varified a strategy, today or tomorrow it will fail. The only thing a trader can do is to learn to trade just by doing it - actively with real money. If one remains consistent and shows persistence he will discover what works for him, what he can predict and what he does wrong. But he will fail to acheive this state until he decides to trade and quits his search of the "perfect strategy".


No offence to anyone - just my humble opinion.

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Re: Who makes the most profit on live account on this forum?


I once read somewhere this following quote:


"Some people spend their whole life examining the roots while others pick up the fruits."


This is what happens to most traders. They spend all their valuable time and energy in search and research of strategies, indicators and EA's. While they forget to do what they are supposed to do, namely to trade.


There's no single strategy, or indicator that will work all the time. And regardless of how long one has tested and varified a strategy, today or tomorrow it will fail. The only thing a trader can do is to learn to trade just by doing it - actively with real money. If one remains consistent and shows persistence he will discover what works for him, what he can predict and what he does wrong. But he will fail to acheive this state until he decides to trade and quits his search of the "perfect strategy".


No offence to anyone - just my humble opinion.


Very well said!!


I like the quote "Some people spend their whole life examining the roots while others pick up the fruits"

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Re: Who makes the most profit on live account on this forum?


I once read somewhere this following quote:


"Some people spend their whole life examining the roots while others pick up the fruits."


This is what happens to most traders. They spend all their valuable time and energy in search and research of strategies, indicators and EA's. While they forget to do what they are supposed to do, namely to trade.


There's no single strategy, or indicator that will work all the time. And regardless of how long one has tested and varified a strategy, today or tomorrow it will fail. The only thing a trader can do is to learn to trade just by doing it - actively with real money. If one remains consistent and shows persistence he will discover what works for him, what he can predict and what he does wrong. But he will fail to acheive this state until he decides to trade and quits his search of the "perfect strategy".


No offence to anyone - just my humble opinion.


:)) very good... I see myself in this a little =))



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Re: Who makes the most profit on live account on this forum?


Barbara, you are a funny woman. And sorry if your aren't a woman but just use a woman's avatar.



Thank you .. and yes I'm a women (only woman with woman's avatar so far :)) ) ..btw this was very smart thing you wrote there :shand:



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Re: Who makes the most profit on live account on this forum?


I once read somewhere this following quote:


"Some people spend their whole life examining the roots while others pick up the fruits."


This is what happens to most traders. They spend all their valuable time and energy in search and research of strategies, indicators and EA's. While they forget to do what they are supposed to do, namely to trade.


There's no single strategy, or indicator that will work all the time. And regardless of how long one has tested and varified a strategy, today or tomorrow it will fail. The only thing a trader can do is to learn to trade just by doing it - actively with real money. If one remains consistent and shows persistence he will discover what works for him, what he can predict and what he does wrong. But he will fail to acheive this state until he decides to trade and quits his search of the "perfect strategy".


No offence to anyone - just my humble opinion.


I will change my signature. I like your quote.

Don't study roots while others pick up the fruits.
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Re: Who makes the most profit on live account on this forum?


Well said everyone i'm slowly learning this too, start trading and stop looking for the holy grail, because unless you can predict what everyone is going to do in the markets,you might as well stop wasting your time, you might see signs of reversal pattens or tops or bottoms, but in all honesty its really 50/50 it might go up or it might go down.

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Re: Who makes the most profit on live account on this forum?


so true....there is not a single system that works for all market condition.



Determine market condition, choose appropriate strategy, stick to your entry and exit rules, stick to your money mgmt rules, pull the trigger when all is green. The rest is beyond us.


i [-O<

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