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[REQ] MetaTrader server & virtual dealer plugin


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If you've read this thread: http://www.indo-investasi.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=2164&p=61901 and seen the screen captures that I posted, then you can see how the brokers can make money from our losses by intentionally delaying, slipping, requoting us and moving their own prices so that our stop losses get hit.


Here are the two screen captures of the Virtual Dealer plugin:







Here's what an official MetaQuotes representative says about the Virtual Dealer MetaTrader server plugin:

This one imitates real dealer work - random time of answer, requote etc


So if anyone can share the server software and Virtual Dealer plugin then we can examine what goes on at the other end of our trades, in the hope of finding ways to fight back and profit from the brokers' own games. We may also be able to discover ways in which to tailor our trading strategy and style to work around some of the tricks that brokers can do at their end.


It looks like Metaquotes have removed all the information about their server software from their web site. I remember reading about all the features it has (e.g. stuff about client profiling to see who has made the most profit, etc).

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